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Yeah, the Scout thing is a bug, though I thought it was fixed. Aliens rarely go in the engine room anyways.

You should be able to just drag and drop the items onto the huge area at the bottom of the inventory screen. That's the ground inventory.

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You can right-click when aiming at an alien to increase chance to hit, though each shot will cost more TU's (not with burst fire though). Works with medikits too, so they heal more per action.

You can also right-click in the equip screen which will load the item onto the soldier in the order of hands-belt-backpack. There are also are templates, through clicking on the red and black letter. Its 'equip default loadout', and it'll equip the loadout set for the role. You set the loadout with 'change default loadout'. 'Change role' changes the role to A(ssualt), S(niper), etc.

Edited by Sathra
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Just save it to a role (A/S/H, etc), then make sure the trooper has that role before loading the loadout. Also don't need to load them up so heavy, since that reduces their movement range.

You can only blow up the doors with C4, the rest of the ship is invulnerable.

More tips: The green ring around a trooper in the shot path means that the unit is in the line of fire. If there's a red square in the shot path, it means the shot is blocked (by an obstacle or the UFO or whatever). Yellow squares means either there's a chance for the shot to be stopped (by cover, it'll have a percentage) or its out of the weapon's effective range (where accuracy and damage drops off rapidly, there's be lots of yellow squares).

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You can assign and unassign troopers from the dropship in the personnel screen. You can't actually see the health from the equip screen.

Oh and forgot, there's a bug with sniper rifles. It'll show low or no chance if hit sometimes if the alien is in cover, even though they'll usually hit.

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Hey guys my lets play Xenonauts got just posted on gripyajoystick website - it is a cool new online-game website - you can chek it out if you like it - my channel and gripyajystick are partners now...

That should bring some extra attention to Xenonauts...even more if my vids get more likes and my channel more subscriptions ;-) - as I will keep on playing and promoting Xenonauts!


Edited by steelwarrior
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Which little mod? The accuracy change I made for you or my other mod?

I can make the accuracy mod again for the next version after the build is authorised, but the other mod I'll make a day or two after the build is available so I can get a handle on the new changes.

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I'd prefer knowing what effect the changes have on the vanilla game have before I start changing things. Mostly the stuff that wasn't mentioned in the changelog.

So yeah, a day or two before the more complete mod.

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