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  1. I don't know if this is possible (programming, resource consumption etc) but I would like to see more "Hidden Movement" screens. I really like the existing one, but after a few battles it gets annoying, especially since my troops have evolved into moving killing machines!!! It would be great if there was a screen (or more) for each tileset so it could actually reflect the situation for each combat mission. For example, a screen inspired by the movie "The Thing" for arctic missions, something urban or industrial for Terror or crashsites in populated areas, a digital remake of the screen from the original x-com (or something close to it if there are any copyright matters.. ) and so on. And to go as step further, maybe it could be manipulated by modding an xml file, thus letting the user choose what ever he wants to watch while alien scum terrorize and kill innocent civilians!!!! Anyhow, Thank you devs for this, already, great game!
  2. Hiya I have played my squad through about 12 missions, all loaded up to the max, and none have received a strength boost yet. I see in the update the calculation has changed, but surely not that much?
  3. Please add a feature to save during the game....some fights are very difficult, a save option would be really great!
  4. Whenever i try to load ground combat save, it actually restarts battle ( as if the save was made before the engage dialogue box was open) Question: Bug or feature?
  5. Does anyone have an tips for assaulting scout crafts? right now I have a heck of a time getting into the engineering section as their are usually 2 -3 aliens inside that just tear me to shreds with reaction fire, and it's difficult to lob grenades into it in such a way to actually get them in the blast zone, as they are always lined up against the wall just waiting patiently. I've killed my best friend in 5 different new games because of this
  6. Make a red border around the aliens! If the mission at night, the aliens are not visible in the dark - not very convenient
  7. The western end of the crashed scout on the farm map blocks LOS in a weird way. See for yourself: This soldier approached from the south east.
  8. After a xenonaut was killed during the alien turn he was selected as the first unit in my turn. This did not cause any issue, apart from having to select another dude before I carried on.
  9. You can walk through the tin shed walls on the farm. Pretty much all of the walls.
  10. I noticed this when I was chucking some flares around. If your cursor is on open ground you do not get your chance to hit or the target sight shown. It turns up when it is outside your LOS area, over a movement selected path, on enemies and walls and other targetable things. This applies to all weapons, I think. I just noticed it when I actually wanted to hit some open ground with a flare.
  11. I have found a few things with these barns You can walk through this wall: Once through that wall, there is something blocking both LOS and movement to the NW of that tile: The barn door on the SW wall does not appear to open, but you can walk through it. you do hear the noise of it opening: Oops, forgot to save that one.
  12. Once my machine gun toting xenonaut got to the intersection of two low field walls he got stuck. he would not turn or move. Once I told him to kneel, he got free again and carried on like normal. Normal being floating through the wall. I guess there is no animation for a machine gunner vaulting a wall? Strange that it does not just use the assault rifle animation like the pistols do.
  13. The dead xenonaut sprite was replaced by the standing sprite when he was hit by a missed shot from the sebillian. He also cried out in pain as he was hit. As you can see in the picture, I can path through him, so he is not really there.
  14. You now get four flares popped in your backpack at the start of a ground combat mission. This weighs way too much. I always have my guys geared up to their limit, so all those flares slow them down quite a bit. They should probably weigh less than a kilogram too. The darkness does not really seem to encroach far enough into your normal vision radius to bother using flares, so they seem pretty useless anyway. Last thing about flares: You keep getting more and more of them in your store room, for no reason, as you cannot equip them, and cannot sell them (for profit - I have not checked if you can sell things that have a zero dollar value).
  15. I would like to see an advantage to sending your sniper up onto the roof of a building. Perhaps doubling LOS range per level? That might sound like a lot, but you really can see way further from up on top of a building. Perhaps half again per level, if you thought doubling was too much. Of course, this would not affect the darkness at night (which I think does not really have that much effect at the moment)
  16. Well, this has not happened for a while, but I have had it twice now. Light Scout, on a farm map, insane difficulty, about turn 3 or 4, the Hidden movement screen never went away. My crew were stable, had fought four or five missions already.
  17. When an alien is killed, the sign at the right showing that the soldiers are seeing a living alien disappears, but the crosshair on the alien doesn't change, until the mouse moves. By crosshair change i mean its statistics, unless its on purpose and you can shoot dead aliens and it counts as alive ones in terms of improving accuracy.
  18. A Caesan popped up right in front of a guy with an assault rifle. The rifle would not fire at him, either by selecting the weapon, or by mousing over and clicking with the target icon. Once another guy took a pot shot and triggered reaction fire (so the Ceasan turned away from my point blank guy) I was then able to shoot him with mr point blank. I have a screen shot, but got a 404.
  19. Most of the time when I try to click the single fire mode button for the assault rifle, i just click the whole assault rifle button, so end up with a targetting reticule for a pointer. It seems to be random which of the boxes light up when you mouse over the single fire box.
  20. Not sure if it is a bug or intentional, or related to the interiors thing, but I have not recieved any salvage from a light scout, not even a few alien alloys. The aliens themselves leave a plasma pistol or two and some clips. It makes it quite slow to start out the game, as you cannot sell salvage at first to start building more bases, base facilities etc. I actually started intentionally shooting them down over water after the first one or two, to try to get scouts in the game quickly. Then I could start getting salvage and extending my base network. Never got to scouts before the late june CTD though. I do know about pushing m, but I don't use it.
  21. After you kill the last alien on a map, the mission automatically ends (at least it did for me in 8.9). It'd be nice if you had the option to keep exploring the map and then end the mission from the menu. In my last mission, I didn't get to see what the alien ship looks like from inside because all the aliens were outside.
  22. Played new build and found some things that makes tactical combat uncomfortable. 1. Hard to tell whether I am selecting soldier or ordering soldier to move to the spot near the soldier I want to select. Especially in dropship. 2. Spent 30 seconds looking for alien hunter spotted in dark place. Maybe visible alien should be hinted with something? 3. Found no way to check how much AP weapon consumes. Other than targeting something. Maybe AP cost should be written at AP reserve buttons? 4. Found no way to shoot selected spot from sniper rifle or assult rifle. It always have to be wall, alien or some other target. Maybe this has point... Actually, I tried to target empty spot to see AP cost. 5. Clicking "end turn" with cursor in shoot mode makes it should at the beginning of the next turn. Made me almost destroy Hunter with a shot from sniper rifle.
  23. This is the update for the new GUI design, taking some of the feedback into account from the previous thread here. Unless there's anything dreadfully wrong with it, we'll probably implement it relatively soon and then start working on the aesthetics of it once the functionality is confirmed to work well. The major changes are as follows: - Grenade quickthrow slot: this allows you to throw a grenade from your inventory without opening the inventory screen. This throw costs the normal throw APs, plus an additional 12APs if the soldier does not have an empty hand. - Reload quickslot: this allows you to reload the currently equipped weapon with a single click. The number in the right-hand corner shows the number of clips available. - Squad Stat Bars - the HP, AP and morale is shown for the entire squad along the top of the GUI. If a unit is killed, their bars sink down into the GUI. On mouseover a mini-portrait pops up above the bars to let you more quickly identify the right soldier in the squad. - Camera Control - the element on the right near the End Turn button is the camera level control. The white bars show the current display level selected, in this screenshot at 2. - General Reshuffle - a bunch of the elements have been moved around. Most notably, the inventory, crouch (missing from the previous GUI) and stats have all been consolidated into a bar on the Soldier Information panel. There are three screenshots here: These show the UI with the three variations on the combat window (the grenade one is just a rough approximation at the moment). Essentially the first two are displayed depending on whether a one or two handed weapon is equipped, whereas the final one is displayed once you right-click on the grenade fast-throw box. It displays all the grenades in the soldier's inventory and details on the throw cost. Personally I think this UI should work well - it's got a lot of information on it but it's not actually that cluttered and doesn't take up too much space. Comments welcome.
  24. thegoodgerman


    is there a way to pause and save during a ground battle because if I have to leave and turn off the computer I dont want to have to press ctrl alt delete which dosent even work sometimes.
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