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Forgoeing my doubt that 1980s military (of any nation and much less a private organization like Xenonauts) would have the means to even consider indoctrination/brainwashing, what would the difference between controlled aliens and the soldiers be?

Would it from a game mechanic point of view just be reskinned Xenonauts? How would fighting alongside a brainwashed alien affect the moral of the troops.

Storywise I dont think they would be all chummy and friendly towards him, if he is just indoctrined then wouldnt that reak the indoctrination? Would there be a gamemechanical chance the indoctrination/mindcontoll breaks? will it be during missions or at geoscape as well?

Personally I think it would be hard to bring into the story (mind you this is 1970-80s) and for that i think it's a bad idea.

PS. You could probably make a mod to allow for this they even have different colour clothes that can signify different armors. DS.

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I was thinking like you could get like a dead alien guy who had crazy mind control powers and do like research stuff and discover the workings of the mind control and put it into a machine or something. and the alien converts could be like free soldiers that you use as meatbags and maybe they start off with a higher rank or something like that.

during the cold war they did a lot of that crazy spy crap where they would brainwash people into assassinations and stuff so I mean like it could fit into the story if they wanted to get into the myths and whatnot of the era. I don't know it would be cool though maybe who knows.

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Sounds a little too convoluted and B-movie, to be honest.

I can see it working on other humans, but I just can't imagine that an alien could be coerced to fight alongside humanity seeing as any captured aliens are basically going to be probed up the bum, and all have all other manner of unspeakable things done to them in the name of science, by the Xenonauts. Add that to the massive species and psychological difference and you're not gonna get anywhere.

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