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Everything posted by ViniJones

  1. Im not entirely sure what difficulty affects, except the GC hp of aliens... but Im currently on: 2bases 10 hangars (8migs 2 charlies) 3 workshops 2 labs Just finished a crashsite 41. and have all the 16 soldiers geared in wolf waiting for the landing ships. (but lets not go into GC in this thread) I am by no means implying that it wouldnt work with less migs... It just seems to me that if I reduced the amount the jets, UFOs would escape to space or sneak in a base or a terror mission. (I get like 2-3 light scouts and 1-2 corvettes with and without escorts per wave now)
  2. Hmph, I dont have a problem with androns range, rather their reflexes and accuracy.(and their shooting through walls obviously) I dont see anything wrong with sebillians, they were always a pain in the ass... with their 100+ TU points.
  3. Its not worthless, you do unlock a research for each species you capture, which increases your troops damage against the type. As for human psionics... I need to add that to my rant, we need human psionics! Edit: oh you meant the first one of each, yes after that its just bonus points... I just capture anything that moves in my face and shoot those that stay at range lol.
  4. I only know stuff I hear at the pub late at night, half drunk. But I sure as hell know the sight doesnt work as it should. Enlighten me, what the known issue is?
  5. I believe Ive covered this in my rant enough, but yes. Androns are the worst, theres something wrong in there , but the reaction fire feels different in every species Ive encountered this last playthrough. I actually like the enemy fighting back for once though. As for your guys missing, believe it or not, but my people got better after a few missions and can now shoot as good as a 15yr old playing paintball. Which is a tremendous improvement. Edit: I have no trouble shooting from charlies, UFOs seem a bit fishy sometimes, but its a LOT better than 19.5. I dont shoot in point blank at all, I either stun baton them, or go with 3 tile approach: Alien l cover l Xenonaut with no spaces between I always get 95 percent and hit almost as often.
  6. The throwing range is related to the soldiers strength. Once you get a few majors and better nades, it becomes fun. .)
  7. I remember a similar armor system in warhammer40k chaos gate... this could make them slightly more useful, but still a lot inferior to the troopers.
  8. I always thought the local forces pulled it down with ropes and nets... they sure act medieval in ground combat, so why not on the geoscape?
  9. Do try it, the increased price versus the 1500 to 2500 speed increase is too good to pass up. You ll need workshops anyway, so why not build them earlier and start pumping out migs.
  10. I agree completely with Dranak here. I dont need anything other than migs until feb, but I usually have a couple marauders then. I tend to build more than 3 migs per base though, 4-5 is more like it. While a condor can solo a light scout in the beginning its only 100km/h faster than it, which means it flies over the sea or just escapes ocasionally. Migs speed is unmatched until feb. I cant stress enough how useless a Corsair is, skip it. Try not to avoid escorted alien squadrons, they tend to start terror missions or bases. Send one wave of migs to clear the fighters, then another wave to down the main craft. Also any UFO you let by decreases your income(as if not missing out on the cash from the crashsite wasnt enough). As for my kill table: Until I reach alenium explosives its 2 migs against either light or normal scout. With alenium torpedoes I go: light scout - 1mig (shoot 1 torpedo, wait for it to dodge, then shoot the other one...???... profit) scout - 2migs corvette - 2 migs landing ship - 3 migs After that you get plasma torpedoes so you reduce the... you get my meaning.
  11. I wouldnt say it should be normal, but I only fought 4 total and its February. And thats 4 total in 2 sebillian bases. Most definitely, I would also suggest putting more than 2 in a mission...
  12. Im playing 19.6 and downloaded the hotfixes mid-game, it doesnt affect them. Not that I do many terror missions mind you... I did like 2.
  13. My issue is strictly game relevant, I want to put new living quarters or a hangar there, but the one tile is blocked by a 200k worth 20day builder. I can relocate the storeroom on the first day, but the radar hurts. I can imagine the dish being on the surface, while the room itself is just monitors with beeping and flashing lights n shit. That doesnt mean its not blocking the spot! Edit: I really should illustrate.. lol
  14. What I meant was that, I got surrounded in 18.5, meaning its not a 19.6 thing. Im sure the game has come a long way since it started. Insane 19.6 without the hotfixes(I deal with escorts and I can live without xenopedia for a while). Jan 20th not a single chryssalid yet. (Fought them in 18 stable and they were comical, 3 are supposed to swarm me? They also got supressed too easily.) Average loss ratio is one soldier per mission, mostly because of "Wraiths teleporting behind me and shooting in a sigle turn" or "Sebillians breaking cover by a blaster, then harridan sniping my ass." Edit: Just had 2 reapers in a sebillian base. They ran in and died to reaction fire... doesnt help me much in judging their behaviour. At least I can confirm you can encounter them in January.
  15. Thats exactly what I meant, the radar is placed on an opposite side of the CC than the storeroom, effectively blocking both sides. Theres two free corners on the lowest level. From(also oddly placed btw) workshop and lab
  16. Not sure how new the AI really is, but I have to agree here, being surrounded by 15 bastards is what makes the ground combat great.
  17. Sup, this thread is here to satisfy my urge to share my story with the world, not much more. It is long, if you dont wanna read it, your loss. If you get any ideas from here and use them, great! If you dont like any ideas from here, go screw yourself. If I make you smile even for a second, then it was worth it. Here goes: Geoscape - UFOs appear in waves, which is not necessarily bad, but more randomness couldnt hurt. (this translates into corvettes coming back after Jan 1st or something) Ive read, that the income from sponsors should be the majority of your income overall. This is not the case(at least not on Insane) 50%+ of my income is from crashsites. With only 2 countries out(north and south America) the income ALMOST covers my monthly expenses, while the crashsites make ANY progress possible. I very much like the general idea of Air Combat in this game and would love to see it expanded into 5v5 or something. Ive no illusion about it though, seeing as already people whined enough for you to implement an auto-resolve. F-17 - ok 2 is enough Mig - All the way, even after only being able to carry only 2 torpedoes. With only 150k a piece you can dominate the skies. Corsair - useless... Marauder - a faster mig with a cannon? Hell yea! As UFOs stand now, migs can easily hit a run medium and large targets and totally dominate very small and small ones. Im not asking for another nerf, just wanna mention how cute and snugly they are... I just wanna hug them and rub them all over my body... Theyve also removed the alien escorts, which I understand is temporary. (thank god) Ground Combat - Many would say, this is what matters the most. Im balanced between the two and cant really lean toward either. There is much more bugs here though(obviously, theres much more potential for them). Lets get down to it. I find accuracy in 19.6 better than the 19.5. Not worth a hooray shout, cause you just go aimed carbines instead of burst rifles(cause bursts still cant hit shit, unless its an alien using them. Give or take, machineguns have a place in my squad too, so Id say a job well done. Soldier appearance is decent. I dont mind being blue and in need of a diet. The armors look great. The only ones I find repulsive are Buzzard and Sentinel. I dont build them and its fine. (I would adress the lack of jumping utility, or the lack of elevation at all, but I still hope thatll change) Portraits are very good, theres a bunch ugly guys out there, but theyre well drawn. Laziness is no excuse for no lady sprites however. Calling realism to help you by saying that the armor is bulky doesnt work, youre already pissing on realism too much here for it to matter. Im positive, that if you dont pick up this cup some modder still might. To combat itself(I cant believe youre still reading this.) Aliens dont stick to no rules, they stick to anything, even shit thats not there. I like the Idea of Caesians and Sebillians sticking around in stronger forms. Sebillians have like 100 TU? or 120? Theyre annoying as fuck, so dont ever change them! Might be cool to implement their regeneration. Androns are a pain, not because of being tough, accurate and mercilessly reacting. Because of their wall and floor piercing shots, theyre the only foe I found so far, that can kill you through a wall, without even breaking it. Harredan or whatever theyre called are nasty, they always react and always hit... or so it would seem. But they respect walls(to a certain degree, but ill mention the AI later). Wraiths caused me to jawdrop, the only thing I dont like about them is when theyre running, they jump between 3 or 4 places and I have to station people all over the map before they eventually die to reaction fire. (Mind you this cost me a lot of time in b18 stable, in 19.6 I only found aggressive ones so far.ยจ Reapers only appeared in sebillian bases and 2 per mission, but you dont need commander Shephard to deal with these. They die to reaction fire. Thats all Ive encountered so far.(you might wanna go "OH HOW LITTLE YOU KNOW" right about now... dont) Wallhax! Aliens see you, wherever you are. I have nothing against them seeing 2 tiles further than my people, but their eyes follow the closest target without regard for any obstacles. This is exploitable as hell.. and also moderately gay.(apologies to any gay people for insulting them) Night missions and Alien base missions... again, i dont mind them seeing much further than i do, but do they have to see AND SHOOT, through walls? They dont do that during the day. (unless theyre Androns) Soldier advancement is adorable, the stats that increase regardless of the rank.. the medals.. I love it all. Except the promotion system, seriously? 12 colonels on a Shrike? It just seems a little too far fetched. Make it dependent on mission numbers, or medals... or make the player make the decision who to promote. (1 per mission? Soldier with 2 green medals is eligible or something) This would not change the stat gains, just the absurd ranking system. Vehicles are useless... its no joke, they do have more TUs than your average Pvt. but they die just as fast. Cost of an aimed shot is what? 60? You can move fast, but you cant shoot anything. I tried to utilize them by putting 6 tanks in a base for defense, theyre far too expensive and weak to ever measure to raw manpower. An Idea would be, putting your men into the vehicles and making repair kits in addition to medikits. This would make the vehicle level, because of the pilots.. and buff their ressilience for fucks sake, if a tank dies to a single heavy plasma burst, whats the point of the plating. (these brackets bothering you yet or what?) Random thoughts 1st base - THATS NOT WHERE YOU PUT A RADAR, if you still dont get it, ask me for an illustration. difficulty - Buff the enemy numbers, not their HP or TU. Dont make buildings more expensive to maintain and take eons to build, create a need to build more of them. (more UFOs... MORE bases, not less!, the challenge is in maintaining a much more macro operation, than in micro-ing 8 soldiers against 2 300hp sebillians. (thats fun too, but you can savewhore for only so long) Love the sounds. Period. Voiced soldier/pilot acknowledgements? More maps! I understand this is gonna happen, I can hardly wait. edit: Im actually still playing with alien interceptors, wouldnt have it any other way. Replace the Corsair with or add some ATS bomber? Perhaps to soften up the alien bases before assaulting them? Landing Shits keep sitting down and jumping back into the air once my migs run out of fuel. I actually puked a little, when they managed to found a base in between my 2 squadrons circling around. Id love some way to disable the scumbags while theyre on the ground. Make alien bomber runs over Xenonaut bases destroying stuff, killing personnel, or just disabling stuff for a day or two? Did soldiers get their stats limited to 101? Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? Human psionics? When? All in all Im enjoying every minute of this game (100hrs+). Bugs are annoying, but theyre not here to stay. Thank you for you goddamn time, I might add more, regardless of wether anyone actually reads this.
  18. Thanks for stopping by, Matt. Yes and old playthrough, Im still playing it. I have no problem with the escorts, on the contrary. The corruption was caused by saving during a soldier transfer. The crash was caused by a flashing plasma torpedo, that refused to disappear when shot. My greatest regret is, that I cant reproduce it... I could solo-mig anything and its mother! This thread is officially declared as pointless and needs to be deleted. Vini
  19. Aliens dont stick to no rules, friend. They stick to anything, even shit, thats not there. They wallhack and shoot through roofs. (only encountered this on an Andron piloted landing ship. Caesan and Sebillian crews stay on the top floor without sniping my colonels through the floor.) As for the shooting through walls, what I noticed is this: I only recently fell low enough to do 2 night missions and they did just what you described. Shooting through the night mission farm walls, even if the LOS was nowhere near my troops. Terror missions act ok for me, unless at night. Night terror missions result in 10+ aliens standing outside my charlie and shooting through its unbreakable hull. Could be something with lowering your troops sight during the night, while not impairing the aliens gone wrong. I come to this conclusion, cause its bloody dark in alien base missions and the same thing occurs.
  20. I encountered this multiple times on crashsite 8 or crashsite 17 or whatever. With all the small and medium type UFOs.
  21. Like Ive said, only excorts got shot down, I didnt even give the order to disengage and the game crashed. The Air Combat didnt result in victory or defeat, it crashed mid-fight.
  22. Intercepted an escorted landing ship above middle-east. Shot down the escorts, CTDed, Corrupted the save, cried a little. I can upload the save, but it CTDs everytime i try to load it, which is weird because the save shouldnt overwrite after Air Combat. Edit: Looking over some of the other bug reports, the Landing Ship was still in the air and untouched, so the problem is not related to the crash site. Could be something with plasma torpedoes though. Edit2: This thread might be the reason the save got corrupted. I am not sure wether there were people moving about at the time. That doesnt explain the crash however. http://www.goldhawkinteractive.com/forums/showthread.php/6790-19-6-Geoscape-Save-games-CTD-on-load-after-transfering-a-particular-soldier
  23. I understood everything except this phrase, can you... elaborate?I started the game with the other executable, which I imagine is some kind of a debugmode, loaded the save... then how do you "open the debug program"? Mind you, ive started pressing all the buttons on my keyboard one by one. I mustve hit some killall button, because I heard a satisfying scream and the mission ended at the very second. Thanks for salvaging my game, ill be sure to make a tasty rant, once Im further along. Also lemme know how to open the minimap you mentioned. Vini
  24. Got a similar problem, killed all the invaders and the mission goes on.(Im pretty sure, been running around the base for a while) I cant say anthing about the tiles though, Ive met so many funny tiles, it wouldnt be fair to keep them just in this type of mission. Didnt wanna start a new thread for it either. ze savegame: http://www.sendspace.com/file/42adu3 Is it possible to salvage the game?(or rather the mission, losing my main base would be my end anyway) or do I just have to reroll? Vini
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