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Everything posted by Hellstormer

  1. I haven't ever seen any of my soldiers use reaction fire. I hear some people have so I trust it is in but my guys seem to prefer direct orders so I've not seen any reflexes increase. Usually after a battle all of my soldiers gain something even if it's only APs. Apparently I move around a lot!
  2. Yes I have noticed that also. There's some weird issues involving lines of fire around the front of that craft too.
  3. Nope. But once I finished both regular laser weapons and heavy weapons I had a laser pistol listed under weapons and one listed under equipment so I might have just missed it appearing after plasma under the weapons tab. I'll check it again later on today.
  4. But it is still an issue that needs a bug squish so good to see it get mentioned so it's known to still be impacting the game.
  5. After researching plasma pistols and rifles you unlock the ability to research laser weapons at which point you can build several types of laser weaponry. I sadly didn't get to see them because my chinook of crack troops was shot down... cursed aliens!
  6. Found it! Heavy Lasers have the Infantry Laser Weapon Description text to it. See below screen (Thumbnail at very bottom shows the origination text from regular laser weapons).
  7. The armour should be listed in the armour section as well. Right now it's all just grouped up into equipment (perhaps merely to keep easier track of it during the development process?)
  8. You just need the main .exe file to be listed as trusted so far as I'm aware. It should be somewhere similar to this: C:\Program Files (x86)\Desura\Common\xenonauts The file itself should be called "Xenonauts" and if you go into properties it will tell you it is the executable.
  9. Laser Weaponry 3rd paragraph of the Report section: "We are therefore pleased to announce the successful testing of a range of four prototype infantry laser weapon prototypes..." Suggestion: The dual use of the word prototypes is redundant. I would favor removing the first one so it would read as follows. "We are therefore pleased to announce the successful testing of a range of four infantry laser weapon prototypes..." In addition I would recommend thinking of removing the words "a range of" leaving you with the following: "We are therefore pleased to announce the successful testing of infantry laser weapon prototypes..."
  10. Alenium 4th line in the Summary: "We cannot manufacture alenium, so must capture as much as possible" Should be: "We connot manufacture alenium, so WE must capture as much as possible"
  11. Alien Plasma Rifle - first line of the Summary: "The alien plasma rifle is the default armament for alien combatant units" Might just be the difference here between US and Britain but we would likely say "Alien combatants" or "Alien Combat Units". I think that in this case it's like that "combatant units" is the more formal version but I don't know that 100% so there you go!
  12. So this image is from a landed UFO. It is on the farm tileset. I SHOULD be able to shoot this alien with multiple troopers from what I think but it is a spot where, although my troops can SEE it, they have 0% accuracy to shoot it. It's like it's clipped into the UFO or the ground texture or something like that.
  13. Alien Plasma Pistol Upon Research completion - Paragraph 5: Despite superficial similarities in design, this weapon have been ergonomically designed for alien troops and differences in finger length and joint position make them difficult for humans to wield effectively. Change to: Despite superficial similarities in design, this weapon has been ergonomically designed for alien troops and differences in finger length and joint position make them difficult for humans to wield effectively.
  14. Everyone and anyone feel free to use this as a place to specifically reference notations that are in need of grammatical or spelling aid. Feel free to use a screenshot OR to explicitly reference where the text you are referring to is located. Feel free also to use the same format as I did below just for continuity. As always Chris and team feel free to move this to a new location if you would like to. From the Xenopedia entry on Sidewinders it reads: This allow the Sidewinder to target the distinctive radiation patterns emitted by the extraterrestrial craft and successfully achieve a target lock, but the weakness of these emissions means this can only be done at ranges of less than a kilometer. Analysis of captured UFOs may allow us to speed up this process. Suggestion (look for bold): 1. This allows the Sidewinder to target the distinctive radiation patterns emitted by the extraterrestrial craft and successfully achieve a target lock. (Changed to a period) However due to the weakness of the radiation emissions this can only be currently accomplished at ranges of less than a kilometer. Analysis of captured UFOs may allow us to speed up this process. Explanation: This allow the - either needs to become "This allows" OR "This WILL allow" to be correct. Either solution is fine. Where I took out the comma and made it into a period is due to the fact that those really should be two separate sentences. Right now I would call that one the dreaded "Comma-splice" (where you hook two sentences together needlessly using a comma). I will edit more in as I find them.
  15. As seen below - underneath the "back to menu" option the option for "Pre-order Game" is still visible behind it. It also seems like something is still present behind "Extract XML Files" too but I can't make that one out. Along with that if you click on "Manual" you get a 404 error linked to this page: http://www.xenonauts.com/manual/
  16. Ok a couple more things about this then! 1. Can you revive someone who is knocked out by using a medkit? 2. Hmm armor affecting it yes... that will be tricky to balance. I hope you get that sorted out I don't even have suggestions for that.
  17. Moonie are you referring to the terror mission where one soldier starts with a pistol but in his backpack is a sniper rifle? If so I can't get this to replicate.
  18. So I ran into two instances of this - one of which makes sense to me and the second example doesn't. Example #1: I fired the tanks rockets at an alien. It hit the alien, exploded into a satisfying fireball complete with smoke cloud. I grinned (mainly because I only had 3 guys left + the almost dead tank...). I moved a squad member up to pass BY the fire but not go INTO it. He wandered through one tile of smoke and flashed Green. I then tried to move him forward one more square. He passed out and died in the smoke from a full health state. Example #2: I threw a grenade. Granted it was a horrible throw and didn't go where I intended but the splash damage didn't hurt any of my guys. I moved into the house where some remnant smoke from the frag grenade was lingering (this was the turn AFTER I threw the nade). My guy walked into the smoke cloud, the very thin, wispy smoke cloud and fell over dead. From full health. So my questions are... 1. Does this work as intended? 2. Does smoke inhalation kill you/knock your guys unconscious? 3. I THINK one of the guys knocked "out" and no longer even appearing on my hotbar as selectable was merely "unconscious" because he showed up as wounded for 16 days in the after action report. 4. I understand if the heavy smoke from rockets would be bad but from grenades? Do the frag nades have a secondary "nerve gas" effect we don't know of? 5. IF heavy smoke is a burden for the humans on the maps (I assume civvies and friendly military subject to same fate as my own guys) will SOME Aliens be effected by this also? I would assume not all of them would be effected due to different ways of breathing though. 6. Not sure if this is a bug or not so I am putting it in here. Feel free to move this elsewhere if no bug is in fact present
  19. House in the upper left you can walk through the wall and the couch. In this same house pictured below once you enter through the front door it doesn't actually open - nor does it play the door opening sound effect.
  20. Oh I can complete it! I just can't complete it and gain points yet hehe. It's fun as heck though.
  21. It is possible that your firewall/AV may not be recognizing the game as something that is ok to execute. I would add the game to your firewall/AV as an "exception" or "trusted program" just to be on the safe side of this. I know that for each new version my Comodo firewall tries to isolate it until I tell it to shush - this file is ok!
  22. weird... mine worked and only took about 10 min max. No HM bugs so far! YES GJ team! Chris are you sure those updated tiles you fixed for walking through walls made it into this build because I've found several of the same places still bugged (see the bug report forum). Other than that it seems really stable so far. I'll keep trying to break things! Next up: more testing
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