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Everything posted by billion

  1. i throwed 2 electroshock granades for one alien and saved. then loaded back and there were no granades under the alien. bug
  2. after ground mission accomplished you still can see crashsite icon. if you move land with mouse, icon stays on same place of screen. see screenshot. i'm fixing it by save-load action. after load no icon.
  3. here is an example: http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/615027252407704893/9A74C66D8FEE56740F86A68755C7C3CD549E5FCE/ if you need save game, write in private massage your e-mail
  4. for sure it is a bug see screenshot http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/615027252407387334/C836EE0DB46502847A66801E5F9B38CFA13DCB92/
  5. very sad man.... it looks like he is not a soldier, but student that working in MacDonalds little bit smiles please
  6. looks funny! all around looks like animation from cartoon and real sad face i think you should work with ligths and shadows for face and body. body have no shadow
  7. same thing about full camo. please place it on real game background
  8. i think you should place all faces on black background! due to in game it is black. and i think current faces will be looked not nice. eyes and edges of faces are dark and will be cosumed by surrounding black background. please try and show with black background.
  9. in v19 b7 and v19 SC1 i have made many stuns with granades. usually two granades for one alien. so two granades goes to one square. at one turn it was 3-4 aliens stunned using 6-8 granades and never had crashes for this action
  10. i had curruptions in 19 b7 version. i found that it happens when i dissmiss one soldier. a private, new one. after dissmiss i have no crash but situation is changed! CHECKPOINT. from this moment: the game is going on, you can save and load - no crashes. But! if you quit game and start it again you can't load or save any games saved after checkpoint. so i had to load game before checkpoint and leave this soldier in barraks so i can keep playing
  11. already reported here http://www.goldhawkinteractive.com/forums/showthread.php/7074-19-7-Ground-Combat-Multiple-stun-grenades-in-same-location-causes-CTD
  12. when you have alien turn and many soldiers have reaction points and they see alien and fire - you just can't see it! due to logo picture with "Hiden movements".
  13. have same bug. i discovered that if you reseach "Hunter Scout Car" you will have reseach different result: "Hunter Rocket Pad". it's seems the bug is in the name of reseach project.
  14. it seems they made it like auto-discovering. non researchable things. it is like you saw it and now you know it
  15. Sectoid on some desert map with buildings. Pls tell how to make screenshots in fullscreen mode? I will try to catch this moment.
  16. If i chose save position and click on black interface near button "Save" - the name of saving game deliting(dissapearing) and then rapidly i click "Save".... then i have save game with empty name. It is ok, but then you can have more no name save games. So pls make pop-up window with checking length of "savegame" name.
  17. i'v tried but "Print screen" not working with Fullscreen mode. Do you have internal hot key for making screenshots? Or should i use Windowed mode?
  18. when new game started after first research i can order "Hunter Scout Car" at workshop. At the same time i have research project for "Hunter Scout Car" bug?
  19. sectoid alien just walked through the wall! and another was sighted behind the wall
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