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Base facilities doors in base defence missions

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I noticed that the doors between base facilities get stuck in closed position if hit by an explosion (or several explosions) during a base defence mission.

Let's take the base scheme here below as an example, and think about a situation of a base defence where all the following conditions occur:

- all Xenonauts are in the command centre

- all aliens (or remaining aliens) are in the hangars

- both the doors between the hangars and the command centre get stuck in closed position.

Well, this mission cannot be finished, i.e. no victory condition from either side can be achieved.

Am I right?

[i have not had the time to "set up" the situation in the game yet and test it, so I might be completely wrong :P]




Edited by SpikeOnUr6
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Yes they close and then stuck when damaged.

They did that since V19 I guess and I thought that was intended.

You cannot get through and even the aliens change their paths.

See one of my recent posts here (#48):

Same here for the alien. During the fight the door closed due to damage.


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