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Everything posted by Charon

  1. I would be interested in a X-Division Playthrough :), if i may say that.
  2. Heres a base attack with Phase 1 weapons VS ... Phase 1 aliens ? Hm Part 1 is thinking and positioning Part 2 is a Cliffhanger ... kidding, my system crashed, but luckily i saved at the end of every round Part 3 is pretty nostalgic, if you know what i mean
  3. Can i press the quotes in quote issue a bit ? My posts look really silly and most of the time i can tbring the information effortlessly acroos that i want. Thx :).
  4. Although there are color codes in the files it is not possible to change ingame colors of strings. Its hardcoded ( Solver ).
  5. @blackwolf You can also ask us for the unofficial stable version.
  6. Just started into Phase 2 and am going against sebillians with ballistic weapons ... at night. Thats after a long and attrocious fight with an 1350 hp, ballistic resistant battle tank. Keep those rockets flying. Unfortuantely one reaper got too close to Pvt. Zhenya Kalashnikov. May he rest in peace. Can you see that ? I think this is it. OK, we are going to breach that thing ! Wheres the goddam door ? MAN DOWN ! Sgt. Vadim Falin has fallen. You had one job, Carl ! ONE JOB ! Gotta do this. We are going to get so much crap if we seize that UFO. Ok, thats a squadwipe ... no jolly bros this time. If I would have pulled out when Vadim Falin had fallen it would look like that: Would have been the better decision.
  7. I have to admit the official alpha on steam is kind of not up to date. I´ll send you an pm with the latest unofficial stable version. You can report things you find her as well.
  8. :D:D:D::D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D What did i do ? Force you ? here or in this thread: here is an extraction: reported and fixed fixed shouldnt, but im not so far that i can test that. If you are refering to 1xItems.AlienFighterDatacore, then it is capped, meaning you wont get more than 1. If its 1xItems.FallenAlienFighter you should be able to get unlimited amount of this. is there a window popping up after the shotdown? over land it should and over see it shouldnt. You gte them from disassembling energy weapons like phaser and lightning weapons Right, you need an navigator for the datacore research. Alive, corpses dont talk. You cant produce any alien weapons. This are disassembles. You disassemble the amount of weapons and get teh appropriate core for it. Energycore for energyweapons and ballisticcore for ballistic weapons.
  9. Is there a way to color any strings in the game ?
  10. This is right at the start of phase 2 and im fighting with mk2 weapons on a Terror site. Pardon the airfight, i didnt think there would be an interruption. Explanation: Sebillians shouldnt be able to see thorugh fire but i guess some other compagnion spottet me from the side. Was pretty hard, the abort necessary. Why can Alpha Reapers run so far and what killed my mayor ? Aliens OP ! Drages nerve them !
  11. I think a good old fashioned inbuilt magnifying glass would help. Something XCE could do ?
  12. https://steamcommunity.com/groups/x_division/discussions/0/364042063117418555/ I really have to call that: why didnt you see this ? Its pinned on the board. They are not building a phaserrfle, they are dissasembling (DSB) it, giving you a part of the weapon. These are just testing robots. Get the latest ufocontents here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B27Z44zoal_VaFdZdFQyLU5FOFk Garrison Duty: No Furries, Terror,...: No Armored Assault: No If i say i want it to be exactly looking like i show it than i mean i want it EXACTLY to be looking like i show it + the additional directions i give.
  13. Is the last bit cut off ? and How does this work ? Alien Base-1 ? Give an example This would need a "Stay at least this Distances away from target" combined with a "goto***" command. Any Chance for UFOs to spawn terror site like special missions ?
  14. Although especially in your case i would say you should simply wait for the beta, if you are too frustrated.
  15. Yo, all of those errors shouldnt happen and they are quite severe. Those items.xml errors can cause quite the number of crashes. Delete everything X-Division related, dont have any other mod active, verify game integrity and do this: INSTALLATION 1. Download the XDivision Alpha Release: MEGA[mega.nz] (https://mega.nz/#!ZZpRVawJ!MvVhdH-xqUqNU8b8AVhPk2GKQcL9LCnN31scxt5fSNM) 2. Extract XDivision_099 and XDivision_099 Part 2 to your mod directory ( ..../mods) 3. Activate XDivision and XDivison Part 2 and set the mod priority in the modloader to: 1. XDivision Part 2 2. XDivision 4. Delete your C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Goldhawk Interactive\Xenonauts\internal\scripts folder This should work
  16. I wouldnt actually go for any % buff, but rather have the UFO in question being replaced at a certain ATP count, which is basically what X-Division does.
  17. You are takeing the words right out of my mouth. This mouth:
  18. Ah, got me. Theres nothing much to say about that, the vanilla/current ones are doing the job basically well, but not dramatically strategic. The main problem about this is that currently none is pushing in that direction makeing a mod for it. So only really people who want this feature can tell you what they need in order to make different things possible. This could end up as something which people find useful, but every modable feature has to be implemented by someone and used by a mod to fully shine. So heres my logical mind chain: you need someone who is enthusiastic about this feature > you have none > implement as many modable features as possible so > someone is going to use it in the future I´ve seen you implemented some code like "hideUFO", what does it do ? Are there more commands like that ? I would make a COMPLETE rundown of every possible command/code and explain what it does, This way people will figure out if they will like it or if they want to sue it come up with better ideas. Theres simply too less info about this to say anything for me, too less precise information for me. Pardon the bad english.
  19. approves This is the answer to my thread in ... 2015 ?
  20. You know shits about to go down when developrs start to do this:
  21. And i agree, its indead not solved optimally yet. Dont get frustrated, wait for the alpha 2 release.
  22. Hm ... you dont have google drive ? Thats indeed frustrating. But i fear i repeat myself. Tell us what happens/happened. Give us the maximum of information possible and we ll be able to do the minimum of effort. "It crashed" never was a good error report for any platform, any game, any software and any hardware.
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