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A few more suggestions

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WARNING * these are more nitpicks then big things, but games that tend to be the best have the fewest things to nitpick about.

Showing what weapons soldiers are using in the personal tab.

-I like to have a balance of weapons, but it’s hard to keep track of 50 guys, and the only way to see what weapons they have is to go through them one by one.... So i never know who has what.

Showing aircraft weapon stats in the aircraft tab.

-Reason is obvious.

Make the shotgun a bit more accurate... It’s kind of useless right now.

-Bluntly anything that is more than 5 square’s away will almost never get hit. I stopping using them entirely and just started spamming machine guns, because at close range they deal way more damage.

Have the ability to choose when we sell alien weapons

-So we can stockpile up some money, its simple psychology. If you see that you have 3 mill you will spend till you have just enough to make it through the month. But then after that you don’t have enough to build a new base or something else big. Also while some people find this useless micromanagement If some of the things bellow are done it that argument will become moot.

Make the click sound in the store tab when moving or selling items only go off once when you click and hold....

-So annoying.

(Nitpick) when entering soldiers tab, if there is only one transport it is automatically selected instead of unassigned.

-Every time I click the soldiers tab to modify my transports soldiers I have to click that transport. I am finding that I almost never have to use the unassigned tab, so it seems like an unnecessary step.

Edited by craftomega
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Showing what weapons soldiers are using in the personal tab.

-I like to have a balance of weapons, but it’s hard to keep track of 50 guys, and the only way to see what weapons they have is to go through them one by one.... So i never know who has what.

That should be a bit less of a problem if Chris does get the role badge system he has talked about implemented.

If that badge shows up wherever the soldier is shown you will instantly know who is carrying a heavy weapon or a breaching config.

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