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[V.22.8 Ground combat] Suppression

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So i have been testing this a few times but i believe suppression in my game on the aliens behalf is not working. I first noticed it in November, this is where the game really starts ramping up so i thought at first i was just making some rookie mistakes having my people too close together, so i started to spread them out at least 7 tiles apart or more sometimes, but the aliens would fire one shot with a rifle and then not only is everyone within that radius suppressed but so is my sniper over 12 tiles away not even in sight of the alien and the rear guard of another team even further away! So i decided to check out if my people were not brave enough but all my guys have really high bravery like 65+ so i doubt its that (i believe bravery helps with suppression anyway).

So i cant figure out for the life of me how half my team gets suppressed, i mean when i used to play around this month it was not this bad, and i watched a few lets plays to make sure it was just me but the suppression affect seems normal in their games. I mean literally were not talking about getting shot at a bunch with bursts im getting shot at maybe one or two times and half my team is basically useless every turn.

Note: Also this is not a bug but I've noticed that lately it seems all the aliens on the map have just been mobbing at once to the drop-zones which have been making missions just slaughterfests especially in terror missions. Is this supposed to be normal now?

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There are a lot of occasions that 1 plasma rifle / sniper will suppress Xenonaut even when he wasn't suppressed turn before. If we are talking about suppression - then alien on warrior + ranks don't want to be suppressed by 1 MG salvo even if 50% more shots land near them.

(not talking about Androns).

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They shouldn't be getting suppressed that much by a standard alien rifle. They have a suppression radius of 2, so the biggest potential area of suppression per shot is a circle 4 tiles across.

Well thats why i think its a bug, and its made even worse by the i don't see what happens during the end turn bug so ill come back and sometimes a few of my guys will have no time units while the rest have half, so Im pretty unsure of whats going on here. Its a incredible game just this bug has been making playing it very tough recently

EDIT: well actually let me clarify this abit so Im not just saying all aliens are doing this, this only happens to me with Caesans and Seb's Ironically this has made Androns the easiest because their suppression seem fine.

Edited by ALECOS
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