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The New Romance

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Everything posted by The New Romance

  1. I just met my first fighter, and when I engaged with two F-17s, it tried to reach the map border to escape into space. Just seconds before it managed to do so, it was shot down by the autocannons on the F-17s. The report said "crashes into the sea", although I was fully over land, with quite a distance to every body of water. Also, there was no crash site. Maybe it's intentional that fighters don't crash, but it should probably say "explodes on the ground" rather than "crashes into the sea" when it's over land.
  2. My game crashed when I moved an unarmed soldier (he had been wounded and after hospital re-assigned to the Chinook, where I forgot to equip him again) on top of a Sebilian corpse. I clicked on the inventory button (in the hope that I'd be able to pick up the alien's plasma pistol), the game crashed to desktop. Might be related to the OP bug.
  3. Now that 9.3 isn't arriving this weekend, I've started up 9.2 and I have to say: BIG KUDOS! It really is a substantial improvement over 9.0 (I skipped the .1 version as it seemed very buggy), especially with the Extended Soldiers Background mod. Now I've got Canadians, Cuban vets and even an Italian by the name of Lollobrigida As a sidenote, I've read a current review of Xenonauts on a German gaming page, and while it was very positive, it was also skeptical whether there will be a release build this year, seeing as a lot of "higher level" content isn't in the game at present. I'd be very interested if that content is already existing, but not yet in the game, and what you, Chris, think about the odds of a release this year. Is it still within reach, or is it likely that the projection has to be shifted (especially with all that work of painting tiles, as I imagine there is still quite some to be done)?
  4. This might be aggravated by the fact that you are actually able to make a save, but you can't properly reload it. Might be worth to disable the save button and functionality in every case where Ironman doesn't allow for saving.
  5. I sure hope so. I'm really itching for the upcoming fundraising to be really successful so Chris can create a seriously deep game.
  6. You could give "autocannons" (or its equivalent) to everyone in Xenonauts, but would it be useful? I say no. The design philosphy of Xenonauts is different, there isn't a "best" weapon, at neither tier, so while you can give everyone a machine gun, that won't do no good as some soldiers might not be able to use it, while others will be slowed down considerably and won't be firing often. Also, you will need different weapons for different combat situations, just giving everyone a sniper rifle or a rocket launcher will drain so much flexibility you won't be going anywhere, as every weapon has its drawbacks. Personally, I like this approach much more than fully sticking to X-COMS forumula, or doing a "Fallout" where there are in fact "best" weapons and you can trash the rest.
  7. So did I. This game better deliver, I've never played a game like that, since I was around in the 80's, but playing with bricks rather than videogames.
  8. There should probably a "decoy" placeholder of whatever object/building there was before the crash in the place where the UFO actually is. This would reflect a "looking at a map" scenario. So the box might well read "School", but lo and behold, there's gonna be a looong holiday for some lucky kids as soon as you get a visual contact on where the school was before.
  9. I don't think the UFO would be marked out, you wouldn't know from looking at a map of the place beforehand, and I don't know live satellite surveillance in 1979 allowed for such feats. However, a crack team of special alien fighters going into a combat zone without proper beforehand information seems wrong to me, so I'd vote for inclusion if it is feasible, doesn't cause bugs and doesn't collide with already programmed stuff.
  10. Oh yes, I second your suggestions! I want that in the game... badly.
  11. Christian Allen. This is now the official "All Things Kickstarter" thread, or so it seems.
  12. Of course, you probably shouldn't call it "Sissie Mode" or something like that. That was just a joke
  13. What about changing it 180 degrees, then, making Ironman Mode the standard game mode with a little box in the lower left corner saying "Wussie Mode"? Its functionally the same, but I believe it might change everything from a psychological point of view (plus, more people would probably experience the game as it's meant to be).
  14. Yes. And the ending credits should tell you so. Like in Braid. Congratulations, you saved the world, you monster!
  15. Remember, though, that Xenonauts is quite mod-friendly, so anyone who wanted his name input into the soldier database is free to do so at no additional cost. That might cheapen such a reward in the eyes of the pledgers - same as with other "get put into the game"-rewards that you could probably do by yourself.
  16. I read an article on the most profitable Kickstarter pledge tiers the other day, must've been in RPS' Sunday Papers (no, I just checked, it wasn't). Someone did the maths: the #1 chosen tiers were in fact those in the 15 to 30 $ range, but the money came from the 50 - 100 $ - fewer people selected them, but not proportionally fewer people, so that they all in all generated more money. Sucks that I can't find the article again, was quite interesting. EDIT: Ah-ha! There we go http://www.kickstarter.com/blog/trends-in-pricing-and-duration.
  17. As Ziggarius said, Brian Fargo might be in quite a hurry these days. I'd give him another day or two to get this sorted Also, Indiegogo wouldn't be that bad after all, I mean even if the funding levels stay within its current frame, 10,000 or 12,000 $ wouldn't be half bad either way. Might not be what everyone is wishing for, but it still is some serious money.
  18. Sorry for double-posting, but this just in: Obsidian to co-develop Wasteland 2 - on one condition...
  19. And forests. I like forests. And especially jungles. Oh, fighting aliens in the jungle, I do get excited about that.
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