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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Ah - at the moment it only upgrades the tier 3 plating into tier 4, not all of them. I'll fix that. I guess you still had Ablative Plating when you completed the project then?
  2. We'll check if this is a bug, but that spot the alien ends up in isn't a bad spot - even if we assume 360 degree vision for your soldiers, there's only one soldier with vision on that spot. And I don't think the Psyon will have much chance to hit a Stealthsuit soldier at that range; there's a -31 hit chance penalty there (I need to update that so it works like the Wraith cloaking field now works).
  3. Thanks guys, we'll look into these. The only one I don't consider something that needs fixing is the shield targeting - part of the point of shields is being able to take hits on behalf of other Xenonauts!
  4. This update is also only accessible by switching to our Experimental branches (instructions on how to do so here) - although please be aware they have slower load times and worse performance than normal builds due to the extra logging they contain! Gameplay Updates: The spawn regions on Ambush missions have been reduced by 3 tiles, so you can't spawn quite as close to the Cleaner convoy as you could previously. Increased the size of the aircraft hardpoint equipment menu so you can see more available items at once. Bugfixes: Fixed a crash that could occur during the AI turn when you were fighting Servitors. Fixed a crash that could occur on the Soldier Equip screen when dragging items back onto the base stores panel on the right. Fixed the post-mission debrief screen values for killed aliens / dead Xenonauts / surviving civilians being incorrect after running several missions. Fixed several projects incorrectly unlocking on the Cleaner Base being revealed, rather than when it is destroyed (Cleaner Device research, Nanotech Workshop and Quantum Laboratory engineering projects). Fixed the Fusion Lance not appearing for your aircraft if you complete that project before completing the Laser Lance project. The Laser Lance project can no longer be completed once the Fusion Lance has been finished. Prevented soldiers equipped with jetpacks sometimes being able to move onto the same tile as other soldiers, if both were moving simultaneously. Fixed Cleaner trucks on the Ambush missions incorrectly awarding Cleaner Supplies even if destroyed. Fixed Cleaners still being present on the day 57 Abduction Site if you'd managed to destroy the Cleaner Base before that. Fixed the Captured Wraith Leader item not displaying its name correctly.
  5. Yes, but the issue then is that it becomes completely pointless to build additional Labs early in the game because it'll never be possible to build the stuff you can research, so that can't be the solution we go with.
  6. Does it happen on particular biomes? The farm and the jungle biome are sometimes said to have worse performance than others. The 0 damage shots against enemies with 0 armour are likely to be when units are firing weapons beyond max range. Damage quickly falls off beyond max range, even if you hit the target.
  7. It's fine - we don't need saves in this case. It's just showing the old values before I changed things to be variable Panic-related funding. I need to think about how to display a funding increase when the amount is variable.
  8. Thanks. Turns out that item is the Captured Wraith Leader, the name on the item was just set up incorrectly. I'll get it fixed.
  9. Thanks. Yeah, you're not the only preson to bring this up - you'll be pleased to know we implemented the feature in Milestone 4 a week or so ago!
  10. Yeah, I didn't bother setting up the conditionals on that because I figured nobody would take out the Cleaner Base that fast. Guess I was wrong
  11. Thanks. Yeah, looks like this happens if you do the Fusion Lance project before you do the Laser Lance project. I'll get it fixed.
  12. This is a small patch for the 4.4.0 release from a few hours ago, fixing a balance issue with the aircraft equipment weights and a few other small improvements. Changes: Aircraft lance weapons reduced from 8 payload capacity to 6 payload capacity. Performing melee attacks on hostile targets now grants progress points towards increasing Reflexes. The new "loading complete" sound is now played when you load into tactical combat, whether you press the Begin Mission button or use the auto-start toggle. The Training Rate value on the Base screen is now shows decimals where appropriate, as each Interrogation increases the rate by 0.5. When viewing a dropship on the Aircraft screen, the soldier list now increases in size as the dropship capacity increases (rather than a scrollbar being added). Added a new 3D model for the Fusion Pistol. Reduced the volume on the new Geocsape base construction sound.
  13. Increasing the UFO stats doesn't really address that sort of balance issue though - if shotguns were overpowered, it wouldn't be a good idea to fix it by buffing the HP of all aliens. That would just make all other weapons non-viable and ensure everyone had to use shotguns all the time. Hardpoints are a way to potentially deal with the issue, yes - although the Angel having 3 and the Phantom having 4 is already the setup, isn't it? Anyway, give things a bit of a test once the Lances are patched and feel free to comment on the issue in the balance thread.
  14. The Laser Lance values should also have been reduced back down to 6 weight too, but I missed that change. I'll get it patched in shortly. Basically we experimented with weapons needing more payload as their tech level increased, but decided it was a bad idea and reverted the change - but I forgot to change back the increased interceptor payload limites. I'm happy to consider increasing that payload on the interceptors ... but the problem I'm concerned about is the Angel feeling great at that payload capacity, but then the Phantom and Gemini not really being a significant improvement because the Angel can already carry most loadouts.
  15. We've moved the Global Panic caused by a UFO finishing it's mission successfully onto the anomalies, which means that UFOs gradually inflict Global Panic as they fly around generating anomalies rather than it all happening at once at the end of the mission. I'll update the patch notes to explain that better. Yeah, I'll fix the Laser Lance in the next patch then.
  16. Thanks. That should now be fixed in the patch I released a few hours ago.
  17. May has been another month of progress for Xenonauts 2. We released the first experimental version of Milestone 4 a couple of weeks ago, an update which brings a lot of new improvements and features to the game. You can read the initial (very long) changelog here, but our work isn't complete yet - we'll be continuing to add new content and fix bugs until we feel the update is ready for general release on the standard Steam / GOG / Epic branches. As always, we greatly appreciate the feedback from members of our community who have played the new version. This help has been invaluable in finding and fixing bugs, and ironing out problems with the game balance. We've got most of the stability issues under control now, which means it's a good time for anyone interested in playing the Experimental build to dive in - and please let us know any thoughts or issues with the game balance in the dedicated Milestone 4 Balance thread! Campaign Balance & Stability: Over the last month we spent a great deal of time playing the campaign in an attempt to get the game balance into reasonable shape before the Experimental release. This seems to have paid off, with the update getting a positive reaction from the community so far. There's not really space to go into specifics about what we've changed (we've tweaked the numbers in a LOT of different places), but the overall difficulty progression and campaign pacing should feel smoother than in previous versions. We've also spent a lot of time fixing bugs. Most of the crash bugs in Milestone 4 have now been fixed, and we're continuing to work through fixes for the other bugs introduced by the new content. In addition to this, we've been working through our backlog of historical bugs (some of which date back to the original Early Access launch), and we've now fixed quite a few of the more serious historical issues too. New Content: We added new content in a few areas last month. Our new sound designer provided a number of new sounds for various parts of the game, such as the soldier equip screen where moving weapons and equipment in soldier inventories previously played no sound. There's now unique sounds for picking up and putting down all sorts of items (also played when switching weapons in the tactical combat), which makes the screen feel much more satisfying to use. We've also added some new 3D models for certain alien variants, some of the human Fusion weapons, and some new terrain pieces for the Farm and Tropical biomes (although these won't appear in the game until Milestone 5). Our level designer has also continued to create new maps for the game; I think we're getting to a pretty good place in terms of map variety now. As per usual, we've added a number of small usability features too - but there's too many of those to list, and individually they're not that exciting. Hopefully you'll notice one or two when you next play the game though! Finally, there's a new bug reporting tool in Milestone 4 that makes it easier for players to report bugs, which can by accessed by pressing F11 and appears automatically after a crash. This just provides a handy zip file of all the files we need to track down bugs, which should make squashing the remaining bugs in the game more straightforward! Conclusion: Our priority for this month is to finish up Milestone 4 and push it out for general release - although we're exactly sure when this will happen, because a lot depends on what feedback we get from our testers and how many bugs we need to fix. However, we'll let everyone know as soon as we're able to set a launch date!
  18. This update is also only accessible by switching to our Experimental branches (instructions on how to do so here) - although please be aware they have slower load times and worse performance than normal builds due to the extra logging they contain! Gameplay Updates: The Colossus Armour and Exosuit armour have been swapped around in the tech tree, and their stats and construction cost have been updated accordingly. There is now also an upgrade project for the Colossus unlocked from the Harvester UFO which allows you to improve their armour, which keeps them semi-relevant into the endgame (although the Exosuit is much better general-purpose armour). We've moved the Global Panic caused by a UFO finishing it's mission successfully onto the anomalies, which means that UFOs gradually inflict Global Panic as they fly around generating anomalies rather than it all happening at once at the end of the mission. Made several changes to the way Cleaner reinforcements work on the Data Raid / Eliminate VIP missions to discourage people spawn camping the reinforcements: Enemy reinforcements now spawn with 50% Time Units, instead of zero Time Units. Cleaner reinforcements now escalate more quickly, with subsequent waves of reinforcements coming 3 turns after the first reinforcements and having twice as many enemies. Mission briefings should now specify accurate values for what turn the reinforcements arrive, and the "enemy reinforcements have arrived" dialogue conversations should now trigger on the correct turns. The first Destroyer to spawn on the Geoscape now always contains Sebillians. Returned the interceptor power generation values to what they were in Milestone 3 (10 for Angel, 13 for Phantom, 15 for Gemini). ARES now has 100 HP rather than 1200 HP, as I made a typo in the last build. When in grenade / medikit targeting mode, the game will no longer preview the portrait / stats of other soldiers when you hover over their minitabs at the top of the screen (because doing this cancelled the grenade / medikit use). Updated the art on the Fusion Charge so it glows fusion green rather than plasma blue. Slight damage increase (~10%) on the Combat Knife and Energy Knife. Panic reduction for winning a Terror Site reduced to -10 local Panic from -20 local Panic. Alien Psi-Amp is now marked as Junk on the stores screen. Briefcase of Money item now has an image, and is a 4x3 inventory item that weighs 10. Added some new sounds for construction of a base on the Geoscape, and for demolishing base structures. Bugfixes: Fixed a crash that could occur when you tried to throw a grenade with a Colossus soldier. Fixed a crash that could occur if you destroyed a shipping container with a unit on top of it. Fixed selling a dropship causing the player to lose all items equipped on soldiers assigned to that dropship. Fixed an issue with the Laser: Recharge project not correctly upgrading the ammo in the planned loadouts of Unassigned soldiers. Fixed the "Eternal Interrogation" research project unlocking after you completed the Alien Leader interrogation, even if you had not captured an Eternal. Fixed soldiers that already died of bleeding wounds continuing to take damage and trigger info toasts at the start of each round. Fixed players being unable to save loadout changes if all they changed was toggling the Heavy Armour toggle on / off. Fixed the Shielded Plating aircraft armour item incorrectly using the Alloy Plating item art. Fixed abduction tubes continuing to play their humming sound even if they had teleported away due to the mission timer expiring. Fixed freed civilians on Abduction missions not being counted in the post-mission Debrief line about surviving civilians. Fixed some broken floor tiles on the ATLAS Base 3 map. Fixed the Harvester UFO hull dropshadow darkness being inconsistent between the landed and crashed variants. Fixed there being no sound played when you demolished a building that was under construction.
  19. Thanks. Yeah, we've been able to reproduce it now - we'll get it fixed shortly.
  20. Great, makes sense. I'll assume this bug is fixed then.
  21. Thanks. I've checked 1) in the game and it seems to work fine, but if you have a situation where it's wrong then do a bug report and I'll check the saves to see what the random rolls are and what the target number is. Similarly, with the training facility, send me a save and I'll take a look. It might just give very slow stat increases because we slowed it all down in Milestone 3. The rescue missions now also give $50k per rescued soldier, as they're each carrying a Briefcase of Money. We'll be taking another look at the Ambush missions some time this week.
  22. Having tested this on my own Veteran playthrough, I actually think you'll be fairly short of Alloys if you start the game by building a second Laboratory and go up to 12 scientists at the start of month 2. You'll probably have unlocked Lasers before Destroyers start appearing, and as soon as you shoot down a Destroyer and research UFO Hull Plating you unlock a LOT of projects that require Alloys.
  23. Yeah, Alien Psi-Amps should be junk. We do need to mark corpses as Junk once the linked engineering projects are completed, but that requires implementation of a system in code and we've not got round to it yet. But it's on the to-do list. Cyberdrone Wreckage is currently junk, yeah. I should probably add engineering projects for that too.
  24. Yeah, it's likely to be the damage roll on the weapons - the randomisation happens before the armour calculation, so if you roll 50% damage then an armoured enemy will probably take relatively little damage. Whereas if you roll 200% damage then you'll just vaporise them no matter how much armour they might have.
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