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  1. I'm not quite sure, because I didn't tested it out yet, but it might be ,that no maintenance crew is presented at all. I have 2 games, where after 6 moths of fighting, my soldiers run with Wolf armor and still with basic weaponry. It's Veteran Iron Man, and I never had such issues with alien plasma pistols before. I will test a 'bit later on vanilla Iron Veteran, and see, if it's really affected by CE. (I don't use any other mods), so that's why I'm posting it here. May be someone else is having such experience? Edit: Yes, I tested Iron man Veteran on vanilla, and almost each enemy ufo had maintenance crew on it presented. But in CE game, I still don't met any of them.
  2. Yeah. In world, I hate most and extremely most only one kind of people - egoists. And this post staled whole half an hour to just read how egoists attack more mature people, abusing them, ordering to do their bidding. And as world rules, matures aren't matures just for age, but for mental part of it too. And poor matures just try act cool and convince with fully fledged arguments, while egoists still hear only what they want to hear and won't do anything for even their own cause. Disgusting. Egoists b'gone. I consider this flamed post, and it totally hasn't influenced any thought of anybody. It's just classic flame. p.s. Guess, egoists just never created anything by themselves. Only creators understand imperfection of creation, because they experienced it themselves. While users never understand creators in simple terms. My advice - close this flame-post. Because it breaks mood (
  3. So far, so good. My stationary computer with no decent GPU and big screen (even 2 of them), went pretty smooth on Ubuntu 14.04. Of course, there is little stuttering, and fast-forward makes little sideshow (which is totally bearable with me. As mentioned - no nice gpu on it). Game runs on own window, and doesn't conflict anyhow with multi-monitoring. Played approximately 6 hours at weekend, with no crashes so far. Guess, it's ok. )
  4. Perfect. I could comment on many things, but I'll say only one thing - you did well, Chris. World is harsh place, but you're strong and mature enough to handle it. And this is, where you're truly good man. Thank you for all you have done. Keep your trajectory further and proceed in this great world.
  5. Didn't tested in combat load-out screen, but base load-out has bug, that when you drag fusion rocket, image of rocket will take plasma rocket image.
  6. Damn. Cool! will it be graphic orientated, or story driven mainly? Or it'll be 2d? when we could look at demo? will you push it on Steam Greenlight, or, may be, on you'll put your project on Kickstarter? and so on and so on ))
  7. Yes, that's the most interesting part. And now, when it's getting even harder, especially with alien psionics, it'll be fun to look, how frustrating he'll bee on those battles... if he'll survive his air superiority at all .
  8. Just wanted to mention that too, as yesterday, while assaulting carrier, forest in front of UFO was 'bit weird. Some places I couldn't pass by, even with Hyperion. Guess, Skitso fixed that now. )
  9. Just destroy door. Solved. Next? Um, when we can touch now version, compatible with 1.07?
  10. Here's some advices: 1. Stop fighting EVERY land mission. It's not worth it, believe me. If you assault one or 2 land missions in each wave, it'll be ok in experience, resource and overall game-play feel. You still take down every ufo, which is good enough for air superiority. 2. After you'll get used to not attack everyone, you'll notice, that research will come faster to you, new thingies will open finally, and as well, enemies will come to you in ore wider specter. Corvettes are very easy. Just wait till you'll meet carriers and battleships. Those are things, you will be willing to assault just once. 3. One general advice is, that if your maintenance cost is much lower than profit from funding, it means you really don't need to assault every damn ufo. Just bombard them and clear sky from those pesky aliens. )
  11. Um, my work PC has Ubuntu 14.04 As, actually, I'm not sure, where's big difference between any Linux OS, I can only then tell, that I could try. Ubuntu has Steam, and I already tested openXcom. Would be interesting to run Xenonauts on that too. )) I can't recall, but, can Xenonaut saves be saved on steam cloud?
  12. Answer is simple - git. Cris mention, that git using skills are required, and this will ensure, that versions between different programmers wouldn't conflict. if you want, you can google it. Even simpler put - it's like main code is hosted anywhere, and all others have copies, which they modify at hearth content. After modifiers are done, they pull request to main code, that it should be modified. Git looks up, if there's no conflict between changes of current main code and sometimes, if there's no conflict with other people versions. Then he decide, add your modifications, or start telling problems. So, don't worry, there won't be version problems. )
  13. You can find Lore+ mod, which will bring some more explanations in research, such like how alien bases are established, whne and why aliens attack, how they decide, where to bomb run, what importance is air-superiority for you and so one. Lore+ include these too. One problem, thought - save-games. If you wanna play without those research mods, you must start then new game sadly.
  14. Huge doors in alien crafts still use basic door open-close sound. Could be nice to finally change that to some heavy door sound, or for now just use already used big-door sound. It's human-metal like, though. I'm not huge audio-editor, so after 30 min experiments, could not generate interesting sound from that. (
  15. I'm surprised no one mention MetalCanyon: https://www.youtube.com/user/MetalCanyon He's huge tactic game fan, as well have 'lot of xcom different series. He already played Xenonauts Beta and finished it recently. Now he's recruiting people for second play, as Xenonauts officially released, and for that, he'll play again. As well, he has good friend BattleBunny: https://www.youtube.com/user/BattleBunny1979 He is similar let's player, and now, when Xenonauts released, he'll start lets play on it too. Scott Manley https://www.youtube.com/user/szyzyg isn't lets playing Xenonauts, but recently he promoted Xenonauts as very interesting, and in one of recent videos of his Interstellar Quest lets play in Kerbal space program, that he addicted to Xenonauts, and just can't wait to finish all lets play videos, so he could play more Xenonauts. )
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