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Armor that Regenerates it's soldier?

Man of Doge

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Nay. We asked, but Solver wasn't interested in unlocking alien abilities for armour. He did unlock stat buffs/debuffs, so you can totally have an armour which boosts HP by, say, 100.

Aw... That's a shame. Would've been awesome to have had an Armour that slowly regenerated your soldier when they took damage. :P

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Nay. We asked, but Solver wasn't interested in unlocking alien abilities for armour. He did unlock stat buffs/debuffs, so you can totally have an armour which boosts HP by, say, 100.

Actually, that currently doesn't work - it increases total HP but not current HP (and I'm not sure that they recover up to the full amount if you leave the armour on; maybe if they went on a mission and came back it would work though as it might trigger whatever code makes HP regen).

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