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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/05/2018 in all areas

  1. True dat, i guess we can cross this off the list than. I was suggesting making you a bot which automatically presses the space bar every 0.5 second. Making it as close to a turn based game as possible, but ALAS i can see why you dont like the aircombat. Although i think the aircombat goes far deeper than people give it credit for.
    2 points
  2. This time i caught a bigger fishy, almost mothership...hehe @Charon I recommend watch planning phase (geo) at an increased speed, due to Ironman does not forgive mistakes, necessary to carefully think through each mission for each craft. This was really HUGE wave. Almost 1.2mil only by hunters. :cash register sound: New armaments, new tactics. Enjoy!
    1 point
  3. I don't think so. You have to evade at the right moment. You have to time your attacks. You have to make turns at the right moment. Sure, you can (and you have to) hit space, do the needed action (hit the right key) and hit space again. But really .. hitting space a few times every second to time all needed actions right and to do this for a few minutes - sorry, as said, I don't like it at all. You are totally correctly, "is as turnbased as it can get without actually being it", but for me this doesn't fit. Just an example: 2 weeks ago I tried a fight against a phase 3 terror UFO. After ~30 seconds the escort was down. 2 minutes later I had the UFO down to 15%. Each torpedo hit for ~4% damage. So I "only" needed about 25 successful hits. I knew exactly what I had to do but then I hit the turn key to late, probably only for a fraction of a second ... busted. The simple problem: it is not enough to know, what you have to do. You also have to manage to perform the needed actions. This is a problem, which never happens in turn based ground combat. But well, we probably got offtopic here.
    1 point
  4. @SvinedrengenI think the aircombat music there is excellent, although i think the Xenonauts ones are just unmatched for the game. You might want to make a fade in and fade out though, as the ending and beginning is a bit abrupt. I suggest audacity for it.
    1 point
  5. Right, so I have just succesfully added the Original X-Com dogfight music, to give some sound variarity but mostly because I have a soft spot for Original X-Com music/sounds. My thanks goes to Charon for giving me the "courage" to change/add files myself. Now who said that you can not teach old dogs some new tricks. If anyone else is interestet, I have attached the sound file. Air Combat 1.ogg
    1 point
  6. Well, @Solver already found your smoking gun, so i guess he will go into predator hunting mode soon.
    1 point
  7. This is a known reloading bug. Melee Reaction will freeze the game. It can be avoided by not giving aliens that opportunity.
    1 point
  8. Respectfully declining, but the airgame is anything but about reaction and quickness. In the shown airfight against a Terror Battleship i spend 45 out of 100 minutes having to design a strategy, building the correct aircraft weapons and having to build some additional aircraft, especially used for THAT fight, and THAT strategy: https://youtu.be/9d3piT0zxhg Since you can stop the game literally anytime, any second, the skills of reaction and quickness are virtually completely taken out of the equation, as you literally can just pause the game for however long you want. The only quickness skill you might have is the skill on how fast you can press the space bar AKA how fast can your brain tell you fingers to press a button. The UFO vs xenonaut aircraft functions much like rock paper scissor. Bomber aircraft beat big UFOs which beat interceptor which beat alien interceptor which beat bomber and hybrid aircraft which beat drone UFOs which beat Bomber. So before you even start the fight you need detailed matchup knowledge. After that your experience determines what kind of aircraft weapons you can EFFECTIVELY use in combat. After that you technology determines what kind of weaponry is available, and after that your resources determine what kind of weaponry you can build. When everything is set you look at your weaponry, make an estimated guess of what needs to be where, and with what squadron you expect to take down what kind of UFO. You estimate bases and country in danger and fly your aircraft where it is needed, or where you expect most UFO activity from. When the wave comes your skills in aircombat ( not quickness or reaction, but a battle plan as i show in my videos ) and your strategy earlier deviced will determine which kind of UFOs you will be able to shoot down. The downed UFOs represent a choice of the missions you can take on at the moment and the success of Ground Combat missions again determine what kind of technology and resources you have available to better shoot down UFOs next. And the circle continues, its the diablo principle, get better loot to be stronger to get better loot to be stronger to get better loot. The airgame is about creativity, freedom of expression ( since there are so many aircraft and weapon options available for the same task), geopolitical, strategic and tactical decisions, about success and mistakes, about oversights and resource management. You can say that you dont like it, or dont want to try it, but dont compare it to trash you have played 30 years ago. This here is the real deal.
    1 point
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