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Everything posted by Moxar

  1. I tried Impossible Ironman mode... I managed to finish the first mission without a single casualty, but the second mission killed three of my rookies, and the third slained the entire team. At the end of the first month, three countries signed a pact with the invaders. Every soldier died within the next week, and I had no money to replace them. I finaly lost at the end of the second month. Then, I tried it again, with save scumming, aware of the country panic issues. I lost two countries at the end of the first month (I mad as much satelites as I could). Save scumming protected my team (which has no armor, I couldn't craft any because of a lack of money) and promoted them. Now is the end of the third month, every country is covered, and my dudes use lasers and skelettons armor. I do not need save scumming anymore, and my financial issues are completely solved. It means that if you manage to protect country from panic and focus on satellite production, and are able to save some soldiers, like 4 or 5, impossible is beatable. Just don't expect to get ranked soldiers until you can protect them with real armors. Moreover, dont play Rambo! You must be extremely carefull, flank the enemy and avoid taking any chances!
  2. Psst.... Stop talking, he's back... Remember dudes, do NOT speack of what we spoke. He can read us now!
  3. @Jean-Luc: I had the same feeling too. Chris must be used to it!
  4. *loud breath* I don't want apologies, I want results
  5. Desura did not aware me about the V13. Actually, I can't update for now. Is there something to do ?
  6. I agree, it would be nice our soldiers could treat adjacents crouched mates as cover when they fire, which means no risk of hitting them and discarding them from the precision formula.
  7. Our project leader is truely a proffessionnal!
  8. Sometimes, bugs are truely wierd. Imagine they have a soul: "Hey, dude, what kinda feature could we corrupt ? How to be a pain ?" "Got an idea Bob. Imagine, the player wants to move an item from intevtory screen... Then, we corrupt the background, and we cause a crash if he clicks on it!" "Oh Yeah, you're a genious Marshall. Dat's de behaviour we need. And They'll never gonna find how to fix us! By the way, next time we corrupt Geoscape when players right-clicks over an ocean" "Pointless, I love it! Let's to this!"
  9. I had to get out today, spend some time with friends because the build was not uploaded as scheduled at 00:00... You should be ashamed! More seriously, thank's for the job that has been done, and I agree with Dekamme: it's good to have a team informing us truthfully.
  10. I agree. And I do love your suggestions about VIPs. Moreover, maybe Chris's team could add some stress in the game. For now, every mission (including terror) is very immersive, but I don't feel in a rush. Adding a turn countdown could be interesting. For instance, in a terror mission, the countdown could signal the time left before a Nuke is launched. In a regular alien's UFO landing, this could be the time before UFO leaves the place. Otherwise, the countdown could just be a ticker to get more or less points at the end of the mission. Let us say, we grant an extra 10 points, and every turn needed reduces this "bonus" by 1, wich can be negative.
  11. Hi, I've reach July, the 25th and medium UFOs are often spotted on the geoscape. Because of the escort and the toughness of them, I can't crash them, so I let them live on my beloved earth. But sometimes, one of them finds my secondary Xenonauts base, and causes a CTD: BUG When a Landing ship reaches a base, 2 cases: 1°) there is no soldier to defend it, then the base is lost (it's not a bug, just cry baby!) 2°) there are soldiers to defend it, with weapons and armor and amos and naked pin-up on the wall. In this case, the game crashes during the loading of the map, just before the ground combat begins. This is very ennoying because I can't go further in the game, this bug/CTD occuring very often due to the probability for landing ships to attack my bases.
  12. I sometime have the same issue with laser gattling. At the beginning of the fight, every weapon is abloe to shoot (green), and at a time, a laser gattling stops working. The name of the weapon is still written, as are left amo, but there is no image at his spot. It seems to happen when a F-17 gets too close from an enemy, though I did not manage to "proc" this bug. It just eventually happens, in which case I just have to reload the game...
  13. In X-COM, every two-handed weapon was wielded the same way, from assault rifle to heavy plasma canon. So, they "just" made sprites for differents body armours (and hair color), and every weapon, but they did not cross them. In Xenonauts, every weapon is different and wielded differently. For instance, a MG wielder points his weapon at the ground while a shotgunner points it in front of him. That's two completely differents sprites for two differents weapon, with every armour. A solution would be to "merge" weapon style into one hand / two handed / heavy, and create an armor sprite for each of the three hands position, and a sprite of each weapon, instead of a sprite for each combo weapon/armor. Thus, they'd be lots of sprites too. There is another reason that resolution for the size of Xenonauts compared to X-COM:EU. the first opus was an ooooold game, wich few colors. This one seems to have more, which means that for the same size, every img file wieghts much more. And since we do not play 480x600 anymore, but 1280x1024 (at least) the resolution is higher, about 4.5 time, and images have to be at least 4.5 time more precise.
  14. If you wait long enough (about 10 mins) the game resumes, and you can continue.
  15. dis things moves, shoots, and kills ma boyz. Mast be a facehugger! Raaaahhhhhhh! I'm gonna kick your ... *voice fading beneath the deadly sound af a Machinegun*
  16. How rude of me, I forgott to introduce myself. I am Moxar, fan of X-COM. I deeply , it's the first true successor of X-COM. Oh yeah! And right now I feel like ...
  17. I agree with you about both difficulty to translate well and to have a good translation to keep the "feeling" of the game. In Fance, we have a proverb about translations: they're like women, the more they are beautiful are the more they are unfaithful. I am quite use to do this kind of stuff, because of my studies, which is why I proposed to help, but not as a full time job. However, if we manage to gather more volonteer, we can seriously give a hand to the dev's team. Last but not least, I do prefere the goldhawk Team to spend money on coding a nice game than on it's translation.
  18. A sebillian just died with the animation of a Caesan. Sebilian guard wearing heavy plasma rifle. It's the tile of a dead Casan on the floor, but inventory shows a Sebillian. It's hapening during a Sebillian terror mission.
  19. ofc, I took I screenshot... But I cant fine the dir the screenshots are saved. (Using Windows 7). Do someone knows ?
  20. My phantom alien is here, I just can't "see" him on the screen, but I can kill him. He is showing a shadow. I got more informations (this bug just occured): Caesan guard corpse wearing Heavy plasma Facing North-West before dying (He fell facing NW).
  21. More awkward... The bug I described before occured while I was manufactoring precision lasers, and occured with precision lasers. Now, I don't craft this anymore, and it doesn't bug anymore. (don't know if their is a link) Thus, I wanted to craft 3 precision lasers and 8 amos. Because of the bug, I only crafted 2, and the "cheat" gave me 3 extras guns. But, the thing I don't understand is that my ingeneers made 5 of 8 amo, and my stock are a total of 14: 3 in each equipped weapon 3 as extra amo fort snipers 8 in stock (storeroom) which means I have 9 unexpected amo. My theory is that I unequipped/re-equipped my 3 precision lasers during the last 3 missions, and because every weapon fired at least once, the magazine were duplicated. i'll try to make it happen again, to describe a procedure.
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