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Everything posted by legit1337

  1. Already reported here http://www.goldhawkinteractive.com/forums/showthread.php/10388-v1-03-Geoscape-Crash-on-Soldier-assignment-screen
  2. No, all funding rewards are from the shootdown. Airstriking just give you flat cash.
  3. Yeah, I really wish this was the case too, but I bet people will say "hey he is not a lone survivor if other people live too".
  4. If I actually do a scout retrieval mission, I can get 70,000$+ on the loot. But airstriking is only 15,000$? I thought airstriking was supposed to be a viable alternative for grinding out the missions. You should at LEAST get 25k or something.
  5. Hell, I might as well jump in too. There is an extra, uneeded line in between the first two paragraphs of the laser rifle xenopedia entry.
  6. Nice video. If they upped the cooldown on the condor's roll another second this would not be possible. I think that is what should be done. EDIT: Sorry, wrong video, that was kabills. Yes, I agree with you, once you get laser alenium weaponry, there is no reason to build foxtrots. But I still do because I sometimes cannot get laser tech before corvettes show up
  7. You will get raped by corvettes, and scouts will be a bitch to catch. Both of those show up before you can get corsairs.
  8. In my most current game, I was using windowsills for cover and having my guys get consistently shot behind them. After getting frustrated and reloading I have figured out why. There is no wall there, and it provides no cover. Steps to reproduce: 1. Load savegame 2. Select Roger Phillips 3. Move him through the broken window directly in front of him OR 4. Back him off one square and manually target the square outside the window. The windowsill provides no cover. [ATTACH]4076[/ATTACH] Broken prop.sav Broken prop.sav
  9. Not a good strategy for getting people to buy your game. The game shouldn't hold your hand, but it should at least tell you what the hell you should be doing. The guide should say something like: "Prioritize getting more radar coverage and constructing at least 2 bases, the more UFOs you shoot down, the more funding you get."
  10. ^ As thread title When an alien opens the door of the UFO, your soldiers cannot see inside and reaction fire. Once the alien steps outside however, and your soldiers reaction fire him, the interior of the UFO seems to properly update. I've had quite a few times where the front door of the UFO opened and nothing came out. Running no mods.
  11. I used to but I stopped because it seemed to be causing problems.
  12. I'll abide by that ruling for vehicles. But for infantry it could make the difference between them getting medals or not. You might have some pissed off customers whose soldiers should have had military crosses, but didn't because of this bug. Like me >
  13. Thanks, I thought that might be an explanation. But it does not explain the two troopers I lost to plasma fire through the wall of that building.
  14. Killing an alien with C4 does not count it as a kill in the soldier's stats. I reported this a long time ago and thought it was fixed. Should be easily replicatable.
  15. Yea I've heard about that issue. But the thing is, if that farmland wasn't being used for cotton, it would be used for something else which would take up just as much, if not more water then cotton plants do. Either way, boycotting cotton products is not going to save water.
  16. If you have reserved TUs on the slider, switching to a medkit will keep the reserve limit and not allow you to heal a soldier beyond a certain point, the message will pop up "TUs reserved for ____ shot". You cannot undo the TU reserve without switching back to the weapon. Easily replicatable.
  17. As title. Whenever you get a kill with a vehicle, it does not record it under the vehicle's stats. It also does not record the vehicle's missions. Also, are there any plans on making vehicles recoverable? I feel they are strong enough stat-wise, but replacing them so often makes them prohibitively expensive.
  18. I just lost two soldiers to an alien I could not see shooting through a wall. I moved my scout car around to see if I could replicate it, and I could. Here is the savegame: [ATTACH]4072[/ATTACH] Steps to replicate: 1. Load game. 2. Center screen on the hunter. 3. Press end turn. The seb hiding behind the wall will shoot at the scout car, his plasma shots going directly through the wall. He might have LOS, but it is irrelevant as there is something else going on, as two of my soldiers were shot directly through the wall without seeing any aliens. aimbot.sav aimbot.sav
  19. What version are you playing? In my experience, 100 times out of 100 I lose any region not covered by my first or second base. Playing on veteran 1.03. Losing a terror mission, losing a base defense mission, getting your interceptors shot down, not being able to shoot down enough UFOs (despite coverage) to counter the negative funding from events those UFOs generate, placing a base in the wrong place, letting an alien base exist for too long. There are many ways to screw up. I'd like to be able to put my first base somewhere except Europe and not have that be one of those ways to screw up, thanks.
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