So, there are a few things currently that I'm not sure are bugs or just minor issues:
1) Is the composite armour meant to be so rubbish? I can't see the point in researching & making it if the only benefit is it's a BIT lighter than combat armour, but provides no more protection.
2) What is the "energy blade" I keep seeing in my retrieval list that I can't research?
3) I think the gauss weapons need a bit more than 20% improvement on the ballistic rifles. Again, once you've got laser weapons, there seems little point in getting anything else.
4) Will there be a benefit to catching other live aliens in the future? It would be nice if they were part of the story. Also, it would be cool if you could "chip" them and take them with you on missions to use as drones to send into dangerous areas to get killed first before sending your good troops in
5) Occasionally, I have had troopers walk through walls. It wasn't worth a full on bug report, and I think someone already mentioned it.