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10 Good
  1. Oh hell yeah, Cannon Fodder was genius. One of the great games that nobody talks about
  2. Yes, they would certainly be focused on the war itself, but the level of hysteria among the public would demand reassurance from some government body speaking on their behalf. This poster -- "We're Here, Believe in Us" -- would be designed to show that an area is under the protection of the Xenonauts. I think it's cool, the font can always be changed easily.
  3. I honestly thought this game was going to suggest a "Fallen Heroes" room in the base or the medical center, where you can see all the men who have died fighting for Xenonauts.. Wouldn't that be better? edit: Or just some way of remembering them
  4. You could patch it in after release, I think there is all sorts you could do, release new stuff as "updates", people who bought the game will feel rewarded too, for post-release support. Really there's not much rush, there's no shelf life on Steam, and updating will actually help you get noticed there too. I hope whatever this re-arranging system is, allows for quick changes. I would want to re-arrange the order on every map, to maximize the speed of the situation. That's why I love the idea of a tactical marker
  5. I really do not think that comedy and WWII era propaganda is appropriate for this game's marketing. The game itself has no humor, and it doesnt need to -- it has gravity and fear, and therefore it also has the need for hope and bravery... if not faith... = Reassurance for the people who are terrified = Openly known, but remains a mystery, thus helping people have almost a religious faith in Xenonauts, rather than an old fashioned "Go get em boys!" patriotism, which wouldn't suffice in a global unknown threat = If people knew how the Xenonauts operated, saw their jets, and the equipment they were using, it would actually be counter-productive, because it really isn't on par with what the aliens have. Therefore it's better to be this mysterious "force", perhaps showing electricity, chemistry, or other "science" icons to help people's imaginations run wild. They do, after all, create amazing things from the alien tech, but they can't show that in the posters (I just stole a generic globe picture from the net, inverted it, and added a generic wreath. I think the ambiguity works.)
  6. Realistically, the morale of the people would be absolutely ZERO if they didn't know about a top-shape international organization doing what it could to save the world. I mean, look at the "Red Scare" and the patriotism people had, the spy films, the glorification of espionage, the terror of nuclear war... These things are all incomparable to fucking ALIENS! Back on the logo/advertising idea though, Chris what do you think of having some stylized portraits of scientists and stuff? Use some 60's fashion, some '60s advertising boldness, and try to make it look kind of mysterious and sleek so that people will be intrigued by the idea of science, engineering, and combat
  7. Excellent news! I am excited for you guys! I love me randomization! (And animations are great, but there's something charming about animations in tactics games cutting corners)
  8. All this animation talk, phooey! My favorite tactics games just have a dude instantly appear in the tile he's being knocked to and a big sound effect let you know what happened! No animation necessary!
  9. If you don't want to bother with the Tactical Marker idea, may I suggest a simple "Ctrl + #" system for assigning? I love the idea of an automated system because it would do work without the slight hassle, especially when you want to suddenly change the ordering again.
  10. The first time I used flares in X-COM I practically got a boner. I assumed they would be in this game, and if they're not... then how can you call yourself inspired by X-COM !
  11. Well the point is to give them ideas. I don't think there's any harm in contributing suggestions, and frankly I'm worried that the talking heads may not be taking into consideration the promotional aspect that they could be used for
  12. I was pondering the benefits of players being able to manually place "tactical markers" on the map during a fight, which would serve some different functions. Players would click the "Tactical Marker" icon on the HUD, click on the map, and then select from some options. The target would be some kind of visual icon - "Arrange units by proximity" > This would re-order your units by their proximity to the target, allowing players who're mouse wheeling to cycle their units to easily select the person closest to the target, then second closest, etc (or furthest, depending on which way you would roll the wheel). I think we all know of situations where this would be useful, as you pick some units to move towards an imaginary target, and have others "hang out" in the back. By rearranging the order of the units, you can efficiently think in terms of your targets, instead of the arbitrary ordering. (NOTE: This rearranging would be temporary, and only last for as long as the tactical marker was active. There would still be a "master order".) - "Center on turn start" > This would force the camera to focus on the tactical marker at the beginning of every player turn, eliminating the scrolling or searching that can happen in big maps. - You would also be able to reference the tactical marker like the alien icon on the side of the screen, quickly jumping to it whenever you wanted. Theoretically there could be multiple numbered (or color coded) markers, allowing players to think in terms of key points and change them on the fly. This isn't a "game changer", but would shave off time and create a new tool for planning and thinking about tactics. The main point for me, is to be able to rearrange the order, I think that would be cool and useful for many people who would otherwise be stuck thinking in terms of pre-set unit order.
  13. Yeah, no iron bars or fence. That's imprisonment, not protection. I'm a bit disappointed that nobody wants to focus on a human character
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