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How do Stat increases work exactly?


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So what are the mechanics for raising stats? TU seems to happen from the soldiers just doing their actions. Accuracy from shooting. Reflex from doing reaction fire? Strength from carrying more weight than they can carry without penalty amount. I haven't seen bravery rise.

On the note of strength, could you raise the strength of your troops by simply overloading your troops and having them drop all their gear in the beginning? That could make it a bit of a cheesy way to strength train.

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You dont need to carry overweight, just take care your at the limit for each soldier. And they all gain strength at the end of each mission. Tu is granted automatic if you at least move your soldier once per mission. Ref you already found out, but for health increase i have no clou how exactly this one increases. Bravery cannot be increased really exept by earning medals for special tasks.

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Health increases naturally as everything else does, if I remember correctly. It's better than the alternative, get shot enough and survive that you gain permanent thicker skin due to plasma burn scars. ;)

If you get health from that, I might start shooting all of my Xenonauts with a pistol to "toughen" them up for plasma bolts.

Also, how long does it take before the pool of candidates for new soldiers changes, if at all?

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Health increases as other stats increase. TUs increase by spending TUs on a mission. Strength increases by moving your soldiers as long as they're carrying at least near their maximum weight limit. Accuracy increases by firing at an enemy. Bravery increases when a soldier panics. Reaction increases anytime a soldier makes a reaction fire shot.

Each of these except for health can increase by one per mission, so if a soldier does all of these things at least once, all of their stats will increase by one point at the end of the mission.

The exact numbers have changed a few times, but you can easily check them by looking in the Assets folder in your Xenonauts install, then going to the gameconfig file. Open this, and not too far down, you'll see the relevant section, with the exact numbers the game uses, and an explanation with each one.

Edited by EchoFourDelta
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<soldierDevelopment> <!-- Soldiers develop their attributes by using them. Each time the soldier performs a certain action, he will gain a "progress point" in that attribute. Once he reaches the "pointsToProgress" value, the attribute will increase by one point. These progress points are cumulative and are stored from mission to mission. --><APProgress       pointsToProgress="150" maxPointsInSingleBattle="150" globalMaxProgress="99" comment="A progress point is earned every time a soldier spends a TU on a mission" /><strengthProgress pointsToProgress="20"  maxPointsInSingleBattle="20"  globalMaxProgress="99" strengthCoeff="80" comment="Points are given when soldier moves one tile while carrying more than strengthCoeff percent of its maximum carry weight" /><accuracyProgress pointsToProgress="1"   maxPointsInSingleBattle="1"   globalMaxProgress="99" comment="Points are given when a soldier attempts to fire at a valid hostile enemy within weapon range * 1.5" /><reflexesProgress pointsToProgress="1"   maxPointsInSingleBattle="1"    globalMaxProgress="99" comment="A progress point is gained when a soldier performs a Reaction Fire test (it doesn't matter whether he passes or fails it)" /><braveryProgress  pointsToProgress="1"   maxPointsInSingleBattle="1"    globalMaxProgress="99" comment="A progress point is earned whenever a soldier panics in battle" /><resilienceProgress pointsToProgress="5" globalMaxProgress="99" comment="A progress points is earned every time the soldier gets a skillup in any other attribute" /> </soldierDevelopment>
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