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Everything posted by XenoMask

  1. Some gamers are under impression that single player campaigns are just for one playthrough Some previewers have apparently played preview through multiple times so its probably matter of taste or willingness to invest time. Anyway, don't those guys also are afraid that hit percent chances = luck based game or was that just that one guy at 2K forums who posted link to that site?
  2. Umm, I can't say that Soldier inventory is special for xcom(Jagged Alliance for example has that) and large squads were pain in ass to the point where I move 4 or 6 soldiers most even in Xenonauts I guess it would have helped if those games had "Move these units as squad/same time" option Apocalypse had if I recall right.
  3. Eh, like I said, its probably inspired by stuff I listed in previous post when I talked about what UFO lore stuff Thinmen are similar to.
  4. Yeah, 1 credit =/= 1 dollar. Probably something like 1 credit = 100,000?*shrugs* And now I'm remembering that § meant amount of zeroes, but I'm not sure... It would be easier if I would remember source where I heard what it means money wise.
  5. Actual game does have geoscape, why they didn't show it or strategic layer beats me. Complexity scares mainstream people? ^Umm, Japanese psychological horror? Original was scary, but isn't Japanese Psychological horror about seeing horribly mutilated demons based on your psyche or something? Thats what Silent Hill taught me
  6. I liked snakemen because they are snakes, but I think they would have looked silly in 3D. I mean, they looked silly in UFO Extraterrestials where they are called sybians(oddly enough, snakemen are only alien species they directly copied from original ) since they don't have long body tail like snakes do, they have short stubby tail foot slug thing.
  7. *sigh* I can't find source because googling § doesn't work, because its too short to be googled, but it is apparently symbol for money or something like that in general. So yeah, its not simoleon reference, its real thing Anyway, currency is "Credits" probably because this time they didn't want to make global council currency to be dollars.
  8. Original game had whole alien infiltrating as humans(through human cloning or something), you never saw it yourself though. Anyway, Thin men seem to be combination of men in black, human skin suits, reptilian alien infrillatos(if you have heard of conspiracy theorist whose name was David Icke or something like that, you have heard of them too) and snake men. Anyway, they can pass as reaaaaaaally thin human as long they don't do their uncanny way of moving.(which is kind of the point, they aren't humans so they don't move like humans) I guess they wouldn't stand out in crowd much? Well, okay, they are so tall that they will, but in certain kinds of ones? Anyway, I guess it also solves problem of animating snakeman tail/movement. Sectoids were originally closer to original actually(though still green) but as they said in video where they showed old prototypes(you could see upright walking sectoids there too(they apparently had "Old man walk" or something, I guess thats result from them seeming shriveled) apparently Sid Meiers felt fighting them felt like shooting children.(apparently they screamed differently back then) Which I guess I can see. So yeah, they changed sectoids to make them scarier and to be less child shooting Well, there is google https://www.google.fi/search?hl=fi&client=firefox-a&hs=jwy&rls=org.mozilla:fi:official&channel=rcs&q=xcom+allience&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&biw=1920&bih=908&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=PV1jUIaGHtP64QT6noD4Cg and wikipedia.
  9. Well, collective name of enemy "faction" of XCOM FPS is apparently "Outsiders"(http://xcom.wikia.com/wiki/Outsider) and there is crystal alien(which's 'phasing' looks like small crystals are growing into larger one) XCOM: EU which is named "Outsider", but I doubt there is further reference. Anyway, they are still making that FPS right on 2013, right?
  10. They don't start to head to head always, for example if you are chasing UFO it is faced away and either continues escaping or turns to face your fighters.
  11. Oh, I meant original game. I do remember USOs being slightly more destroyable, unless I remember wrong...
  12. Eh, I guess mainstream people would assume game to be easy in beginning and not notice that its so easy that aliens practically stand to be shot...(well, I guess they wouldn't if you give them chance to move, but when I played only one sectoid got chance to shot at me)
  13. Eh, to be fair, http://ufopaedia.org/images/9/93/Muton.png http://media.giantbomb.com/uploads/5/58689/2107993-xcom_look_ahead_muton.jpg Main difference is that they look slightly more ape like/bulky and have green armor instead of green skin suit. http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120418081715/xcom/images/d/d6/XCOM-EU_Berserker.jpg Also, come in huge ass red variation. Really, original mutons would look silly in 3D graphics without some changes. I mean http://media.moddb.com/cache/images/mods/1/13/12233/thumb_620x2000/muton.JPG They aren't only ones who thought that.(i'm not sure, but I think one of those is alliance(that canceled xcom fps) concept art and one is model from enforces(that crappy arcade shooter with robot) I guess they could have gone for same direction and make them to be same, just be naked(since their skin is armor apparently) without green skinsuit. Though it true that if human eating purple muscle men with green leotards came out of nowhere I'd be scared too It would definitely be more bizarre than armored aliens.
  14. So why do you hate thin men so much? You hate men in black alien lore? Alien infiltrators? Alien in human skin thing? Slender man? The fact that they are basically new snakemen? @iamkyon: To be fair, they had to either make them purple skinned muscle men in greensuits or somehow make them look more threatening and still have that beast like look.(its kind of odd, but in Alien Turn screen and opening intro you can see that they have claws...) @Moon: Lol, at that point you are probably bored of doing that. Besides, this is Xenonauts forum so I doubt there are much people talking about it.
  15. Eh, I guess coolest would be Xenonauts and XCOM at same time vs aliens from both games at same time?
  16. Dunno. I personally actually prefer aesthetic of original games(and Apocalypse)/remake's to aesthetic you see in UFO Extraterrestials/Xenonauts/UFO: Alien Invasion. I don't really get why people want to make game more gritty/realistic. And since alien species in games also follow same rule(more "cartoony" the aesthetic, less "practical" aliens) so I think it might be visually slightly jarring. Besides, almost every alien in Xenonauts is bipedal So I do prefer Firaxis' aliens because of that as they do look different at least.(posture/standing wise I mean, caesans, sebilians and androns do have slightly posture changes, but sebilians aren't really more slouching than ceasans and androns are only standing upright little more than caesans)
  17. I only actually care about having good reason to have north/south pole base
  18. How do you even blast holes in ufo? I mean, from what I've seen ufo walls seem to be almost immune to damage, not even blaster bombs do much... Heck, they are only destroyed inside not outside in crashes...
  19. Obviously their definition of "anywhere" is different. But yeah, I too would like to have bonus for Antarctica or such. But then again, in original game putting base to Antarctica is useless unless you want to use base for research only for some reason. In Xenonauts you can't even put base there....
  20. You consider UFO Extraterrestials Gold great?... ...Then again, I consider Apocalypse to be best XCOM game ever, so I guess I don't have right to comment on that (Seriously though, you are at the point where you seem to be posting in any thread mentioning XCOM: EU to say that [X Xcom type game other than it] is better )
  21. You could watch OXM(Official Xbom Magazine)'s videos on youtube I suppose, their let's play thing covers lots of stuff along with nice narration.
  22. Eh, RPS has been praising Xenonauts too. I think its just that after demo they got tons of fan mail so they decided to reply. But yeah, oddly enough, steam pre orders have increased a lot according to reward 3 progress bar. I guess majority of people don't notice or care that its bad demo?
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