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Everything posted by Kouki

  1. Yeah - there's currently a bug with the air combat layer, we're working on getting that fixed asap!
  2. Do you still have the save file for the ground mission? This can either be a problem with the shroud, or a setup issue with the rack, will be very much appreciated if you can hand over a save, thanks!
  3. There's currently a bug that's causing a crash in air combat, we're working on getting it fixed and a patch should drop soon. Btw you can also attach files directly by drag and dropping the zip file when you make a reply!
  4. The reproduction steps are very much appreciated! Thanks a lot, will give this a try now
  5. This has been fixed on the latest 4.10 patch, although it may not affect existing campaigns
  6. Will bring this up with the rest of the team. Do you still have the save for this mission in case it's reproducible? Thanks
  7. Thanks, we'll get it fixed! Just to make sure, these are the cleaners spawned as reinforcements right? Are these spawned on a VIP extraction mission?
  8. Yeah, I believe this was reported before but iirc fixing this would involve making a lot of changes to the way engineering projects are currently done so this was postponed later for us to return to once the game is in a more completed state. I'll bring this up again with the rest of the team though and see what they think
  9. Yeah, I believe this is related to the blast doors being bugged and sometimes having inverted visual states (closed ones look open and vice versa), we intend to fix this as soon as we can!
  10. Yeah, the video was super helpful. It's 100% the smoke effect from the damaged generator, we'll get it fixed!
  11. Thanks for the bug report! Do you still have the save for this? Should be a relatively simple fix but it will save me a lot of time looking for the specific map and parcel
  12. Thanks for the save! Yeah, the bug basically happens when the wall has the shroud on its other side, we're still working on getting it fixed
  13. Yeah, unfortunately it looks like the blast door bug found its way back, we're aware of this and intend to fix it once other more urgent bugs have been fixed.
  14. Thanks for the bug report! Do you still have the save file? I can take a look into it and see what's going on. Do note though that if it's indeed a bug, fixes for it will come in milestone 4 (which will break your campaign saves)
  15. Thanks, that's really strange though. There should be a palm tree where the shoot preview is being blocked, the tree seems to have been destroyed on an earlier turn, but is still somehow remaining in the scene, we'll have to take a look
  16. Thanks, this might be related to another bug where the level hiding wouldn't work even if you changed the active level, will check with our programmers!
  17. Strange, I'll give it a look. Any chance you still have the save file for this one? Thanks!
  18. Yeah, there's currently a bug w/ alenium warheads causing a crash. We're working on pushing out a hotfix for this asap, sorry for the inconvenience!
  19. Just to make sure, do you mean this soldier? When loading the save and pressing end turn, the soldier on my end just keeps standing on that spot w/o making any moves EDIT: It's alright now, moved the zombie soldier to a different spot and yeah you're right, it's not using the reaper zombie animations
  20. Yeah, the Alenium Missile engineering project is causing a crash atm. We're working on releasing a hotfix asap to get it fixed!
  21. Cool, let us know if you encounter some issues (there are currently a few on 4.8 and we're working on getting a hotfix out to address the severe ones)
  22. Oh, right. I'll take a look into it. It's likely that the pegasus excluded the container from spawning as it might've overlapped with pegasus' meta regions
  23. Colossus seems to crouch normally on my end, have you tried it on 4.7? There were some animation issues with the Colossus armour that was fixed on the subsequent patches
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