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Xenonaut Premium Preorder
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Everything posted by Sathra

  1. More combat focused, less diplomacy and screwing around with planets. Planets make money and build ships, that's it. I quite like it, there's some tactical fun in there (various weapons, ways of fighting, soft and hard counters, counters to them, etc). And, y'know, that classic fun of blowing stuff up. With enormous fleets timed to arrive on 15 planets on the same turn (though not the whole fleet fights at the same time). All detailed enough that you can blow individual turrets off. Best to get the complete collection though. I used to play it alot...then Xenonauts came around. Now its all EU and TFTD, all the time. Still look back fondly, part of why I'm mildly annoyed they fethed up the launch so badly.
  2. Dunno. It would make sense if there's a suppression mechanic though. Being better able to respond quickly under stress and whatnot. Its just that without it, it sounds wrong. But yeah, having shocks increase reactions (somehow) as part of their duties would make sense, and be very useful. You can't reaction move all the time (wait, is reaction move still going to be included?). Huh, now that I think about it, if troops gained reaction XP from being in a local priority list, they would gain XP from charging through doors. They'd be in the list as part of being a target. The things you can do when your opponents aren't expected to survive or re-appear. Hmm, we might need a third voice.
  3. Oh god, the kneeling thread/s. I'm curious, do strategy game forums usually generate large posts compared to say...arcade or simulator games? Or whatever the other genres. If so, might be a result of the people the games attract. *points at Gazz while whistling innocently* On Topic: Hmm, never really considered having stuff during the player turn affect reactions. It sounded somehow wrong. I suggested that bravery go up with rank as well as whatever else due to rank being = experience. Besides, having officers (who increase or harden morale) more likely to panic that their grunts alot of the time does end up being a bit strange. Bravery going up from not panicking when you should is just stolen wholesale from EU. Its was the only way to gain Bravery, basically any time you don't panic when below the panic threshold, you gain bravery XP. Getting jaded is my guess.
  4. Oh yeah, I agree with that. I'd actually probably be playing it if it wasn't for the eye-strain. It...doesn't put you in a good mood to look for the good stuff.
  5. For some people. I kept continually getting various crashes. But yes, very, very boring. It seems the current release actually is the release version. Wow. At least Elemental's GUI worked and it had tooltips and such on release. @iamkyon: Apparently it did have some kind of closed beta with the community. Current reason given is that they really, really underestimated the time they needed and were ordered to release after multiple extensions or something. Feel much happier about Chris delaying Xenonauts to make sure it works right as a result. Take as much time as you need Chris! Haven't been able to find much 'official' info beyond whatever Paradox says, since the Dev's forums have crashed or something.
  6. Just a flat wow. It went really bad, and now there's a pile of arguments about the current version and if its the real release version. To give an idea of how bad, people have been likening the game to Elemental on release (or even saying its worse). That's horrifying. Hand upon Cthulhu's squamous foot, I seriously hope nothing similar happens with Xenonauts. Just a ramble, no excessive flaming and all that. Feel free to derail after..hmm..say 2 posts?
  7. Yeah, that's what I meant about the reaction stuff. Tried not to mention anything from EU though. Basically, what I meant was something like any time a soldier gets listed in something like EU's reaction priority list, they get REA xp or whatever is used.
  8. Yeah, there's a few ways for doing stuff like that (skimmed the maths, too tired). -Higher stat = more xp used per point -X-com's method for secondary stats (maximum increase scaled based on current stats) I'm curious as to how actions translate into stat gains at all. Is it xp levels per stat point? Actions add to counter for rolls? What?
  9. Hmm, good point about the stat caps. Now that I think about it, why are there stat caps? Is Xenonauts likely to have the overflow problems of X-com 1/2? They added some caps as a result of it. As for stat gains, well, there is a limit to how much you can gain per mission. Depends on the criteria for raising. If reflexes gain XP for any reaction response, including the turning or whatever they do when they begin to react, that would take out some of the difficulty. Still wondering how the game knows you're firing at a valid target for Accuracy XP gain. (from something Chris said on the old forum). Does it just not register accidental hits? Bravery could be increased partially with rank and/or missions. Also not panicking when you should. Good point about strength though. Carrying heavy stuff apparently increases it, but not sure how much you need to carry. Overloading? Half? There was also that "linking" stuff I brought up that AD helpfully copied over: How experience is awarded
  10. You bothered to sack rookies? I just got them killed if I really didn't like them. Half the time I didn't have to try (and half of the time when I did, they became incredibly skilled and indispensable as a result). @Gazz: Yeah, clicking 8 times to get to something does get annoying. Streamlining is good, as long as you don't lose the ability to do stuff as a result (or at least not have it compensated elsewhere).
  11. Mega-Ultrasonic Red Masers. (A maser is a higher-levelled laser after all) They might even actually travel at c!
  12. Its wierd, I didn't mind the mouse-clicking at all before. Then after playing with the loader I'm using for the LP, then playing a game of TFTD on the side...ugh, so much annoying clicking. But I agree, I love having growth on the battlefield completely up to me. Makes me feel more involved than having something rambling in the background upgrading stuff.
  13. Could make up some stuff about the ships shifting into "landing-mode" too. Which would somehow make them more geometric? Alien Science!
  14. What JL said. Its just visual blek and pretty easy to ignore. Also agreeing about the spoiler tags and image stuff (I have an obvious reason!) @Seiseki: I thought Gauddlike was being sarcastic. That's somewhat like irony. In classic squint-eyed fashion.
  15. Heh, yeah. That was a major request. They're reasonably good shots even as rookies. You'll be glad to know that shots go in the general direction of the target. Not to the sides or behind the shooter.
  16. Having to hire and then train also incorporates having to pay them wages. The main purpose of the training isn't to get skilled troops, its just a safer way to get rid of liabilities (rookies in combat). A few points of accuracy and stamina is nothing. I don't like the idea of hiring already skilled troops. It degrades the value of properly raised troops. Heck, I don't really see why we need to have the training anyways. As has been mentioned, it doesn't fit well. Go rookies! Survivors will be treasured.
  17. Could just assign them based on ship size though. If all ships of a certain size fall within a certain boundary of space on the combat map, that could also work.
  18. That was the reasoning behind allowing mid-mission saves for Xenonauts (besides Iron Mode). I just don't like the current look of UFO AI. Its physically unpleasant. Eye strain and all. That and the off-map facilities and various slip-shod mechanics.
  19. Really hard to get right though. The problems with the TFTD 'Lane' missions were a mixture of: -Excessive size and map complexity. -Obscene difficulty (mixture of the lazy AI, weapons, and alien toughness) -Various bugs -Item limit (for ammo and whatnot) -Troop limit (you're outnumbered about 2-1...twice). Then you get the drills and some experience under your belt (and the ridiculously good ION/MagION armours), and they're just boring. And tedious. All that said though, it could be done. It would be interesting to have the superheavy missions be moving through a map to the other side (or some section of it) which is taken up by some massive wall of ship. Then either breaching the doors, or blowing your way in to an exit area. Would get tedious and/or incredibly difficult though. Good thing there's no BB's.
  20. Huh, I didn't notice. Edit: Tempting though.
  21. What about a red ultrasonic laser? Ultra things are better than super things after all. And magnets. Must have magnets, everywhere.
  22. Sathra

    X-com eu lp

    Wasn't planned either. Damn their oily dolphin-like hides. I'll have to wait till next month to rebuild it now. Oh right, forgot to mention the wierd stuff from that mission. Hunterhavoc managed to shoot through the hull of the ship, with a pistol, and killed a snakeman. I have no idea what was going on with that. Still not as weird as Lucion walking through the wall of a scout to go out the door I told him to stand in front of. (from newCOBRA's first mission, which won't be written up) The snakeman that was inside the scout at the time must have been very surprised. Then Lucion shot him. GO TEAM!
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