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Everything posted by TrashMan

  1. I recall a similar light X-Com clone game in development. Had a bit more "aliens" look to it. Wish I could remeber it's name..
  2. Say Mordenkein..mind if I borrow your sword for a bit?
  3. If they don't care about nuking us from orbit? Yes. If they want to keep it in tact and put boots on the ground? There's a chance.
  4. http://i686.photobucket.com/albums/vv230/zino_2099/JOKES/Mecha-overkill.jpg http://funnydemotivationalposters.com/uploads/saved_posters/demotivational-poster-g4y0muh370-OVERKILL.jpg http://www.foundshit.com/pictures/games/overkill-rifle.jpg http://i229.photobucket.com/albums/ee175/koenmasgurl88/motivational%20posters/overkill.jpg http://www.dakkadakka.com/s/i/at/at2/2009/4/30/9363b80b3e483dd8b5a6c823a84a20c2_5462.jpg http://bobmccarty.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/kitty-corner-weapon-accessory.jpg http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_fP7ZHF3g3yg/ShtyzO6DvOI/AAAAAAAAAGg/aD4_GjPTVDQ/s400/Metal+Storm+-+Future+Weapons+Breakthrough+Technology+-+1+million+rounds+per+minute!.jpg http://www.georgehernandez.com/h/aaBlog/2004/media/08-13_FutureWarriorUniforms.jpg http://api.ning.com/files/Aw55A45hofkNutgaUUw9DpudrShfQ0WdfvnE0cXgKgBcVELRcPhz3tEgKVx7bYvUuzoojVXw7UwlMMfdpOIbbkb6HHbFhPMz/robocop0904_639x8001.jpg
  5. There is a notion that technologal advancemetn does not reach a point of diminishing returns. And that defenses will continue to become more and more advanced. Frankly, I doubt we will have anything capable of tanking a nuke, even 3000 years from now. A .50 Batter rifle? I want to see troop armor that stops that. And if it can, we have even biger anti-material rifles. Thing is, plain old kinetic weapons are simply deadly and we have reached the point where material resistence can't keep up anymore. In other words, since super-armors are pretty much fantasy, then we can very well kill alines (if we can hit them)
  6. Is good. Has some nice ideas and improvements. Unfortunately no destructable terrain, but that's a a engine limitation I can live with.
  7. Balacing is not yet done. I have a feeling the aliens will get beefed up considerably.
  8. And given that Chris will implement the military shooting down UFO's it appears they did and do. Bottom point - if the militaries brass of the world really thought Xenonauts was the only hope humanity has, then they would be given a LOT more than just 1 base and 1 million and a handfull of soldiers. As it stands, Xenonauts being a small international SpecOps initiative to capture and study aliens makes perfects sense and explains everything. - limited funding and resources - better recruits later on - military shooting down ufo's etc...
  9. I don't see any technolgoy branch as "inferior" Merely different or more/less refined Remeber, Sir Isaac Newton is the deadliest sunovab*** in space! Imagine you start with the M-16 With alien materials you can contruct guns that can resist far greater forces. Add some recoil conpensating systems and you get new rifles with the punch of a high-caliber sniper rifle as your next kinetic tier. Then you go into railgun/coilgun territory.
  10. Information on alien activities? Yes. But from what sources do they come from? For all you know you could be getting them from news reports. And alas, Im afraid that giving you a huge supply of rifles and some soldiers really doesn't sound to me like giving you everything and "the best". It's a game. They are always abstracted. Again, since you fail to prive any proof that everyone else is incapable, (despite haivng practicly the same equipment) then it does not stand.
  11. Abstractions. You don't see EVERYTHING that goes on, nor should you. If the army shot an UFO, who sez they have to inform you? Remeber - Xenonauts are not part of any military technicly. So you stand in direct competition with the militaries of the world. By that logic, no country would every use SpecOps units. After all , is htere anything a Spec Ops units can do that an entire army can't? Not really. Special forces are about EFFFICIENCY. That doesn't mean that no one can do what they can - they just do it BETTER. FFs, Xenonauts aircraft only have minor improvements, and use the same starting missiles as other militaries. And who sez this isn't happening? There's a LOT of soldiers in teh world and the militaries have more than enough reasons to not give Xenonauts their best.
  12. You loose. They give the money to their militaries or some other organization.
  13. To put thing mroe into perspective - there are multiple ranks in the game. So recruits starting at rank 2 or 3 or 4 out of 10 - how does that invalidate your rank 10 elites? Or rank 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 veterans?
  14. Boxes don't have to appear. Aliens land with or without your permission and knowledge and someone has to deal with them. The military. The miltary has a LOT of airplanes that aren't much worse than your starting ones. If your 1 plane can shoot down an UFO, than a 100 of theirs can too. They aren't necessarly the best of the best. Xenonauts have to prove themselves to get more funding. Remeber, this is Cold War era. Not much trust. They still trust their own militaries more than you. So not getting the "best of the best" early on makes sense. The militay gives you some decent enough soldiers to shut up the polticians, and keep the best for themselves.
  15. Give back you "squad tactics game fan" card. Seriously. The best squad-based strategic/tactical game ever and you haven't played it....
  16. Xenonauts get their soldiers from other countries. And all the military forces of the world are fighting the aliens on their own too. Not to mention fighting aliens or sodliers - elite is elite. You wont magicly become stronger or more accurate or faster just because you are fighting aliens. Higher stats and ranks are nothing strange. Your argument is invalid. As I said before - the militaries of the world are fighting when they can. The UFO's you shot down is only part of hte overall struggle. Experience is experience. A well trained soldier is a well-trained soldier. Doesn't matter in whos army or SpecOps group, doesn't matter that much against whom. There's a physical peak a human body has and Xenonauts of whatever agency can't go above it. In other words - there is absolutely no justificatio nwhatsoever why a Xenonauts would be faster, stronger or more accurate than any SpecOps soldier anywhere in the world. Waht a Xenonaut does have is special equipment and tactics.
  17. http://www.indiegogo.com/sots-thepit?a=1627415 A new indie project by Kerberos. A light rouge-like action RPG. Check it out. B.t.w. - SOTS2 is given the all clear signal!!! http://www.kerberos-productions.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=35604 Game now purrs like a kitten.
  18. Just make new bases not cost a million, but rather per-tile-used. Like in new XCOM, you have to expand into new tiles.so a new base that only has a command center, storage nad hangars, would not cost 1 million.
  19. Mave a maximum deviation. Problem solved. No matter how bad you miss, you won't miss by more than 30°. Or whatever number oyu put in.
  20. I just had a group of 3 Chryssalids walk into my view out of the darkness. Sicne they stopped into my LoS, that triggered theri cinematic. And they got to move agian, right towards me. Then another group of 3 appeared. Same thing happened. Then another. I just had 9 Chryssalids do 2 turns and cover half the damn map and sorround my soldiers. Game over man. F*** you you cheating game!
  21. Choices? Decisions? Sure, you can say UFO:EU has coices and decisions. But practicly all of htem are forced. Decision that are there by the virtue of limiting you. Irony, isnt' it? By taking away your freedom and puting artificial limtis on things, they add more things to give it more "depth". tT's fake depth.
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