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Found 9 results

  1. In X1 it was practically just a better grenade that took a couple more time units. The low weight made it so there was no reason not to give a stick or two to all of your soldiers. A simple solution would be making a C4 'secondary weapon' in how the new inventory will work instead of a belt item. A really powerful and more versatile single use grenade might not be too unbalanced, especially when you have to sacrifice a sidearm for it. This would also limit how much you're able to blow up in a single ground mission. Which has pros and cons of it's own. Alternatively, changing it so you can't throw it anymore would fix all of the problems it had too. It would still fill the roles of creating breaches, exposing hiding aliens, and knocking down buildings. It just wouldn't also double as a 'heavy' grenade. It would still be possible to use it offensively by running up to the aliens and dropping it, but you'd probably lose the soldier as well. I think it would be better as a belt item if this was done. Making it unthrowable and a secondary weapon would be too harsh on it. Even more alternatively. Removing it entirely and giving C4's destructive abilities, maybe with lower damage, to the grenade launcher would force players to have a potentially very vulnerable soldier if they want the ability to blow up more than a 3x3 square.
  2. Since it seems that there is little chance of a lot of changes for the release, I would like to suggest one last important thing for balance. Explosives are not useful right now Rocket Launchers: Heaviest ammo in the game by far Bulkiest ammo Most expensive reload and fire(TU) Radius seems to be 3x3 with full damage in the center(not sure about damage distribution) Low environmental destruction with every rocket type High strength requirement Gas grenade > Gas rocket hands down since you mostly only have to gas in grenade range inside the UFO. There is no logical reason to take the rocket launcher over any other gun My suggestion is to make the enviromental destruction the core of the rockets. HE Grenades Short throw range Explodes until turn end(doesnt allow me to know if enemy will die or not, leaving me open to flank or to die in the open). 3x3 area Low enviromental destruction Cant throw in ARC, if the enemy is behind something and I dont have direct LOS, doesnt matter if I am next to him. The low AOE and medium damage is not enough to justify being that close to use it, the lack of cover destruction and the fact that it blows up at the end of the turn makes it a sub par tool. I need to reliably know the results of using them, If I want to blow up the cover, I don't want to wait until next turn to just have it move to another cover. If I risk exposing myself and grenade someone I want to confirm a kill, otherwise I just keep dumping bullets on him pointlessly. My suggestion, make it blow up on landing, increase cover damage, make it the range longer or the damage higher. Gas Granades Overpowered They make the AI unable to cross some zones its perfect for base raids. Spam and forget. My suggestion: They should work only on aliens low on hp, or sufficiently stunned, instantly. Smoke Grenades Overpowered Cancels reaction shots competently, makes advancing a cakewalk. My suggestion: Should still have a chance of triggering reaction shot with heavy aim penalties Electric Grenades Short range 3x3 Never saw an andron stunned or dead by one of them. My suggestion: none, never felt compelled to used them after a few tests. Satchel Charges: Not enough environmental destruction 2 rounds minimum to explode making Low throw range My suggestion: make the environmental destruction key. Let them have big AOE that just cleans everything away leaving no cover and a bunch of smoke. Dont let me detonate them inside the ufo as easily since the AOE might hit me. Make aliens run away from them. Make throwing range shorter, make me run from them. TL/DR: Explosives need to have a clear role. Make explosives destroy cover consistently, they are high risk no reward right now.
  3. As per thread title. Hitting an adjacent tile gives a decent chance of incapacitating aliens (Caesan and Sebilian alike) by the smoke generated. This kind of breaks the research sequence as stun weapons become superflous, and gives super early access to advanced medpacks and damage bonuses. I'm guessing not intended?
  4. Well I gave the game another go, and unfortunately the game crashed on the second interception, so I guess I am cursed to never make it to month 3. Anyways, I was playing, and here are some things that kinda bugged me, and some things I found that I liked. The C4 packs are weak. I threw one at a brick fence and all it did was make a 1 tile crater. It didn't even hurt a xenonaut 2 tiles away from it, or destroy the brick fence. Needs to be buffed, or maybe you guys just haven't gotten around to it. Rockets are awful for building destruction. I fired an HE rocket at the broad side of a barn and made some nice smoke clouds. No damage to the wall though. Haven't tested AP yet. Map generation. This could be related to why the game crashed, but I went to a UFO landing, completed it, and then went to a UFO crash site and it was the EXACT SAME MAP. Is this like a placeholder or something? Lack of aliens. Good news. The landed UFO has more aliens than a crashed UFO. Bad news, it has 1 more alien than a crashed UFO. Should be a min of at least 5. Other than that, the game was pretty good. Im gonna start a 4th game and see if I can get to month 3 yet again.
  5. I remember fondly in TFTD (more than others) when alien would stuck on a narrow passage or having to use guarded lift and a lot of soldiers would die trying to pass (usually major Alien UFO or Alien BASE) i used a suicidal tactic: I would put one grenade in each hands of a soldier (usually a recruit) set them to blow at end of turn and run towards them and stop near them. Sometimes they would shoot me before getting there. But most of the try the alien would shoot the guy when near them, and the nade would go off at the end of their turn killing some or all of the defender. Another side effect was sometimes (usually killing more than one)the suicidal run would scare the sh!t out of the aliens and they would panic. Was pretty fun. Ims AllaH! I don t see how to reproduce this in Xenonauts.
  6. Molotolv cocktail - burns 3X3 area for 2-3 turns suicide belt- manually activated or when soldier dies I just like more options for genocide
  7. Needs more bang. That's all I can say about it, really. I really appreciate that it's cheap in AP to set up and throw. In fact, I appreciate that I can throw it at all! If I couldn't, then it would it would become special-case weaponry that I would only take out for specfic mission types. As the aliens don't have vehicles and the alien outer hull is invulnerable (for engine reasons, I understand), there aren't that many reasons to prefer it over a rocket launcher which has a longer range, does more damage and has a bigger blast even with the basic frag rocket. So give it more bang. More ohmph.
  8. This is a quick, easy one. X-Com: EU has High Explosive charges which are very useful in their role. Even though you can't breach UFO outer walls with them, they do everything else you'd imagine that kind of equipment should including building breaching, demolitions, and a close-range weapon in desperate times versus tough enemies like Cyberdisks, kinda like throwing sticky bombs at tanks. Their short max-throwing distance coupled with their double inventory size and higher weight stops them from just being a bigger grenade. I noticed that no form of High Explosives appear to exist in Xenonauts currently and the lack of a timer function on any grenades, which is important for HE charges due to their short range, made me wonder if they were planned at all. Are you planning on giving us the option of High Explosives in Xenonauts and if not, why?
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