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Everything posted by mordenkien

  1. thx for the update chris and nice piece in rps...i think i understood most of it.......
  2. steam selling ufo extraterrestial gold for £2.50 untill 5pm gmt:o
  3. loved it eddy gona use concept of deadly friendly aliens in roleplay game im running thx..
  4. hi gorlom havent seen your name before welcome to forums Ps becarefull your names a lot like gooroms
  5. anything to do with a certain god of thieves? and welcome too.
  6. we should all stop picking on morlog ps ..also always wear steel toe caps so stomp tickles... pps ..just for the hell of it *hugs* *candy* runs away gigling and weezing
  7. welcome tunza if anyone cant remember how to spell goloms name just call him morn he wont mind:D
  8. although i dont completely disagree with you , i still say its possible to evolve from say a hive insect society with cooperation as the essential survival trait and or a world with (and i await the inevitable responses) a early devoloped unifying believe system but i think the best way of explaining the aliens in game is simply number of star systems x number of basic element combinations x number of choices made x time elapsed so thats how many possible combination of alien invasions?
  9. of course brave adventure ...just remember..i.expect it returned..with 5% of all loot
  10. <p><p>happy birthday</p></p>

  11. also to remember is there alien not human... humans constantly strife to improve everything even if it works for many varied reasons most emotional ie jealousy/greed/compassion/hate/friendship etc the aliens may not have these motavations. so even if they have been in space for 3000yrs, whos to say they saw the need of improving bits of tech like guns etc. which as far as they might be concerned ,once at a level where they work in space and kill stuff dont need to be improved, same for ships,personal armour etc. they could have invented interstellar drives etc because they need them now but are happy to use weapons that they have been using happily for 500 years
  12. <p><p>like the avatar by the way <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /> just stole it for my roleplay so thx</p></p>

    <p><p>and welcome to the forum ..</p></p>

  13. the man has a xenoauts t-shirt as a avatar...how much of a mastermind can he be? also cos its my thread ( i love that by the way) r u my secret 3rd friend commrade?
  14. hey leave Hwp alone hes not being serious ..hes a deep thinker a progressive i know for a fact hes a tolerant and thoughtfull person and was just trying to be funny..so give him a break. anyway going back to goldhawk HQ got to make sure giovani and chris do there work and i have a meeting with the pope later too...
  15. ha suffer all of you just bought 3 tins of green paint soon my whole computer and room will be green...
  16. nice zzz1010 always liked penciled art...how about doing 1 from the point of view of the last alien to be found...i can just see his alien superiority having turned to fear of us primative monkeys. 1) i of course excluded xenomask from the primitive monkey statement in order to save us from endless scrolling debate, 2) and chris of course ..and geovani....and guaddlike... and thothkins..and...morn..etc 3) and of course our glorious pancake commisar ....i killed anougher 4 maple syrups this morning comrade..
  17. hi everyone ok i have earnt three musketeers achievment....go me yeah ..! so since i only have 1 friend listed which of you out there are my other two secret friends? come on show yourselves.. anyone else who has secret friends let me know or if know issue please tell me...
  18. dont worry chris i've preordered and i'd prefer a decent game to a quickly delivered one , perhaps if tiggerwof wants the game faster he could consider preordering you never know that extra £20 could make all the diffrence.....
  19. yeah good idea maybe chris can finally solve the "Return of the king" debate with art
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