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You guys are going to have a bad time when aliens are programmed to use grenades- spread your guys out.

Friendly fire isn't that bad right now unless you go out of your way to place your troops to maximize the chance of it occurring. Even in alien bases- it's an easily avoidable problem at this point until the devs can fix the issue.

I feel the thread is overblowing the issue a bit.

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I've shot the guy next to me with a rocket launcher. Seriously. I don't think that's overblowing it at all. Shooting 70 degrees off target is completely unacceptable game behavior as far as I'm concerned.

If I'm shooting into a mixed crowd or near another guy, friendly fire is acceptable. That's realistic.

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I've shot the guy next to me with a rocket launcher. Seriously. I don't think that's overblowing it at all. Shooting 70 degrees off target is completely unacceptable game behavior as far as I'm concerned.

I know the feeling! Chris and Aaron are well aware of the problem. I'm sure they'll figure something out. It's probably going to take substantial programming effort and I think they will probably put it off until nearly everything else is completed. In my programmer head I can think of a bunch of ways to address the problem, but without knowing their code I have no idea if any of them would work.
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I become upset when my "wow, that was dumb" reaction triggers. Which is why I'm vocal about it. :eek:

So this thread is admittedly party bitch session :cool:

Understood and I know the feeling. It's really bad when your Scattergunner opens up on an alien that's directly behind your carbine guy. The LOF goes right through his tile! Really!?!? This isn't exactly a blue on blue situation with humans either. Basically our guys can't tell an alien from a human! Or they just don't care who they mow down. Not cool.
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Hilariously, I've seen an alien turn 90 degrees away from one of my guys to shoot at him, having the shot come out from the side of the sprite, more than once. (Seb each time curiously)

Thank God for friendly fire being equal opportunity in this game though. I was really unhappy when, in the Firaxis take which didn't have friendly fire on guns, one alien loosed a full heavy plasma burst point blank into the back of an Ethereal, every bolt connecting with his wispy robes and no damage to the floaty bastard at all.

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Hilariously, I've seen an alien turn 90 degrees away from one of my guys to shoot at him, having the shot come out from the side of the sprite, more than once. (Seb each time curiously)

Thank God for friendly fire being equal opportunity in this game though. I was really unhappy when, in the Firaxis take which didn't have friendly fire on guns, one alien loosed a full heavy plasma burst point blank into the back of an Ethereal, every bolt connecting with his wispy robes and no damage to the floaty bastard at all.

Yeah, the aliens have probably killed more of their own guys than my guys have killed of their own. But it's still wrong.

Hopefully, you reported the bad shot animation in the bugs section??

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Not yet, I'm not sure what has already been reported for the current builds and I've already duplicated several bug reports due to not reading every thread for the past few months, heh. I'm waiting for the new one to come out then I'll start writing up what I find. Need to get myself access to the experimentals.

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