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Everything posted by Emily_F

  1. That would be so cool, but probably not feasible. It would take LOADS of coding and art work.
  2. Also, the balance so far seems heaps better! The suppression is still a bit hit and miss, but a bit improvement in game play. I've had an idea about how to get round the strength issue: have another building called the gym with a max capacity of 5 or so, and troops who are in it get a chance to increase if they stay in it for a certain number of days (like a week). So it may go up, it may not. That way, it's not an easy way to loads of uber-strong tanks. What do you think @Chris?
  3. @Chris, wait, can we research non-converted ones? I've never gotten that I thought that the converted ones were the end of it in V6 as I ran out of stuff to research and it never appeared in my tech tree. Mind, this iteration is the first time I've seen Androns, so. . .
  4. I am probably being totally blonde here, but doesn't that make the mag weapons not much better than ballistic weapons? I gave up with these back in V5 as they seemed a bit pointless. Am I missing something?
  5. That would be cool as it would make you think more about tactics rather than just knowing the terrain and where the aliens like to lurk....
  6. I see what you're saying, but I would argue that if you're crouched behind hard cover, you expose less of yourself which a) makes you harder to see in the first place so it would be awesome if there was a chance that the aliens didn't even see a crouched soldier and b) makes you much harder to hit. Crouching behind a single bush shouldn't afford any defence bonus in terms of damage limitation as you can just shoot at the bush and probably hit something hidden behind it. But if they can't see you and you're behind a big/long bush, they could take pot-shots at random at the bush knowing you're behind the bush somewhere. Does that make sense?
  7. Chris, would it be possible to just reduce the number of aliens, particularly the tough ones, on the small UFOs like probes and scouts rather than change the HPs too much? There seems to be more aliens (and tougher ones) on the small craft than there were in X1.
  8. Out of interest, how do you create the maps? Do you have a map editor or do you have to choose them all individually?
  9. Could you make it that the Sebillians only recover HALF of their HP, or gain it back over a few turns? Like someone else said, damage sponges are not much fun, and it would be a fairer game mechanic. I really think the crouching should afford a reasonable defence bonus, especially behind cover.
  10. Let me preface this by saying the first base attack I have experienced is game-breakingly bad. Like, 3 or 4 turns before it is endex? Seriously? Against a shit ton of aliens, most of them Lizards who need half your armoury to kill? I'm about this one; it's the first time I've disliked this game. To top it off, I can't move some of my troops. Save attached. output.log Cannot_move_a_trooper.json
  11. Why is the LMG so horrendously inaccurate? If it at least caused suppression consistently that would be something, but as it stands it is a useless weapon. Also, a direct hit with a grenade should cause suppression (and the flashbang have a greater effect radius to make up for it)
  12. Went to a terror mission and captured one spider monster and killed 3 more, but the game thinks they're Sebillians
  13. I don't know what tweaks you've made to alien and weapon stats, but can you undo them please? Going up against 16 aliens with ultra high stats and weapons easily on in the game just isn't fun any more. Also, if I take 6 shots with an accuracy start of 68%, at least one should hit!
  14. OK, it isn't fully clear what you're trying to say but I think it is unfair to say that @Chrisand the team have reneged on the promise; they implemented it and presented it to the Kickstarters in two waves. Turns out that the consensus of both waves is that people preferred the old model. They even put it to a referendum, and at the end of the day the winner takes all in a referendum. Unless you're in the EU, of course <cough, cough, Brexit won, cough cough>. Now, I agree it shouldn't be exactly the same as the first game, otherwise there's no point to the sequel. But if the current version isn't working (and I agree with those who hate the air combat but, again, I am happy just to do the auto-resolve for that bit). Rather than whine and stamp your foot because you don't like it (which is never a good look, especially when you're in the minority), why not suggest positive ideas of how it could be better? You're more likely to get a result you're happy with. Or, Chris has said they're happy to refund your original Kickstarter payment if it really is a deal-breaker for you.
  15. @Alienkiller to be honest, I didn't mind either way which base model they used. In X1 I nearly always had a main base, and the rest were radar /interceptor bases. I might have a backup engineering lab and some spare soldiers with hand - me-down kit from the main base in case the aliens took out my main base (or I won but lost a good number of my main trips). I'd send this second squad to deal with smaller UFOs to make sure they didn't have total rookie stats. Hopefully the new version will be able to have a mixture of the two ideas. Especially being able to build base defences. It would be nice to be able to build some internal defences too, or be able to upgrade some buildings to have some static defences.
  16. Still getting a CTD after taking down an Observer and trying to do the combat mission. The save game just before I tried to take it down is attached, along with the log from the crash itself. Just like last time this happened in a previous game, I cannot load the save. Basically, it looks like as soon as you get into February and see the first Observer, any save games in the Geoscape fail to load; they do the load screen, pull up the empty background map, play the first notes of the music, and fall over (I've attached that log too called "Output - copy.log"). output.log About to take down Observer UFO.json output_-_Copy.log
  17. Hard to explain but it would be much easier if you had a list of suppliers with their stats displayed that you could drag and drop onto the drop ship. Also, if would be preferable to just have your soldiers armed with their kit all the time.
  18. @Chriswhat about having different accuracies with different weapon types? I.e. Someone could be great with pistols and small SMGs but not good with sniper weapons or LMGs? Some good at lobbing grenades, some not? For the tactical screen, could you add another mode to standing and crouched? Like "hide" where, if you were in cover, you'd really get down and hide from incoming fire, giving you increased protection, but be suppressed as a penalty?
  19. Having played quite a few hours of this new version, generally I like most of the changes. The Sibellians are still a bit too high scored in terms of reflexes given that it's meant to be their weak point to balance out they can take lots of punishment. Other than that, it all seems balanced. The armoury screen has become a disaster. The old screen was much more user friendly. Are there plans to allow you to see the weapons' stats so you can choose which weapons to deploy? Are you any closer to coming up with being able to increase strength?
  20. On a crashed scout mission in a temperate map, the Sebillans on the inside of the downed UFO were invisible, but the crosshairs did their thing when hovered over the tile they occupied. The camera would move to their location when the red icon was clicked on the RHS and they died normally when shot.
  21. CTD during load screen for a terror mission (unknown enemies, so not Lizards or Bobbleheads because that's all I've seen so far). output.log
  22. @Chris - update: So I started playing a whole new game and got to February, then saved the game just before trying to take down an Observer. This time it loaded to Geoscape fine. I've attached that save in case it is useful. About to take down Observer UFO.json
  23. @Chris here is the save game. I should have specified that I can open a save if it is loads to a combat mission, but crashes once I leave the mission. I'll try playing a while on a new game and see what happens Autosave01.json Autosave02.json Autosave03.json
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