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Everything posted by MickeyC

  1. A fair point, but Xenonauts: The First Line of Defence ... doesn't quite have the same ring. Xenonauts: First Defence maybe,
  2. hmmm, this is a tough one, yes throwers are a weapon made to inspire fear as well as damage, so for realism there should be a certain morale hit for people close to a flame burst and definitely to anyone hit by flame, but as far as game mechanics go it may be a bit much to try and add a zone of negative morale. If it could be done then something else to consider would be adding a secondary zone whereby allied troops would get a bonus to morale should they be in the area when an enemy gets torched ...
  3. hmmm interesting idea. Should replays get into the game, I'd certainly like to be able see replays in real time, but I'm not sure it would really work, as if you have guys on opposite sides of the map you can't watch both things at once... just checked out the frozen synapse vid and it's not how I would want to see the replay - the wide bird's eye view, I'm not loving. But rather a structured vid where you could focus on a group at a time would be all right, and get much closer in on the action. Again, not really sure it would work too well. For me I think to actually go close enough and see the detail that I would want, it may need to only be a here's this guys replay, now here is this guys etc.
  4. wow, cool thanks Chris, I didn't mind it too much, but seeing the difference, it actually is quite a change
  5. I want exploding plushies ... can I have exploding plushies ... and maybe some a non-explody one to keep too
  6. I was talking NBSG, though I do like the original as well. Which makes me also think of Blakes 7, the original V, haven't really given the new one a chance yet
  7. Nice ... I like the idea AD, but I agree it probably would have needed to be something planned from early on and doesn't really fit unless there are other direct contact actions. It also would probably have to open up all sorts of additional issues for reaction fire, as surely the alien you are trying to knock from cover would be able to get a shot off while you are trying to do it, so it would have to be a case of 100% chance of reaction fire, provided AP are available of course, and at point blank rage, it is more likely to end with dead soldier than, alien knocked from cover
  8. Certainly latin is not necessary for a motto, it does seem to be the standard though, but then a covert military organization to fight alien invaders might not be standard... And yes an actual game catchphrase would be good to, maybe not Fear the Unknown though, it smacks a bit too much of EU. Xenonauts: The Last Line of Defence ... I like, don't love but like. Xenonauts: The Time is Now Xenonauts: Saviors of Sol etc etc
  9. How could I forget BSG!!!! Though the second half of season 4 did leave me a little wanting. I've watched an ep or 2 of Castle and it looked ok but the whole premise of it just didn't work for me. And just to throw some others out there Buffy, Angel (to a lesser extent) and Heroes (until season 4)
  10. hmmm, might look it up, though you-tubing does remind me of another favourite from online, The Guild!! season 5 just finished ... awesome stuff, well worth a look
  11. AH my sister-in-law loves that show. I never really looked at it though. Yeah universe was shaping up really well, but then *pouf*, I haven't heard of Swift and Shift what's that one about?
  12. Just because I can, I thought I'd throw up a thread for a general yarn about TV. And in the spirit of getting to know people, let's aim at favourite shows. I confess to being crazy about sci-fi shows, bet you wouldn't have guessed that being into XCom and Xenonauts, but there ya go... So favourites: The obligatory Stargates (SG1, Atlantis and Universe - damn Sy-fy channel for dumping it in the 2nd season, ya for patched season ends that make comebacks at least possible. Star Trek (original series) and Next Gen, of course, Voyager wasn't bad never got into B5 of DS9 though Firefly, love Firefly The some curlies, Primeval, awesome little show, pity there isn't likely to be 6th season, and so far I am really liking Terra Nova. Other than Sci-fi, Big Bang Theory of course, Hawaii Five-0 (guilty - love me some Hawaii time), House - Hugh Laurie, nuff said ... Glee ... omg I blame my wife somewhat but I love music, so singing does it for me. Game of Thrones ... omg again. I hadn't read the books, watched the show, awesome... Have now read the first 2 books and have the rest, wow. Survivor and Amazing Race for my "reality" fix. Weird how completely artificial situations can be billed as reality TV but oh well. Anyway, that's all I can think of for now, what about the rest of you, either discuss or throw out your own favs
  13. Fair enough, certainly some settings aren't for all, some for none etc So it sounds like you just don't see a need for them to be there rather than a specific objection to them? Would you want such a setting to be "disable all", i.e you don't see any, or "disable my profile only" - no one sees yours ...?
  14. I haven't gone over all this but I do feel that something to assist with night vision, beyond just flares is a necessity. Over in http://www.goldhawkinteractive.com/forums/showthread.php?23-Training-Summary WE have Something like that might be enough, but otherwise some sort of night-vision gear would be good
  15. Interesting thought, Gazz. As with ... I'm not sure how serious you are, but assuming you are, how much of a distraction do you find seeing the awards/achievements? Or is it more that you would rather that yours were concealed...? For myself I quite like to see things like that to show peoples involvement etc. Certainly I am not averse to their being an option to hide them, just not sure if the issue you have is one of visual aesthetics or a personal one - whether from an out-pouring of modesty or something else
  16. <p><p>eeee'yoh Hi all, Mickey C here, father to one (#2 on the way), Kiwi living in Aus, serial gamer since the 80's ...</p></p>

  17. Hurr Hurr. Fire Fiirrrrreeee How's that ... ? No .... no .... k How about: Exsisto existo ex cinis cineris Arise from the ashes
  18. wow ... a very thorough summary of your thoughts Gazz. To look at, such a lot of explanation etc, to me it feels like to is too complex, but ... after actually reading everything you have makes sense. I love the practical experience from missions having an impact on the effectiveness of training, even the "loss" of this bonus if leaving the base again. Being able to specialise through specific training regimes is good, one of the few things I liked in UFO:Extraterrestrials. The issue I had with them is each course gave a flat bonus to certain things, and if you already had that bonus it was removed from the bonus of any other courses, i.e you could get a +1 to a skill from course A, but if course B also involves that +1, it does not become a +2. From the look of how you are structuring things, with formulaic percentages and with the lovely law of diminishing returns, it seems that no course will give a 0 bonus to an involved skill (except perhaps at very high levels - or more likely a + 0.00000001 ), so there will always be an advantage to put soldiers through a training course. That said putting everyone through as many courses as possible and, as you say, ending up with soldiers who are all the same is not desirable. So I like your PRE idea, with soldiers being pre-disposed naturals in some an area would really help to make differences I would add also though the idea of having a -PRE, something that a soldier is just not equipped to do. If we take your suggestion of the PRE being a 1-8 level, then the -PRE could either be a -1-8 as a direct opposite, a -1-4 to be a lesser effect. Or to really make something stand out the -PRE can go to a static -15 or even as much as -25. Now I know some may think that if these are meant to be elite troops, there is no way they would be "that" bad at something. But consider if we take it that stats are capped at 100, then even at -25, that has a stat total possible of 75, which realistically is still in the very high level, or if as Gazz suggests stats not be capped, but the higher a stat is the lesser the gains, then the -25 only really means that the stat that they are pre-disposed against will just reach the higher levels a little slower. To really exacerbate that deficiency the -25 might not be a flat static i.e GI Joe has base accuracy stat of 50, but is disposed against marksmanship so starting accuracy with a flat -PRE is 25 - that bites even for a rookie. But say the -PRE is not a static 25, but is actually a hit against how quickly they advance, therefore Joe's accuracy still starts at 50, but his -PRE against accuracy means that the first 25 points he would gain through training are negated. So 10 missions in say, Joe has earned sufficient experience and has fired enough that he has gained 28pts towards his accuracy, his natural difficulty with accuracy means his stat level is only 53, but from here on he will gain normally, but the -25 still hits his figures, so for future advancement purposes the formula runs as though his skill is 78, not the 53 that is actually utilised. Now I allow that this may be too difficult to implement, but it does, to my mind, give a realistic spread of soldier levels, though thinking now - particularly with the last para I have above about the -PRE, I think -15 would be better than -25 and FIN I'll consider more later and see what else I come up with
  19. Grats, Sathra, couldn't be a more deserving ... Overlord ... Great Ruler ... Boss ... Superior Peer ... or other ... on another note everybody keep an eye for crazed small animals running around, and if you wake up somewhere strange with no memory of how you got there congratulations you now have some alien parts!!!
  20. With no intent to be exhaustive, but just as a mention ... and with a little surprise that is has not come up already ... I just can't go past Dungeon Master and by extension Chaos Strikes Back ... as RPG's go they were miles ahead of their time and DM is surely the forefather of all modern RPG's
  21. Sounds good to me. So it should also free up a right click while in fire mode to cancel the shot
  22. I like the sound of the skull, something clearly alien, but not something directly visible in game ... conspiracy theorists could even have a play with an alien skull
  23. I agree, technical things and the calculations etc that are not exactly ... "learnable" just from playing the game. Though a few basic things too to get the ball rolling would be good, gameplay and controls, some background "The Iceland Incident" for example, and maybe a few stub pages for things you want done, Chris, but don't have time to do ...
  24. yeah, just hanging out for Sunday night now. Is should be a cake walk but with France you never know for sure
  25. MickeyC

    X-com eu lp

    I agree 14 boots will hopefully make up for any zombification going on. Also kudos Sathra on getting everything copied over so quickly
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