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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/23/2018 in all areas

  1. Well I like the sound of that. Here is hoping not getting slaughtered to quickly though, I doubt my machine is anxious to experience my fist yet again while accusing it of cheating.
    1 point
  2. In X-Division, the baseattack can not wait to experience you !
    1 point
  3. Wow and I thought that terrormissions are tense, well they were until I assaulted my first alien outpost. Summary: 5 killed, 2 corporals (meat)shields, 1 sgt, 1 major, 1 revival,1 detroyed defender, and rest all wounded with less than 30 HP left. 96 aliens killed, 1 captured wraith and 1 captured ceasan officer. My starting area had 2 doors on the same side so I could position pretty decent. On the first turn I opened both doors and saw one long corridor and one medium long corridor that turned left but no aliens so smoke and end turn, aliens turn 3 wraith teleport inside and I se 2 xeno coming in the medium corridor and 1 ceasan in the other. I dispose off the wraiths and gas the ceasan to death, on a personal note whoever did the soundeffect for the chemical grenade hit the nail right on the head I almost feel sorry for the aliens when using it because how unpleasant it sounds, I throw 4 incendiary into the other corridor turning all the floor into fire and end turn, I am not kidding I counted atleast 20 (I stopped counting after that) xeno deaths and a few ceasans in the following turns only the queen, the other big one (forget name), a few warriors and wraiths broke through which was managable with some losses. I did not leave the starting area until turn eleven I think, clearing the base went rather clean until storming the commandroom that cost me 2 guys. That mision took me nearly 3 hours, insane. Do someone know how to make the tone darker on the battlescape? I want to make them more dark in the nightmissions.
    1 point
  4. It's also not very strategic. You'd only need to research the corpses on your first play through because they don't give a gameplay benefit and a player is actually disadvantaging themselves to learn more about their opponents instead of researching some new guns... and second time they play the game, they already know the info and don't need to do it again. That's why they're automatic in Xenonauts; you get the lore without having to disadvantage yourself.
    1 point
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