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Everything posted by StK

  1. @Dranak it seems to be fixed at the max for 52 Strength. It will be able to get above it even more once your strength grows a little. I don't think thats intended because its really really confusing.. When I get home I'm gonna write a bug reprot (if noone else beats me to it)
  2. @gfeyd iirc reaction shots get an aim-penalty. Maybe that changed over the course of updates, but I don't think so. The reaction shots of my guys are usually terrible (^^,) so maybe you are just lucky. The right click thing maybe should be explained somewhere, I remember trying it because JA2 did it the same way.
  3. And to quote you from your first post -- Damage of Xenonaut weapons adjusted: 2 heavy missiles now always do slightly more damage than the equivalent 2 light missiles + gun So in the beginning i need 3 fully armed planes unload everything they have into a single scout to kill it? Uhmm... these things tend to have escorts bevor you can upgrade your weapons, they come in waves and you upped the maintenance on fighter planes. Or god forbid and I screw up once and loose a fighter (which is not that big of a stretch since in v6 they tend to be low on fuel when the fight starts and are slower then the UFO they are fighting.. (yes I know about afterburner and rolling .. believe me it got a _lot_ harder to keep this plane alive) I'm sorry this seems unreasonable. Especially considering you described Aircombat as a minigame.. it starts to be the most challenging aspect of the game. (edit) would this work: http://www.goldhawkinteractive.com/forums/showthread.php/8251-Edit-in-new-types-of-Weapon-Hardpoints-for-planes
  4. @Surrealistik: I will explain my take on this: From a human point of view applying human logic there is no good reason for them not to have self destructing weapons. But the keywords here are human logic. Human logic may very well not apply here. We are talking about an alien race, with very likely completely different thought patterns and a different evolution. There might be tons of reasons for them not to implement this. Maybe its unthinkable for them rig their own weapons this way. Maybe there are religions reasons or it conflicts with their code of honour or their thoughtpatterns are so different it doesn't occour to them as benefitial. So I have no problem with it being in the game or not. edit: There also might be technical reasons that its just not doable with their kinds of weapons. Maybe because of the power source they are using or trigger mechanisms. Its a plasma gun.. I have no idea how it works or how to disable it safely. Maybe its impossible.
  5. Hi Hmm.. mir sind Übersetzungen normalerweise nicht so wichtig und ich bevorzuge die Originalsprache. Aber wenn Leute für die Übersetzung fehlen sollten und es ein paar Leute gibt die es wirklich gerne übersetzt hätten, ... Ich hab Englisch studiert und sollte eigentlich damit fertig werden.. (^^,). Aber erst müssen sie noch die ungereimtheiten in der Gamemechanik noch ausbügeln
  6. If they can deliver just a small percentage of what they promise I will be a very very happy gamer.
  7. hi and welcome. First there usually are no unmoving targets for your soliders, it only looks like it becaus its a round based combat engine. These soldiers are the best of the best but fighting a completely unknown threat with unkown capabilities and no desire for peace talks, might pressure them a little. Try to space out your scouts to avoid hitting them with your "line troops" and snipers and smoke grenades are your friend. bring tons of those they safe lives. Grenade range... is a little on the short side, but from a gameplay perspective that may very well be necessary and I'm fine with it.
  8. I think I have an idea of how to go about it: edit it in in the aircraft.xml, change the class in the aircraftweapons.xml of the corresponding weapons and check in the corresponding research and manufacturing files? So my question is, is there anything hardcoded that would stop me from doing it? As it seems to be a bit of work I wanted to ask if someone knows something that would make it impossible from the get go. You know... before i put effort into it.
  9. My post reads more negativ then I intended it to be.. actually I was suprised how well the slow Condors where doing against the early UFOs. Yes the game gets a bit more challenging but as far as I'm concerned thats a good thing. To clarify: I think in 9 out of those 10 games I would have done ok (I only tested during the first month and didn't do ground missions) But in 1 game i got totally shafted as the UFOs didnt want to fight me, especially over land and (apart from a crash site local forces "sponsored" earlier) I would've had my first ground mission on the 29th which was a regular scout that nearly cost me both Condors. Which in turn would've delayed my research by a ton and cost me a huge chunk of my interception capabilities for some time. So the probabilty for the RNG gods to screw you over completely is a bit higher but not much. If thats acceptable is for the devs to decide (I actually don't think its that bad). I just wanted to point that out in my post. I would still prefer the route to nerf the Condor via capping out on weapon techs but as this includes fiddling with new Weapon Hardpoints and might cause new bugs...
  10. @Chris: Well I modded the values of the Condor down to 1000 top speed and 10000 max range (If I remember the values correctly). And did some test games. If you didn't change UFO behaviour, (edit) valuable (read:"not happening over an ocean))(/edit) interceptions before the Corsair are pure luck. A big thing is that Condors cant tail anymore so if the UFO decides to fight you over the sea you have to take it, which leaves you with nothing to research. On normal difficulty on average I managed to intercept 4-5 UFOs in the first month out of ~11 spotted crafts and 2-3 encounters I had to take over the ocean where I don't get anything I can research out of it. (Base Location is near Vienna, Central Europe). This change has a probabilty to make early game a very frustating experience. So if you are a little unlucky your research gets delayed by a bunch which will get you into deeper trouble in the next months. And also as a said before you stated this change was necessary because of the possibilty of mid/late-game dominance of the Condor. Well this change to the Condor has a huge impact on the early game, where the player has no other means of intercepting UFOs. It also makes the RNG have a bigger impact (does the UFO decide to fight you, and if it does where?), which in my opinion isn't a good thing. edit: So far I did 10 of those games.
  11. I like all the other changes you made, but (if i read it correctly this is the one that nerfed the Condor speed into oblivion) but this is a strange way to deal with the problem that the Condor is a craft that can hold its own in lategame, because it hits the player hardest early in the game. Also there is no other way for the player to intercept in the beginning so the interception rate of UFOs in the early game will plummet.
  12. @smoitessier: Oh these techno babble things are easy. "The Condor board computer cannot deal with the new guiding system used by the plasma sidewinder" or "the plasma sidewinder is because of its shielding simply too heavy for the Condor to carry while maintaining the needed agility for aerial combat."
  13. @StellarRat That has never been my argument. My argument is that this system screws with player funding when there is no interception part to the mission i.e local forces took care of it or the alien craft landed and since noone answered me on this i'm still not sure if i will get any relations bonus for terror missions, because in the beginning i have no way to get to the terror-UFO neither. A landed UFO should be an opportunity but with "no interception = no funding bonus" its a liability and I _will_ have my interceptors circle it to shoot it down when it tries to get airborne again. Sometimes the changes that are made by the developers seem a bit awkward. This change was made so Airstriking a few missions wouldn't make the player fall _too much_ behind in funding to make it unviable in the first place. Well the change achieves that but it also penalizes the player for going after landed UFOs or UFOs that were brought down by local forces, which wasnt intended and imho needs to be fixed.
  14. I actually don't think its that big of a deal. Because if I try to figure out how to implement logic into sightlanes in round based combat where as in a round everything should kinda happen simultansiously, I'm afraid I might strain something in my brain if I try to figure out who sees what at a particular timestamp. I'm not at all sure if it's understandable to you where i think the problem with applying logic to it lies, but I don't think I can make it any clearer. From a gameplay aspect.. hmm it helps the player but also lets him get around the very rigid cover system and that his comrades cant go prone to get out of the way for the shot. If you think it's very broken, well fiddle with it. I don't think it's that bad and am not sure if it needs messing with. edit: Why was this thread brought back from the dead in the first place? Did someone mention something about changing how LoS works right now?
  15. @Max_Cain I like the swarm missle idea and maybe higher Tier interceptors could have something like PointDefense to deal with them? I also think they shouldnt be able to kill the Condor by themselves.. it should make it hard for Condors and Condors an unviable solution for better UFOs in the long run, but not impossible. I never liked "let the player hit a brick wall" solutions.
  16. @Trashman Yes you demanded an explanation of him. And no you are not better then him. By insulting someone you only achieve to display the attitude of an annoying 5 year old that wants some candy.
  17. I still think the best way to Cap out the Condor is to make him cap out on weaponry. f.e AutoCannon Hardpoints for early tech variants and HeavyAutocannon Hardpoints for later ones. (and the condor ofc wouldnt be able to mount the heavy ones) The problem with making the Condor slower is that it interfers with its capability to intercept earlier Alien crafts. Considering that intercepting a UFO in the first place is pretty much the most important part of the game (otherwise you wont get any missions you can actually deal with, apart from a lucky landed one) screwing with this seems like walking a very very thin line. The idea with the rocket.. hmm its better then the speed but I would still prefer the tech cap one.
  18. This applies to you as well. You think its more plausible for the aliens to have self-destructalbe weapons, he thinks it isn't. Well its a fictional scenario. If there has been no need for the aliens to equip their weapons with this functionality there is a good chance they didn't develop it. That you think thats unlikely, doesn't mean that it didn't happen like this in this world. Or there could be religios reasons for them not to disable their weapons, or scientific ones that the power core they use in their weapons is not easily disabled. Or another techno babble why it wouldnt be possible with the weapons the aliens use. This is just a matter of oppinion not of plausibility. There is suspension of disbelief needed for both arguments and for me its equally big.
  19. Yes.. thats also what came to mind for me, but then again you have one of them in your first base so it should be obvious what the huge "RADAR"-dish is good for, but on the other hand it isnt that big of deal.
  20. @TrashMan Yes he is right. he doesnt have to. and well we disagree on the gameplay aspect and it seems the developers do too
  21. @Gorlom: really.. that was included to have a solution for not bringing enough ammo? I find that kinda weird, because if the player didn't bring enough most probably it's his fault and likely forseeable. Then he needs to dust off and bring more ammo next time (trade some of the space he reserved for grenades, c4 and medkits for more ammo, fill the slots of some guy up even if he looses some time units... ) But then again maybe its the right descision that way because it doesnt interfere with the ground assault tactics of the player...
  22. I actually don't find it such a big deal. If I retrieve parts or full weapons my guys cant use properly. If it was "realistic" for aliens to device such a method. Yes or no who can actually say.. maybe the need never came up so far so it was never thought of in their society.
  23. I'm actually fine with the way it is. I think it's a very nice gameplay descision that i have to build my own RADAR network but there is a nagging little voice in my head that says "If its RADAR detecting the UFOs everyone should be able to do it and I should get their feed". Thats why my suggestion was to rename it
  24. I just want to run my idea here to see if I'm alone in this. My idea would be to rename the RADAR facility to something like (X) ASCDA ((eXperimental) Alien SpaceCraft Detection Array)(Maybe someone can come up with better name then I did). Its a little thing and only for fluff reasons but also back in EU95 it bugged me a little that it seems only I can detect UFOs since I'm not getting any sightings from the military. But if I detect it by RADAR well there is RADAR coverage all over the world... Renaming it would help to explain several things. First it would explain why I don't get reliable UFO sightings from the local military because they are just not able to detect it. Secondly it would help explain why local military forces have such a hard time fighting off UFOs even if they have a lot more fighter planes then I do, because if you don't see it you can't fight it very well.
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