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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/17/2019 in all areas

  1. Almost every combat mission I fight, I will encounter this bug. During the alien movement phase the foot step audio for an alien will start looping, and continue looping until that specific alien is killed or the mission ends. It is not limited to a specific alien type, and could be the sound of walking or running (if there's a difference) I cannot reliably reproduce this, or predict it. And there is nothing specific I've noticed that might be a cause or co-symptom. System: Win 7, SSD, running in Steam. Intel Xeon E3 cpu, Intel DZ77RE-75K mobo, 8GB DDR3 ram, EVGA GTX 970 video card, on-board motherboard soundcard using 5.1 speakers via 3 phone connector audio cables.
    1 point
  2. So I've been watching someone play Xcom TFTD and during a lot of the early missions, I noticed that he was able to toss just about anything around. Magazines, guns, bodies, even hot potato grenades. I'd love to see something like this in Xenonauts-2. During a recent replay of Xenonauts, I found it very cumbersome to transfer extra magazines and other items to other soldiers. You need to get them close to each other, have one drop a magazine, move them out of the way, get the other guy to stand on that spot and pick it up. By that point, if they haven't died of reaction fire, it's unlikely that they'd be able to even reload their weapon. I'd love to see this kind of mechanic implemented for Xenonauts-2. Just imagine a guy decked out in Predator armor, armed to the teeth with various amounts of ammo for various kinetic and energy weapons, just throwing magazines to anyone he can see, like he's playing support in Battlefield 1. It'd also be fun to hot potato grenades.
    1 point
  3. Pen & paper... The Xenopedia shows the ones you've "processed" through interrogations, but the list gets rather long fairly quickly, and isn't available while on a ground mission (and the ones you've captured but haven't interrogated yet are available through the research screen). There are certain Xenopedia entries that list aliens and roles that may be encountered during various phases. However, all "operators" of a given species look the same.
    1 point
  4. It's theoretically possible, but it's not really something I'm going to think about too much at this stage - but potentially it could be added later on in development if all is going smoothly. The other way to solve the issue is to give the "ground" inventory a radius, so instead of just being the single tile on which the unit is stood you can pick up items from adjacent (non-blocked) tiles too. That means transferring ammo from one soldier to another would onlyneed them to be stood next to each other; it's a bit easier in terms of UI too. Either way it's something I'm willing to consider but I think we need all the key gameplay mechanics in place first.
    1 point
  5. I think being able to hire experienced soldiers is a bit of lorebreaking and casual - Xenonauts are the only force actively going on against the aliens. Thats why your recruits are inexperenced despite being best of the best in "normal" military - they were trained to fight other humans not the aliens. But I agree that there should be some way to get recruits who are not privates. What if surviving local forces encountered on terror sites and other missions will have a chance to be be inducted into your ranks? They would volunteer to join your force to be able to avenge their fallen comrades, sent to you to maintain secrecy(might be the case regarding police officers and security guards) or as reward by local government. That will also give player more incentive to actually go on and fight aliens instead of letting local forces to soak damage from the invaders. And that will also make sense lorewise - as these people had actually fought aliens and survived they will be more accustomed fighting them then fresh rookies.
    1 point
  6. @Aldodrem So points #2 and #3 are technical things that should definitely be supported by the final game. Point #1 is an interesting one I’d not considered before, but I don’t really see any reason why we couldn’t make the Xenopedia accessible from the ground combat (Esc) menu too.
    1 point
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