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  1. so, not a big bug and you probably know about it, but like the title say alt+12 to report bugs didn't work for me so... if you are crouched, and give a move order that involves turning before moving, the TU remaining estimation does not count the TU of turning, so you usually end up 1 or 2 TUs short of what the estimate said. doesn't really seem to happen unless you are crouching though
  2. I like the community edition better, but There is a very annoying bug that cuts the burst fire animation short. The soldier points his/her gun at the target, then the gun cuts back to the idle sprite and the bullets appear in thin air. It also does this with longer firing animations like sniper rifles. I've just beat the game on vanilla/ veteran difficulty, and would love to start a new modded play through. I tried disabling all other mods but the community edition itself, but the bug was still there so it must be a CE bug. Any help would be much appreciated.
  3. Hello, I'm playing Xenonauts Community Edition with almost no mods (only the base ones enabled automatically, plus Ambiant Sounds). I was recording live on Twitch and for a Youtube Let's play, so that's quite unfortunate if I can't deliver the content of endgame. The crash occurs during a mission with a Praetor. This is the only time I've had the game freeze like this, so it's probably either linked to the Praetor himself or Psy powers. The first the issue didn't occur at this point but 5 turns later while inside the ship. I reloaded this save, and never managed to go further : It always freezes at the end of this turn. I even tried to not move at all, but no luck. After about 8 retries, I gave up. You can download the save below. Thanks, all help is appreciated. Oz_encours.7z
  4. Every time I try to transfer soldiers from one base to another it doesn't seem to work. I select the soldiers that I would like to transfer, then I hit the transfer soldiers button and all of my soldiers that I selected then become unselected. When I select the base to transfer soldiers to nothing happens. Even after many (game) days the soldiers stay where they are... Am I doing something wrong?
  5. I am trying to set up my game on a new machine (identical to the one I was playing on before with the exception of more RAM and a larger hard drive). The launcher works fine, but when I start the game I get several minutes of a black screen, and then the menu comes up as normal. The tabs all have their labels go white when I hover over them, but when I select an option, it does absolutely nothing. This includes the exit game option. I can easily Alt+tab out to manual close the game, but I can't play it as I cannot start a new campaign or load an old one. Steps I have tried so far: -Disable all mods but the 3 X:CE base mods -Uninstall and reinstall the game
  6. Dear all, I have the problem that the roof of a big ufo does not disappear, see attached screenshot. Has here maybe anyone a solution for this? Doesn't make a difference what height I display using the scroll wheel of the mouse it just always displayes the roof of the ufo or is completely black. Thanks a lot.
  7. I have no idea how this has happened, but after relocating marauder-5 from one base to another it stacked in the air and then dissappeared. And one of the hangars in the destination base is unable to be destroyed, though it contains nothing (except this lost marauder). Is there anyway to destroy the hangar and the marauder? probably through the save file? version 1.59 stable
  8. I came back to the game yesterday and had alot of fun playing it, I noticed the bug many people have been discussing about the game momentairily freezing on Alien turns, however this was not of great concern. However upon returning to the game today I seem completely unable to even run the game. Even the main menu is highly unresponsive with the game frequently (according to my Windows task manager) becoming unresponsive, this has developed today and in its current state the game has become completely unplayable. To be clear I launched the game yesterday with no problems, the game launched, there was no problems in the menu and no problems in game (other than the frame skips on alien turns) and now today the game has become completely unresponsive. Any help you could offer would be greatly appreciated, I tried to search for a solution but to no avail. Edit: I am able to reach the main menu and occasionally after a bit of patience I can reach the campaign map after loading a game but the game frequently falls unreposnsive (being unresponsive around 95% of the time with the game poping back to life for a brief moment before freezing again).
  9. Hello again, I spotted a staircase that I wasn't able to use with my soldiers... when I clicked upstairs it would show the pathing green squares but the soldier would just stop at the base of it. I don't have any mods installed, am using the latest Steam stable release. I've attached the save I made there. bug.sav bug.sav
  10. Picked up Xenonauts again after a few months break and it now crashes almost constantly while I'm playing. It crashes occasionally when switching through the base options. It crashes occasionally when I try to change my solider's gear. It also sometimes crashes when starting a ground combat phase. In particular it seems to always crash when I try to view the garages of my bases and it also crashes when I try to move soldiers from their positions within the dropships. It feels very similar to the crashes reported in the Beta version ( http://steamcommunity.com/app/223830/discussions/0/540743213188167919/ ) in that it's very difficult to predict them. The crashes also continued after re-installing the game just a few days ago, so I'm at a bit of a loose end about it. Also, there appears to be a bug in my game where every single soldier in my base is apparently "unassigned" but all of the dropships have soldiers in them. This means that I can't actually assign enough soldiers to fill each dropship AND that when I look at the loadout screen there can actually be duplicates of my troops in the ship.
  11. I can't scroll to reach the bottom-most options in the Sub-map Editor, It cuts off at the options for "Command Room" and "Target Point" I find this irritating because I'm trying to make new props for some new buildings in my Building and Salaries Overhaul Mod (and maybe improve the Command Center to be a more accurate depiction. Additional Information: I'm using the smallest resolution size for the Sub-Map Editor.
  12. I have seen a couple of times that shots from Machine Guns/Scatter Laser/etc. can go through walls, and even suppress people and aliens on the other side of walls. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/710784131785989295/D4A69B590FE2D062CB7829D43EBD09AAA5837F30/ Guy with scatter laser near the door to the right shoots the Ceasan - damaging and suppressing both the alien and my specialist on the other side of a wall. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=401005607 The selected machine gunner shot and killed the alien near the wall, suppressing the unit to the right, on the other side of the fence. In both instances, the walls were undamaged, but the shells and their effects went right through. Unfortunately I don't have saved positions for either of these events, closest ones were several turns away. But I think it should be pretty easy to reproduce (I've seen it 4-5 times during my 35+ hour time with the game).
  13. Okay I *think* it's 1.09 - whatever the current auto-updated steam version is right now basically, I got a little confused during the whole reversion/update process. First bug - * I have the alien base upgrade and obviously upon getting this the cosmetic appearance of the workshop/lab/barracks/storeroom changed accordingly to represent the quantum/nanotech stuff. At some point (possibly between updates) upon loading my game back up all background art for the facilities has reverted to the "tier" below (cosmetic change - slightly technologically upgraded, minor things - but not quantum/nanotech level as it should be). My base management screen still displays the correct top-down graphic for these facilities but all of the background art splashes for research/manufacture/troops/stores are now all incorrect - seemingly permanently - a purely cosmetic issue but an annoying one nonetheless, I wanna enjoy the look and feel of my advanced facilities and all that Edit - Screenshots added in here for clarification (hidden to prevent huge post): Notes: * I would have skipped the "tier" below because I acquired base upgrade before the things required for the minor costmetic-only upgrade that happens between the two. * I'm 95% sure I acquired the research for the minor cosmetic upgrade after getting base upgrade, which may have something to do with it. Although I'm pretty sure the "cosmetic downgrade" didn't occur until after re-loading my save file (after a week or so wait). Second bug - Upon completing missions there is missing text like so: I've always put this down to me playing on a low resolution (1024x768 -can't go any higher sadly) - but it has been this way since the earliest release version that I have played so I thought I may as well point it out in case it had been missed? Sorry if it's a repeat. A Steam Thing - No idea if this is just my PC or whatever but when I attempt to launch xenonauts from steam the launcher sometimes refuses to appear despite task manager telling me that xenonauts.exe is in fact running - the way I currently get around this is by killing the process and re-trying until it decides to appear. I don't *think* it's a waiting issue because I've given it a good minute or so before for it to pop up. Sorry if any of these are known issues, I'm not a forum regular or anything, just thought I'd mention these instead of being lazy and waiting for somebody else with the same issue to do it Edit: Oh and - Using WinXP (yeah...) and obviously the Steam version of Xenonauts (stable branch).
  14. If firstly research Plasma explosoves not alenium then warheads not changing on crafts automaticly. Need change research.xml about like this Researches.PlasmaExplosives 160 Weaponary Researches.AlienReactor(AND)Researches.AleniumExplosives Researches.FusionExplosives 240 Weaponary Researches.AlienFusionReactor(AND)Researches.PlasmaExplosives
  15. ver 1.09 While in ground combat, my characters (wearing predator armor) sometimes have trouble reloading their plasma castor - the work-around is to have the character drop the plasma caster, have another character pick it up and reload it; plenty of time units available
  16. Hello, so here's the deal: I have killed every single Xeno on the map. I know this because now it's turn 50 or something, I've checked every corner of the map with my men. No aliens anywhere. Also, I don't know if this feature is fully implemented yet - since I never surpass 20 turns in a battle - but I've been waiting for that air recon for ages with no dice at all. When I pack up and leave, it says I got 23/24 of all the aliens. Also no civies survived. I did not use stun gas so I'm sure I killed all. I didn't lose any of my men. I would also appreciate a way to save me from that inevitable fail nuke when I pack up and leave by the way... Thanks.
  17. I downloaded Xenonauts last night (7/19/14) and I loved it for an hour. It's far and away the best XCom around, and I just played a bunch of Firaxis' Enemy Unknown. It was... disappointing. Anyway, the corner text on launch is Xenonauts Release 1.07 25/06/2014 But I get one bug, and it's a big one. I get the white tiles everywhere in ground combat, it's unplayable, and it started with the second crash site. It looks like the other "white tile" posts on the forums. I tested in 64 bit Windows 7 under VMWare emulation on a Retina MacBook Pro. I already play a bunch of games successfully in VMWare in Steam (Railroad Tycoon, Day of Defeat, Shadowrun Returns, Civilization V, GTA:SA), and a bunch of games from GOG (Jagged Alliance 2, Neverwinter Nights, Silent Storm gold) and I've never had a graphical issue! I doubt its the emulation causing this. I've tried restarting from an earlier save many times but when I shoot down and then explore the second UFO crash site there is always this white terrain even in different parts of the world. Some scenery exists, but the ground is always white. I've tried: Alt-TABbing Reloading Full screen and windowed, both the game and VMWare emulation window Higher resolution Lower resolution Quitting the white tile game often gives a C Runtime error window. Sometimes loading the savegame to test gives the same error and a crash. The area in the error window is black so I can't read it. I went back to the first save, the first UFO crash, and it played but now my rocket explosions were a white square expanding and shrinking. And this was a combat I previously played through just fine! I suspected a corrupt download but the MD5 sum is good. Now I'm downloading the Mac WINE wrapped version, maybe it'll play better? Hope you can take care of it it's a great game otherwise and I don't have access to another PC.
  18. I have now encountered this bug quite a few times. An alien exits his craft and enters specific tiles right on either side of the exit that can't be shot at or entered by player. Reaction shots works, but I cannot manually target it. The alien in the screenshot is standing in the specific tile, there is a similar one on the other side of the exit.
  19. While juggling items around in one of my soldier's inventories, to check the TU values of moving/swapping items, I discovered that while dragging an item, I could still select a different unit by scrolling my mousewheel. I also noticed that the item I was "dragging" lit up on the grid of the new unit's inventory as if it was a valid place to put it, and that made me wonder if I could swap items between units directly. Short answer... no. Long answer, my game froze solid. I couldn't select anything, I couldn't pause, I couldn't even Alt Tab out of the game and had to ctrl+alt+del to close Xenonauts. Task Manager also confirmed that Xenonauts had stopped working. To test if it wasn't a fluke and actually was a bug, I fired up the game again and reproduced my findings. This time, when dropping an item into the second unit's inventory from the first, it duplicated the item, leaving an original in the first soldier's inventory and creating a new one in the second. I decided to do further testing of this duplication process by attempting to duplicate some extra C4 charges on the ground of the second unit instead of their backpack. It appeared that each new C4 charge I created was created at the expense of one of the second unit's own gear as their medpack, spare ammo and even weapon vanished. Once they were out of items to "transmute", the game once again froze up and I was forced to ctrl+alt+del out of it. So, lesson learned. Be careful not to scroll your mousewheel when shifting items around in your Xenonaut's inventory. Pressing a number key, however, did NOT select a different unit while dragging items around. Seems to only be possible with the mouse wheel.
  20. As it says - I cannot scroll to read the entire text on any of the combat tutorial texts.
  21. there is attached savegame where my guys see that pre-Reaper alien (can't recall it's name, but when you kill it, it will become Reaper). There is a bug - this "guy" is last remaining alien scum and where I kill this pre-Reaper (so normal Reaper appear), game will finish mission (this actually saved my life btw:) ) savegame : [ATTACH]4784[/ATTACH] wtf.sav wtf.sav
  22. Hello. I have the mission to capture an alien officer and so far at every crash location I've been prompted that there is one available. I have non lethal batons on my two assault soldiers and managed to use them a few times now. However, every time I try to stun an officer they seem to club him to death, at least in the mission report screen. Am I missing anything or it's just a bug? I do some damage first using normal fire then send in the melee team and kick their teeth in, obviously too hard Stun grenades don't seem to work on the reptile guys very well. Thanks.
  23. I have six bases, one of them has two research facilities and two bases have one each. I have successfully created two projects using 30 and 15 scientists. When I try to create another one at the third base it shows that I have zero scientists, while actually having 15(I can fire them). Let me know if you need more details or if I missed anything. Thanks.
  24. Save: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/64975302/bug%20Weird%20los.sav So my guy outside the UFO can see through the wall of the UFO: spotting the aliens inside. The was an issue before I explored the UFO. I kept thinking there was a stuck alien in the hull of the UFO somehow, but it ended up just being an invisible hole in the side of the UFO instead. Hope it shows up in the save.
  25. Since v1.03, none of my soldiers have died, despite a few being incapacitated during the mission. On the mission complete page, everyone lives with the soliders I thought killed surviving with less than 10hp and a long recovery time. I've been imagining that the game allows some soldiers to be recovered if you complete the mission quick enough after they die or something, but it seems unlikely that I managed it every time. Is this a bug? What is intended behaviour? If soldiers are incapacitated, can you use medkits on them to stabalise them for a while?
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