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Everything posted by Jsleezy

  1. Thanks. I actually recreated the pouches, the straps, and the grenade last night because I wasn't too happy with how they came out. They look a whole lot better now. Thanks, that is a really in depth critique and I really appreciate the constructiveness of it. I'll see what I can do about dropping the sides a big to hide the ear a little; I just didn't want it to end up looking too much like the Jackal helmet. Jackal it's supposed to be an improvement over the Basic armor. I'll play around with it a little and see how it works out.
  2. The helmet is not horizontal...at least not any more than the original was. I think it's the strap at the top of the helmet that is horizontal and throws if off a bit. Thanks for pointing that out.
  3. Basic Armor This is still a work in progress based on some of the feedback I've gotten from you guys. I went with a mix of the Allied paratrooper helmet and the german WWII helmet. I also added some ammo pouches and a granade. I'm going to make a few minor tweaks later and then upload it to the download site. Thoughts?
  4. Thanks for the heads up. You actually reminded me that I need to update some of the optional files now that the new patch went live
  5. Thanks Jebediah. I think it was meant to look like the British WWI helmets...but yes it is indeed a bit weird. I'm fixing to make some updates on the basic armor based on some feedback from my armor thread: http://www.goldhawkinteractive.com/forums/showthread.php/6662-Jsleezy-s-Real-Armors That reminds me I need to update the code for the Portrait Pack mod since the last update changed some of the optional code.
  6. I can't for certain say it will work 100% since I have no way of knowing what Goldhawk will change in the future. However, I'm pretty sure Chris has stated that they would not be revamping the portraits so we are covered in that front. There are two files that are included in the mod that could be tweaked by the developer. One adds a 78 portraits that would only be seen if you "pushed" a custom soldier in the start screen (but even then you're only locked to 12 of these portraits). The other file changes the odds of getting a female soldier from 40% to 20%. These two files are optional, but I highly recommend them (who wouldn't want 114 portraits instead of 36???). In short, if the two files mentioned above were to be changed by GoldHawk your game would still work just fine, but you might only see the 36 male portraits that are not locked when you get a new soldier or start a new game.
  7. I'm pretty sure it's behind her hair, but I can give her an ear if it makes you happy.
  8. Thanks for the kind words Moonie. I really didn't want it to turn into that kind of mod, but what hell...here you go: Milla (for Gorlom) / Michelle (for Gian-Luc) / Claudia (for Moonie) They'll be replacing some of the "Cust" portraits.
  9. I was thinking maybe it should be damaged and plunging into the ocean. Amazing stuff Max_Caine...very professional.
  10. Thanks, man. It's been a ton of work but I've enjoyed every second of it. I wouldn't sell them...it's a mod and it's free Enjoy it! Haha I'll see if I can recreate a look-alike for her. I don't want to straight up rip off her image. I'll definitely use her eyes/face/hair in one or more of the portraits. I'm trying to make the females to look as common people as possible and not have them all look like models. They are soldiers after all.
  11. Ha I'll use her as inspiration when I get to the "Med" ones.
  12. Thanks man. It's slowly (but surely) getting there. Here are three more female soldiers:
  13. Lol you're absolutely right he kinda looks like that guy. I never noticed until now. Also, I completely agree with Chris and A333, and some of the other guys. People make mods to give other player options not impose their opinions on the game and on the developers. Goldhawk has made an amazing game and I for one, am very glad they've given us the ability to make the game very modifiable. It is a sign that the developer cares for their community. It's one of the reason I love gaming on my PC.
  14. I'm really digging the artwork. Very nice.
  15. Which portrait looks like Ron Perlman?...Just curious Interesting thread by the way.
  16. Sadly, I have not made as much progress as I thought. I started fiddling with a sound mod that is probably around 80% done right now. I'm still waiting on the devs to fix some sound bugs before I release that one. Then, I got a big freelance project last month that kept me busy just about every day last month. However, I have done a few of them. Here is proof: All of these are using the same facial structure which is why they look so similar.
  17. It would be pretty easy actually. The only downside is that the ground combat sprite has the orange visor.
  18. Yes, I will most definitely work on those one I get a chance. I might just change the helmet for the basic armor. I'll make Jackal more SWAT-like. Ha thanks!
  19. Thanks WalrusJones. I'll dig around and see what I can find. I messaged Chris, and he said it was indeed a bug and was forwarded to Aron. Hopefully it will be something that will be fixed soon.
  20. Question. How many planes do you leave at your base when taking out a UFO? Do you leave 1 just in case or take all of them?
  21. Thank you very much for this. I always found air combat really really hard to the point where I thought I was just getting lucky if I shot the UFO down...turns out I've been doing it wrong all along.
  22. I like it. I think it needs more actually. The whole game is so tense that a little comic relief is a welcomed site in my eyes. If it wasn't for the jokes I don't think I'd fully read those reports.
  23. Thanks guys I'm glad you liked it. I'm getting ready to make similar changes to the Buzzard armour as well.
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