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Question on modding weapons?


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Why is it that the values of clip size and the weight of a weapon can not be changed in the weapons_gc.xml file but has to instead be changed in the weapons.xml to really work?

Just seems a little strange to me?!?

That also begs the question what other values don't work when you change them in weapons_gc.xml?

Someone with some insight?

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How do you mean "really work"?

weapons.xml provides a template for all non-ground combat interaction. Why, I couldn't tell you. But any non-ground combat interaction is dealt through weapons.xml.

stun damage generally does not work unless the bullettype is set to "rocket" or "grenade".

gastypes also need a rocket or grenade bullettype.

Are those the kinds of answers you're looking for?

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I think Jorgen's asking why weapons.xml affects ground combat as well, but only when it comes to clip size. It's something that even the devs have forgotten about from time to time, like that experimental version that had 1 "ammo" medkits by accident. I know that damage, accuracy* and range don't need to be synced up, but I can't say for sure that weight etc. don't have an impact.

As to why it's this way? I'm guessing it's a scar from Xenonaut's development history. I can't think of any other reason.

*This seems to be a meaningless field anyway, since the accuracy's all in the aim mode of the gun. Right?

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Ok, so the weapons.xml is suppose to hold none combat stats while weapons_gc.xml is suppose to contain actual combat stats.

Weapons_pc.xml do for example contain the weight stat but it will not do anything, not even in combat or in the screen where you equip your soldiers.

The clip stat do seem to work so some extent but it becomes a bit wonky if you don't change it in both places.

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