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Everything posted by Swe_Racoon

  1. I need new AAA batteries, now that folks mention them... But isn't a demo just a demonstration version of the game? I might have my understanding of the term way off, but does it have to be a finished product? Ehh, nevermind, I just shot myself in the foot. My bad, public alpha and demo = not the same stuff.
  2. thothkins, you are hereby awarded the Racoon Stamp of Approval, on the basis of providing the best description ever seen regarding the Goldhawk Forums! Now all I need is snus, no money until tomorrow and no snus since yesterday, it really burns, I tell ye! Ladies perfume is an odd creation, that seems to stick to anything like leeches. Not entirely unpleasant though, but when you wake up with your shirt smelling like your former (and now engaged to another guy) girlfriend, and the memories are a bit iffy, you can't help but feel like someone turned up the heat
  3. I think they said somewhere that alien weapons can only be captured by capturing a live alien, otherwise they self-destruct. On the topic of classes, it kinda makes sense if one takes off the X-COM nostalgia goggles. There is a whole lot more to being a soldier than just pointing and pulling the trigger. Shooting an assault rifle good and proper is very different from using a rocket launcher. That being said, I am a tad iffy on the class system.
  4. Maybe a cleverly disguised backfire mechanic? Having your gun exploding in your face is most unpleasant, I've heard. In all seriousness though, I've never come across this myself, but I've heard about people who've had their soldiers shoot themselves. Maybe it has to do with them hitting the tile they're occupying? Just tossing a wildcard out there, I know more about scavenging fridges than I do about coding games.
  5. It's released as a demo on the KS page, I'd wager that's why. I personally think of it's as a public alpha, as the game is not actually done yet. Or maybe a demonstration alpha would be better, since it's been released to the public free of charge?
  6. Yeah, 12kg is about right for a loaded FNMAG (depends a bit on if you run with 50 or 100 rounds though). In her defense there are alot of other factors to add in. The gunner would usually carry at least 250 extra rounds (often more, the gunner in my squad would load up belts wherever they would fit, including the FNMAG stock and his helmet). Add to that the body armor at around 12-13kg and the combat vest coming in at around 5-10kg. I know from experience its very tiring to use in an offensive role (which I did several times when our regular gunner was "killed"), but not being able to keep up with your squad while on the offensive is, as my captain used to call it, "för dåligt" (as in that it being worse than bad). I don't think she ever picked up the FNMAG again. Now that I think about it, we had no female machinegunners or loaders in the platoon. Some of them served as AT4 gunners (which can be tiring as hell too, I did most of my service as one), but most of them struggled there too. It actually fell to the squad leaders to assign which soldier would do what. As a result of me having the most extensive training in my squad, I became something of a Jack-of-all-Trades (A bit of rifleman here, some AT4 there, add some FNMAG and finish off with a tad of radioman). But as I was stating, I don't want a machinegunner who can't lift his/her gun. So long as the person can do that though, I don't care whether they're male or female. And Onion News I've never heard of. It does seem to warrant further investigation, however
  7. I don't like dancing, nor do I kill people. Never had much luck with the ladies either, to be honest. Does that make me a non-good person?
  8. All hail the X-COM legend, war hero and master Patrick Stewart! That's the kind of stuff I like about X-COM, reminds me of my own Mad Victor and Deadeye (the latter being pretty dead now though, may he rest in peace)
  9. I wonder if the original poster ever saw this, and what the heck he made of it all... I myself think it serves exemplary to show the friendship and warmth on these forums, not unlike being in a mountain cabin in front of a fireplace with a good drink in hand and better company.
  10. The moonshine was mostly due to an envy sparked by the Norwegians having better weather than us Swedes, methinks I'll have to conquer them in Europa Universalis III just to make a point. That always fills me with a warm and fuzzy feeling. And yes, this thread positively had my weeping hot tears of joy!
  11. Now in Sweden we don't actually give up any rights or somesuch upon enlistment/conscription, and I speak from experience when I say that it is not necessarily so that women are given special treatment or becoming sowing dissent among the men. I should perhaps add that my unit had 25% females (10 out of 40, so that's a pretty exact number, and it kinda goes away from the point of a single female), but we served for 11 months and there was never any special treatment or some such. What did come up was the inability of some of the women to serve in the role they were given. For example we had a machinegunner who couldn't lift her FNMAG, but similar complaints came up regarding some of the men as well (a guy who desperately wanted the position of machinegunner/loader but wasn't physically fit for it). On this we agree. I hate those silly fantasy armors, but that might just be me? Jean-Luc: I'd like to think that's not serious, but with Americans you can never be too sure... No offense intended to any Americans on this board, just to their media...
  12. Off-topic: Read through this, laughed myself to tears. On-topic: I'm kinda envious you Norwegians have BBQ weather, so I'll use the taxfree can* to set my blood on fire! *Moonshine. In a can. Welcome to Norrland!
  13. I think Chris mentioned this waaay back when the Earth was still young, but IIRC it would be problematic to implement considering how the game works, or somesuch. That being said, it would be nice to have some sort of indicator of just how far my interceptors can go.
  14. [Mass Effect nerd goggles] Asari (the blue all-female aliens) have a pretty casual approach to sex in their early lives, Samara (a character in ME2 and ME3) says she spent her younger days "killing people, sleeping with people and dancing the nights away" (paraphrasing there). Krogan pretty much have a hard time finding a fertile female (thanks to Salarians and Turians), so they're not doomed due to a lack of sex, but rather a lack of reproduction. Salarians lay eggs, as far as I'm aware. I think they work like certain types of fish, in that the female lays eggs and then the male fertilizes them. Quarians are pretty restrictive about that stuff, according to Tali, since sharing their suit environment with someone is pretty hazardous.[/Mass Effect nerd goggles] TL;DR - Mass Effect covers pretty much the entire spectrum of sex if you bother to look. Younger Asari pretty much do it every night, while Quarians are very, very restrictive (generally speaking). Casual sex is an option for the player as well, Sha'ira in ME1 and Jack in ME2 if I'm not mistaken. I would wager a part of my tail that Samantha Traynor in ME3 is up for it too, or maybe that's a same-sex romance I mistook (which is something BioWare should get kudos for, IMO). EDIT: TL;DR = not so much at all. Just read or ignore at your convenience.
  15. Well, this has gone off the tracks and into the wild woods. I agree that one shouldn't counter the amount of violence with increasing amounts of sex, but rather that both can be applied if it fits the context of the game. The Mass Effect series is a good example, IMO. The sex scenes there are very much in the context of the story and character development you chose, and the violence was pretty "tame" by comparison to other games (no dismemberment and generally not much blood at all). And they remain the best RPGs I've played.
  16. Now this is a fine price. My thanks, Ser thotkins. And utterly unintentional as well
  17. Pretty much what Gauddlike said. Having served for almost a year in a unit with 25% females the only thing I can agree upon is that women are less physically able than men and struggle more. The rest has been proven wrong by my experience, or is something that the military in question (in all of the examples but one or two this being the US military) has just screwed up. Like firing people for voicing their opinions. Pretty sure that one can't be blamed on the women, and if you do then you're very, very biased to me.
  18. Now I've not been in actual combat, so I can't say about that. Do remember reading somewhere in a study that we, as a species, value female individuals higher than male individuals. Which kinda makes sense, since a female can only breed once per year (simplification, but still) while a male can breed once a day, or some such. If I'm not mistaken, survival of the species is what drives most species on Earth. Now most species don't possess the intellect we do, but such things are probably rooted pretty deep. Still don't see why we should limit women to non-combat roles, considering the intellect we apparently possess (I still argue we're all daft mammals, though).
  19. Hmm, I never though about it like that. I actually believed sages were as old as they looked. Knowledge comes at a steep price, apparently
  20. I don't see why this is such a big fuss, in all honestly (and I certainly don't see why it warrants personal insults and condescending tones). It might not fit the theme, and Leonatus makes a valid point with units, but I'd hardly call it "throwing it all away". It's been 20 years since the Iceland Incident, I don't see it unlikely that nuking a UFO out of the sky which subsequently blasts a chunk out of a nation would drastically alter the way military forces work. One could say that we left "our" Cold War 20 years prior to the game, and entered the Cold War of Xenonauts.
  21. And out goes the illusion of Chris being an ancient, sage-like being of unrivaled indie developing powers. Or well, the latter may still hold an ounce of truth or two. Still, I had always imagined our Beloved Leader as much older.
  22. Yea, I read that. Some 22 troopers over the course of the campaign, IIRC. That's not the same levels as in X-COM, where nothing can provide total safety from being one-shotted and I more often than not go through some 20 soldiers over the course of 4-5 missions if I'm unlucky. I do think that lethality has to be a tad lower when you have smaller squad sizes, as to not become so difficult as to put off new players. There was this about a classic difficulty though, which I think could include the same level of lethality as in X-COM? I'll wait and see, not without some expectations.
  23. I think SVT2 is airing Game of Thrones now, or did not long ago, so I don't think they're all that muffled about it considering the amount of sex in that series (which is remarkably much more than in the book for some reason). TV6 shows just about anything, I think, not giving much about what's in it in regards to that. I might be behind my time, but I always found the whole violence > sex deal strange. We're, once again, derailing though. And as you point out, there's been a vast improvement in that field the last few decades.
  24. Having seen the video, I'm that much more interested in this game. Lethality seems a tad lower than in X-COM, but with smaller squads that makes sense (the heavy getting hit by a Muton and not dying is pretty unlikely in X-COM that early in the game). Inventory seems to have been replaced by the load-out screen, and that might work for me. Also rather liked the abilities and actions shown, to be honest. The voice-over was sorta meh, but it goes well with the "action figure" look of the game, and considering the odds these guys are up against I think they're allowed to be a bit cocky when they do well. Not looking like the X-COM remake I was hoping for, but it's looking like an entertaining game none the less, to me.
  25. Yeah, that's what I was thinking. But unless my memory has suffered a serious meltdown I'm certain those who don't look at me don't shoot at me. Could be circumstance? Not having enough APs for reaction fire/my troopers being faster than them/somesuch? All that is missing is that I'm actually remembering it all wrong, and have made a daft mammal out of myself, yet again
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