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Everything posted by jevry

  1. so chris (was it chris? im very unprepared), i've heard you changed air combat abck to x1 for x2. now x1 combat was pretty cool and im happy its back, but it had flaws and i can see why you wanted to change it. i'd apprecciate it if you would take some inspiration and take about 15 minutes of your time to try out this little old flash game about air combat from a 2d tactical top down view perspective link: https://www.kongregate.com/games/weasello/steambirds it has a few similiarities to x1 air combat but also some differences and im hoping it will inspire you with good ideas to improve and build upon the xenonauts air combat for example the way you select abilities of your own airplanes in this game is imo a lot better and clearer than in x1
  2. well i disagree that the 3x3 vehicles couldn't go anywhere... there was plenty of space they could go and where they couldn't go well... that's the disadvantage of big vehicles right? also what do you mean 3x3 is an akward size? i mean it worked for xenonaut 1 tanks/support-vehicles right? anyways yes, the devs have no interest adding multi tile-units as that is not worth the hassle. so thats why i am asking the incredible talented modders if they could do this immense task for people like me who find big vehicles super duper fun. i also REALLY liked it when i could block of reapers with vehicles because you know.... reapers are really really mean my first encounter with a reaper was one around a corner with no response TU's left. you know the rest of that story already don't you?
  3. hey i am fine with it not looking humanoid, but at leats make them look acceptebly intimidating, not from a kid's tv show. https://www.google.nl/search?q=fallout+zetans&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=Yy242G9AYyDWlM%3A%2Chi87PuKbW7MFOM%2C_&usg=AFrqEzdXUYxUIU2XlKnYohwe_3cmlzXt3Q&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwishvPM-9jcAhUPEVAKHb_CB6QQ9QEwA3oECAQQBA#imgrc=Yy242G9AYyDWlM: see here, a zetan. an alien just like ours, exept this one didn't hide a balloon under his shirt to make him look strong the same cute-ness is going on with the sebilian imo. un-de-evolve the tail and add back some spikes and it look like an evil mean monster again, now atm its tail looks like its from a poodle and the sebilian is an infant another issue i actually take is that they look really short, im not saying they are short, they look short. in the way someone can look really short but still actually be taller than you, short
  4. xenonauts 2 modders you surely have time for this immense task. 2x2 or 3x3 vehicles are super duper fun so i ask you to mod one in xenonauts 2 thx in advance
  5. i mostly dislike the huge chest the new version has. i would love it if it wasn't for that ridiculous chest
  6. this showed up in my mail box and to help you and your chances. I completely agree. also wait removing vehicles?! oh they better don't they are the best! and again, i can handle that it is partially secret. but far from fully secret. because secret would automatically mean no more terror attacks on cities amongst other things. and again: if you want a missions where instead of the player has to ACT it has to REACT. make it so that aliens may try to attack research sites for example a crashed alien vessel under quaranteen (since transport is quite difficult especially for the larger craft lets be honest. I mean, those things survive nukes! So you A transport them on a truck which especially the larger ones are too large for, or B take them apart which as one would expect is quite the hussle. oh yeah more reactionary mission ideas, aliens attacking your transports filled with alien loot!). aliens wouldn't want you to retrieve their technology now would they? if your goal was to buy more time to find a way to defeat the xenos menace their objective should be (next to taking over earth) to stop you finding a way to stop the aliens. effectively wasting your bought time. On top of that i like that it really makes you, the player feel that you react to what YOU did. YOU ordered those convoys and YOU put down a research site on that captured UFO. the aliens are coming to react to YOUR actions and not some stupid random VIP, not some stupid resistance group who noone asked their help for, nothing. it is you who puts yourself in dire situations. not random events. so really in conclusion, I and a part of the community i am not certain to say how large, is interested to change it up. But the secret war idea is simply not the right change. for various reasons. call me a hipster but i do not like xcom at all but i really like xenonauts. so the last thing i want is xenonauts to become what xcom already is. there is a fine line between inspired by and simply copying. for example vehicles? they are something i love because they set apart xcom and xenonauts imo, it really changes the way you play. and honestly i kinda like how they block of reapers. because those things are so vicious you need at least some sort of counter right? now i admit i am not too familiar with xcom but i do not remember vehicles.
  7. because that would be risky. if people are already slightly suspecting aliens mad people will start to be believed more. because it will make their guesses sound more plausable
  8. i should note i kinda copypasted this from another place but i thought it was better if i bput it here instead but i couldn't figure how to delete the original. well i still have mixed feelings about this game. but i will take turn again to talk and stuff... so i like the idea that a scientist can come with you on the field to do some more science risking a scientist his life in reward for more science. i also think about the class idea, how about for example tanky person's who are advised to be used with either shields or MGs/rocket launchers. acurate guys for example sniper's and rocket launchers. and fast guys for shotguns and assault rifles. i like that idea. okay next part contains usefull ideas again, i hate the shadow war theme. so please just don't. but if you really want to lay low a bit more an idea might be that sometimes after you capture an ufo you put the area under lockdown and stuff, big white screens covering sight, you can't transport the ufo to base because lack of equipment and it would raise to much attention, whenever a civilian would pass by they would be scared of by patroling guards. you know the the situation i am talking about, you can probably even imagine it in your head. but what would be cool is that sometimes this research site could be attacked be a nearby ufo. meaning you have to defend fragile equipment and the more is destroyed the more science is lost. i would like this idea over the rescue vip's or fighting human or even human-like creatures like in xcom. because again, i dont want xcom, i want a unique alien fighty off defense game. im okay with partial shadowy organisation but go more fbi or cia secret level than going xcom 2 level. also an idea might be to unravel part of the map layout but not uncover shadows. you do fly over with a helicopter remember? you can look outside of the windows. another idea could be perhaps to take a moraly cruel route, when for example in the aftermath of a terror attack you have to kill off any witnesses and make it appear to be a horrible massacre by some terrorist organisation, or a meteorite strike. make a late game event be 9/11 but caused by aliens? eh? eh? no? okay... later on mind erasing devices could be used to make it less cruel since th whole alien have psi abilities and stuff... it could even be used as an advanced stun grenade more idea, you know how in xenonauts 1 you sometimes fought in a military base? any surviving soldiers could be forced into your crew instead of killing them off/mind wiping them. they would start with advanced combat knowlege depending on where the camp was located. it would be higher if for example vietnam was the where the aliens crashed. now on the points made of aliens being hyperpowerfull and alienating humans to fight for them. again do not do this at all costs. please. and dont forget that the world is in this scenario in a state of tension, there are enough soldiers with good military training or even ww2 veterans are avaible. the first few ufo's the aliens don't expect to be shot down, let the player enjoy some easy victories as the first ufo pilots are ill equiped and are no more then mere scientist/scouts. this would give enough time for the player to develop proper equipment and standart heat resistant armor to be prepared against properly equipped foes and keep the whole human vs human idea out of the equasion. also, others probably have mentioned this already but take inspiration from the scom2 psi system, that is something they did nail. it is already painfull enough losing control of a soldier, dont make them shoot your own as well. one state of full mind control is enough. and more importantly, make mind controllers appear different from others, i want to know who is messing with my men's brain, and make them have to be close to use their abilities. not camp in their ufo. .
  9. well i still have mixed feelings about this game. but i will take turn again to talk and stuff... so i like the idea that a scientist can come with you on the field to do some more science risking a scientist his life in reward for more science. i also think about the class idea, how about for example tanky person's who are advised to be used with either shields or MGs/rocket launchers. acurate guys for example sniper's and rocket launchers. and fast guys for shotguns and assault rifles. i like that idea. okay next part contains usefull ideas again, i hate the shadow war theme. so please just don't. but if you want to lay low a bit more an idea might be that sometimes after you capture an ufo you put the area under lockdown and stuff, big white screens covering sight, you can't transport the ufo to base because lack of equipment and it would raise to much attention, whenever a civilian would pass by they would be scared of by patroling guards. you know the the situation i am talking about, you can probably even imagine it in your head. but what would be cool is that sometimes this research site could be attacked be a nearby ufo. meaning you have to defend fragile equipment and the more is destroyed the more science is lost. i would like this idea over the rescue vip's or fighting human or even human-like creatures like in xcom. because again, i dont want xcom, i want a unique alien fighty off defense game. im okay with partial shadowy organisation but go more fbi or cia secret level than going xcom 2 level. also an idea might be to unravel part of the map but not uncover shadows. you do fly over with a helicopter remember? you can look outside of the windows. another idea could be perhaps to take a moraly cruel route, when for example in the aftermath of a terror attack you have to kill off any witnesses and make it appear to be a horrible massacre by some terrorist organisation, or a meteorite strike. make a late game event be 9/11 but caused by aliens? eh? eh? no? okay... later on mind erasing devices could be used to make it less cruel since th whole alien have psi abilities and stuff... it could even be used as an advanced stun grenade more idea, you know that in xenonauts 1 you sometimes fought in a military base? any surviving soldiers could be press ganged into your crew instead of killing them off/mind wiping them. they would start with advanced combat knowlege depending on where the camp was located. it would be higher if for example vietnam was the where the aliens crashed.
  10. well if you are really going to go shadow war i at least hope you add a muliple phase war where phase 1 both sides fight little and try to influence whereafter when the aliens do attack the base and stuff the whole thing turns hot, goverments and people are told the truth, budget skyrockets but so does the aliens attacks and amount of money flowing into weaponry and additional recruits. also. i would like to point out one giant plothole aliens littarly cant even talk! they commune with radio waves remember? how are they going to appear remotely human? wear a wire 24/7? honestly it makes me think of octodad where xenonauts are the cheff. MAKE IT FANART!
  11. kinda like it... though make it so that when phase 2 starts soldiers replenish ammo and a small amoun of hp at their landing craft
  12. Wont xhange opinion and results anymore, but i will post mine. I like the idea of having to test actual prototypes of new weapon types. night flown missions are a ok. Every, single, other, feature. The finger with it all!!! Firstly, i dont care about aliens being immersively strong, i hate you taking up ideas from "xcom"2 Why? " xcom"2? Because your not fighting aliens, you are fighting reskinned soldiers in a dull storyline. It simply does not feel like fighting aliens anymore. If you really want OP aliens, start it like this: the scouts have small crew space, go fight 3-4 OP's. The rogue idea is already taken and i would gladly take the game of the competitor any day if you go the same route Its not some random dude, should not be some random dude with an m16 taking down aliens, it's the darn kind that fights along side geniusses who create marvellous lazerweapons in a matter of months. Who calls engineers who create those lazerguns in days "barbaric donkeys" these men are the best of the best with the best gear earth has to offer. Not to forget the fact you have acces to ww2 veterans, men who have seen dark stuff in their lives. Not "some random dude"!!! If you want realism, make those scientists take a year to invent lazer weapons first, o wait! No, wed already lose by then! Because thats the cold truth. Humans would stand no chance vs extraterrestrials. Good day
  13. don't know if i am supposed to reply here (probably not) but i would like to say that i personally am not a fan of the static TU to fire the gun change. because some guns will be able to be fired rediculous amounts of time while some will barely be able to fire at all. i personally think people should simply be more aware of how the TU system works the moment get in. having a litteral hint saying: guns use a % of your soldiers TU. meaning TU lets your soldier move farther, but not shoot more often. just to let you know though, still curious and interested to see the final product when it comes along.
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