The Dropship Pilots don´t need an Chance. They are fully fine like they are now. They have already 3 important Jobs: 1. to bring the Soldiers to and from the Ground-Fighting Zone, looking that the Transport don´t get destroyed (Flee as fast as they can in Emergency) and stearing from the Cockpit the MARS or whatever Support Vehicle / Vehicles later on.
But you are right in an other Part of that: Combat Pilots!
They are the Pilots which have the hardest Job: 1. flying first underdog Combat-Fighters and save the Skys from UFOs ; 2. escort in Emergency the Troop Transport; 3. looking not to going down with the Fighter (Shoot Down, Out of Fuel, to much Damage or whatever); get alive and take as much experiance as they can to give the knowleade to new Rooky-Combat-Pilots;
If they get shoot down or crashlanded about not enough Fuel, then such a Mission makes Sense. Your Troopers have to save the Combat Pilot (dosen´t matter Women or Men) and bring him home alive. Only then to create such an Mission makes Sense.
Important is to order the Combat Pilots you have to better Fighter-Planes.