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Everything posted by MLGertzert

  1. If you'd like more in the style of these LP's, look up UFO: Aftermath by Jadestar. He's GuavaMoment's (the guy who wrote the X-COM LPs) friend and he continues the story onto the UFO: Afterblank series.
  2. I might have to tone that down to 2 reloads and 2 grenades (can't have you taking up 12% of the Skyranger's item limit).
  3. Here's the second video, I recorded it right after the first episode. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5CKWcFdrNHY&feature=youtu.be [video=youtube;5CKWcFdrNHY]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5CKWcFdrNHY&feature=youtu.be Also, thought I might add, I will do more X-COM LP's after these if I get more than a view on each video.
  4. Feel free to sign up, either in the forum or in the comments. Could always need new soldiers. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghlVEAA1EqE [video=youtube;ghlVEAA1EqE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghlVEAA1EqE Yes, I do sound like a little girl. Edit: Also, I kind of act like the audience is dumb a bit, saying "If you don't know what's happening, whatever," because I was originally going to post this to facebook until I noticed the people I'm friends with would have no idea what the heck it was anyways.
  5. Great LP, I was about to recommend it!
  6. MLGertzert, will take whatever you have Also if you want your various bugs with the OG solved, there's always XCOMUTIL.
  7. Oh right, saw something about UFO: AI on Desura... and World at War was there for it's truly amazing, x-com style mechanics. You shot stuff, and it died. You could also pick up guns.
  8. Garry's Mod. For $10 I've put over 450 hours into it in like 8 months. It's freaking addicting. Also my brother recommends Star Trek Online to me all the time, so you might want to try that.
  9. Once you research the psi-lab and the avenger you just need 20 soldiers with lawn chairs and psi amps while you have the psi-weaklings scout for the mind-putty. It was extremely broken in UFO. TFTD's handicap was kind of non-sensical, making MC working only underwater, although from what I understand, Ethereals used MC to make their bodies work. I haven't played much Apocalypse, but it seemed like half the enemies were immune to them anyways.
  10. Here's a solution to the whole fiasco about R-click to cancel: Make everything rebind-able.
  11. Thanks, I had tried starting a second base early on but eventually my research stagnated because I couldn't catch regular scouts and the crew-less UFO bug.
  12. So I don't really know if I was having any glitches, but the first light scout had crew on it, and all light scouts following that had no crew. I only was able to bring down one regular scout, so by the time the first (well, second, but first one was across the world) terror mission showed up, I had a very untrained crew. I went in with 6 soldiers. 2 had jackal armor. I can't remember their exact loadout, but I think it was 3 m16s, 2 shotguns, and an RL. I also had an MG Ferret. I was excited after the 14 un-manned UFO missions I did. Only 3 soldiers came out. Those fucking disc things, whatever the hell they are, might be the scariest thing ever. They are like Bio-Drones from TFTD. All the douchiness of cyberdisks except 1x1. Also, I might add, I had to abort after only scoring a few Xeno kills, and that was mostly from the rocket launcher, and one badass on those douchediscs. TL;DR: Terror missions suck Edit: Game crashed on the terror mission. Re-did versus Sebillians, brought in 8 soldiers instead. Aborted after 4 guys were left.
  13. I elected not to put in Xenonauts because it is unfinished.
  14. It's pretty cool. If I do have any complaints it's these: -The grammar on the briefing screens are terrible. -You're stranded in some alien place, and you can buy weapons? That's pretty much it, other than that it's a fun suggestion, and a nice game to play while Xenonauts is updating.
  15. I guess you can say, the fire in thread is raging through the forests of the forums! (That was terrible and I apologize)
  16. I first heard about the X-COM franchise from TotalBiscuit's WTF is Xenonauts in a very early stage of the game. It immediately got pre-ordered because the strategy behind the game looked SO GOOD! I then decided to learn more about this mysterious 'X-COM' and and bought the pack on steam for $15. I've played a ton of the OG, probably over 200 hours. After learning about XComUtil, I've played more and more of it. I've even dabbled in TFTD and recently tried my hand at Apocalypse. Interceptor lays never played on my steam library and Enforcer has 14 minutes played. With the Firaxis game, I bought it on release. I was a bit disappointed in the mechanics like aliens needing to be activated in such. What is your experience with X-Com? TL;DR: I learned about Xenonauts, pre-ordered, then bought the original games then EU2012.
  17. -sighs in relief at the fact that they didn't notice the Calcinites carrying weapons when they are supposed to be melee only-
  18. <p><p>Well thank you good sir</p></p>

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