So I've been watching someone play Xcom TFTD and during a lot of the early missions, I noticed that he was able to toss just about anything around. Magazines, guns, bodies, even hot potato grenades. I'd love to see something like this in Xenonauts-2. During a recent replay of Xenonauts, I found it very cumbersome to transfer extra magazines and other items to other soldiers. You need to get them close to each other, have one drop a magazine, move them out of the way, get the other guy to stand on that spot and pick it up. By that point, if they haven't died of reaction fire, it's unlikely that they'd be able to even reload their weapon. I'd love to see this kind of mechanic implemented for Xenonauts-2.
Just imagine a guy decked out in Predator armor, armed to the teeth with various amounts of ammo for various kinetic and energy weapons, just throwing magazines to anyone he can see, like he's playing support in Battlefield 1.
It'd also be fun to hot potato grenades.