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Everything posted by TNoyce

  1. Just an 'I got that also" post. Crash when Hunter attempted to run through a fence on the Farm map. Also, just confirmed this isn't restricted to the Farm tileset. Had this occur when my Hunter attempted to run over a pile of blue pipes on the desert tileset.
  2. Downloading now. I'll check it out, and see what I see.. Nice work Chris.
  3. For what it's worth: I believe 7-Zip (which is zip compatible and free, though not certain what platforms it supports) may be able handle larger files than the compression built into Windows which has a 2Gb limit.
  4. Chris, Thanks for the large update. I'm still anticipating the day I can see and touch the new UI.
  5. Or, it's the fix one thing, break 10 others.. I've been victim of both of these. They both are frustrating at times.
  6. I can tell you from personal experience, Software development is somewhat unpredictable. Things never quite work out as quickly, or as easily as you would like from a production standpoint.
  7. It's still in heavy development, but the demo was promising, so I purchased the Alpha. Haven't had a lot of time to check it out sadly, but I think it will be good.
  8. Welcome. Glad to have you aboard. Another ancient lurker here. I definitely remember having to tweak autoexec.bat and config.sys files to get older DOS games to run. At times wondering -- "Which type of expansion RAM driver do I need to use for 'game x'. Actually still use batch files from time to time. Been around them in one form or another since the 70s. Lots of changes have occurred since then. Definitely think night missions should be dark too. Hope they are in the final version
  9. That's cool Chris. I hope the compression works as expected.
  10. Nice work Chris. I'll be eager to see how they look in game.
  11. Appreciate the update Chris. I look forward to checking what I can, when I can.
  12. Count me in too, if you still have openings.
  13. Chris, Thanks for posting that concept image. Design - test - redesign are pretty common scenarios when it comes to development. Often times, concepts have to get dropped, or the process needs to be re-designed to make it work correctly. Just means that the original suggestion had it 'right'. I'll be interested to see this in game too.
  14. Chris, I like the crushable grass idea. That's pretty cool. I also like the explosive -- but it should make some sense (ie, gas tanks/gas stations for example). It may not be 100% realistic, but explosions are just fun. Fire propagation would be a cool element too. damageable vehicles would also be cool.
  15. Appreciate the update Chris. Hope that things will settle down a bit, so the bugs can be worked through properly. No one likes to rush a release out, but sometimes it's the right choice, despite known issues and poorly tested code. I find myself wishing there was something more I could do to help you reach for the beta.
  16. I think I grasp the concepts, but I agree with others on this -- I'd like to see some screenies please, when you have the time to create and post them.
  17. Just FYI.. Win 7 should not be an issue. I use Win 7 x64, and don't see that issue.
  18. Nice work Chris & Dev team. I really appreciate your determination and speed in getting this nailed down. Downloading 17, will apply 17.1 as soon as Desura lets me. Here's hoping it works..
  19. Chris, If you're talking about the 16.1.2 patch, unfortunately I still have crashes with that patch applied on the Farm map.
  20. Who knew terra forming would be part of the game, or that you would be able to actually thaw permafrost?
  21. Giving the 16.1 update a try now. Seems to be merrily updating files. Nice work Tass..
  22. That's excellent news.. Desura's being a real pain for all right now, so any way around having to fight with it, is a welcome relief.
  23. I've actually had pretty good luck with Desura until the 16.1 release. Too bad Desura doesn't have their act together right now for whatever reason. Hopefully, they'll get their heads out of their @** and things will be good again.
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