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Found 14 results

  1. A replacement for all the armours and their respective Xenopedia images. This mod aims to give the armors in Xenonauts a more military look. -------------------------------------------- Basic Armor: I wanted to give the basic armour a more military feel. I went with a mix of the Allied paratrooper helmet and the german WWII helmet. I also added some ammo pouches and a granade. I also made a separate version for the female soldiers. Jackal Armour: I wanted something more bulky, tactical and bad-ass. These guys are not rookies anymore...they've been collecting Caesan fingers as trophies. I've also always been a fan of Starship Troopers and have always liked their military gear so I decided to barrow the helmet. Wolf: I gave the Wolf a camouflage pattern and made the visor see-through. I also made several different versions of the Wolf Armor helmet that doesn't look like a top hat. Buzzard I gave the Buzzard armor a camo pattern and a see-trough visor. I wanted to do a little more with this one but haven't had time to work on it. Perhaps at some point I'll come up with a version that looks more like a Cold War era pilot helment with goggles instead of a visor. Sentinel: I tried to give the Sentinel Armor a more metallic feel that I thought the original lacked. I also made the visor more "reflective". I'm not a big fan of the blue on the jet-packs but I wanted to match the combat sprite. Predator Armour: I wasn't a big fan of the lobster look, so I wanted to make the Predator armour look more like a mobile suit of armour. The vanilla version looked too clunky to move in so I wanted to make something that was usable but yet strong and intimidating. You can find the mod and download instructions here: http://www.nexusmods.com/xenonauts/mods/1/? Enjoy!
  2. Recently, I got the Xenonauts: Xenophobia mod, and I've noticed that the later tier aliens seem like absolute bullet sponges. Sebillian warriors tanking 4 alenium grenades with barely any damage, wraiths practically ignoring shots from a large bore alenium shotgun, etc. I decided to tinker with the alien's resilience and armor values (along with accuracy for some), but I've found that the game is now too easy. Any recommendations on a good balance between alien's not being bullet sponges while at the same time not being made of glass?
  3. More realistic and detailed armour for your SWAT team. This is only a texture replacement, no change of gameplay. v1.6 : changed the way to install using Mod Manager in the launcher of the original game. v1.5 : another adjustment basicarmour, I had to change the helmet (male and female version) for better compatibility (with a jumping facial textures) Jsleezy's Real Fighter Portrait Pack... v1.4 : corrected buzzardarmour. v1.3 : corrected wolfarmour and jackalarmour. v1.2 : corrected sentinelarmour and predatorarmour. v1.1 : corrected basicarmour (male and female variants) and other fixes. v1.0 : replaced all armor textures of the strike group. Download: 1. http://www.nexusmods.com/xenonauts/mods/9/? 2. http://www.goldhawkinteractive.com/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=130 Installation: Install using the mod manager in the Xenonauts game launcher. Use only with highest priority to replace the armor textures from other mods. (This mod should be the topmost in the list of mod manager!) After installation it is advisable to restart the game launcher. I highly recommend also to install other mods that add more realism to the gameplay and improve the gaming experience: 1. ON THE EDGE - More Realistic Battle Mod - This mod modifies some aspects of the game to make the confrontation with the aliens in the game more realistic (as far as possible). http://www.nexusmods.com/xenonauts/mods/11/? 2. You Can't Take the Sky From Me - A Hard-Mode Air Combat Mod. http://www.goldhawkinteractive.com/forums/showthread.php/11448-X-CE-v0-25-You-Can-t-Take-the-Sky-From-Me-A-Hard-Mode-Air-Combat-Mod 3. Armoured Assault! - Armoured Assault! rebalances vehicles by improving their stats slightly and giving them a choice of weapons at each tier. http://www.goldhawkinteractive.com/forums/showthread.php/11692-v1-5-X-CE-Armoured-Assault!-A-Vehicle-Rebalance-Mod 4. Kabill's (Sort of) Random Maps! - Contains hundreds of new maps which make full use of the random submap mechanism to maximize map variability. http://www.goldhawkinteractive.com/forums/showthread.php/11422-v1-5-X-CE-Kabill-s-%28Sort-of%29-Random-Maps! 5. Armour Replacer v1.5 - More realistic and detailed armour for your SWAT team. This is only a texture replacement, no change of gameplay. http://www.nexusmods.com/xenonauts/mods/9/? http://www.goldhawkinteractive.com/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=130 6. Skitso's Oppressive UI Mod http://www.goldhawkinteractive.com/forums/showthread.php/10961-V1-07-Skitso-s-Oppressive-UI-Mod To use this replacement in your mod, you must ask permission of the author (urs369), and make reference to the my original replacement mod.
  4. Armour Replacer v1.0 More realistic and detailed armour for your SWAT team. This is only a texture replacement, no change of gameplay. Installation: 1. Copy the folder "assets" from this archive into the folder with your game (after installing all other mods), confirm the replacement. 2. Kick ass every uninvited alien with your new swat squad. For the best atmospheric games I recommend: http://www.goldhawkinteractive.com/forums/showthread.php/10961-V1-07-Skitso-s-Oppressive-UI-Mod To use this replacement in your mod, you must ask permission of the author (urs369), and to quote the author when using. to be continued... My replacer on Xenonauts Nexus: http://www.nexusmods.com/xenonauts/mods/9? Armour-Replacer-v1-by-urs369.zip Armour-Replacer-v1-by-urs369.zip
  5. More realistic and detailed armour for your SWAT team. This is only a texture replacement, no change of gameplay. In this version changed basicarmour, jackalarmour, wolfarmour, buzzardarmour and predatorarmour. Installation: copy the contents of the archive into the game folder (after installing other mods!!! if there are any) and confirm the replacement. For the best atmospheric games I recommend: http://www.goldhawkinteractive.com/forums/showthread.php/10961-V1-07-Skitso-s-Oppressive-UI-Mod To use this replacement in your mod, you must ask permission of the author. to be continued... My replacer on Xenonauts Nexus: http://www.nexusmods.com/xenonauts/mods/9? Good luck in battle, commander. Armour Replacer v08.zip Armour Replacer v08.zip
  6. Just extract the contents of the attachment and load up Ground Combat when you put the Mirage Battlesuit on a soldier in the dropship. The soldier should look like a Praetor, but instead it looks like a darker and more comical version of a soldier in jackal armor... If someone can figure out what I've been doing wrong here: please help--this is not my area of expertise when it comes to modding... Here's the file: http://www.goldhawkinteractive.com/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=104
  7. Is it possible to make an Armor that will cause a soldier to regenerate HP during combat?
  8. This thread is now redundant. You can now check out the released files here : http://www.goldhawkinteractive.com/forums/showthread.php/11799-Jsleezy-s-Real-Armors-Compilation?p=133381#post133381 A replacement for all the armours and their respective Xenopedia images. -------------------------------------------- This mod aims to give the armors in Xenonauts a more military look. You can find the mod and download instructions here: http://www.nexusmods.com/xenonauts/mods/1/? Enjoy!
  9. Here's the deal, I took armour.basic and copied the folder, changed all the sprites so the blue is now red (Photoshop --> replace color method). I renamed this folder to armour.basic_red. I did the same for the corpses and GUI outfits...etc I went through the files an added the proper armour sets to: armours.xml armours_gc.xml items.xml strings.xml gsgcitemtranslator.xml (amour.basic_red = BasicRedArmour) soilderprops.xml (for corpses) assets\units\xenonaut\armour.basic_red (I changed all soilder_spectre.xmls from "armour.basic" to armour.base_red) etc It works fine in GS and in GC inventory UI only when a unit is wearing the new "red" outfit, the actual units in combat dont display the proper sprites at all, they show up as unequipped Jackal armor units (completely wrong). I checked the armour.basic_red folder and all the solider_spectre.xmls and they are correct.... Anyone have idea of what I may have missed that is causing the GC unit from not using the new sprites?
  10. Hi there. I am a forum lurker, just made my account. I have not purchased the game yet, but I am working on it. It looks very fun. Anyway, my question is about something i heard of on the wiki. ( spoiler warning, maybe) (Final warning for spoiler, i dont know how to make a collapsible spoiler thingy, derp) I heard you guys not wanting to use the colossus super-heavy armor thingy, why is that? If you aren't going to actually use it, can the files and stuff stay there for people who want to mod it in? finally, are all the armors you guys are wanting to put in already in-game?
  11. It may justbe down to coincidence but it seems to me that the suposedly better predator power armor offers no more protection than wolfarmor, i was doing a terror mission and testing the predator suit and the soldier wearing it (she was a colonel) died from 2 plasma rifle shots (whick im my experience even troops in wolf armor have been able to withstand.... this coupled to with the armors limitations makes it completely redundant when you get the sentenel armor (i use power armor for my elite 'spartan team' and wilf and buzzard for my regulars) it seems that the predator armor needs to be made stronger (i know that it could have been pure luck that she was killed but even if the weak points were hit i would expect it to survive a couple of long range plasma shots with full health)
  12. I have always found losing armor when soldiers are wounded or killed particularly expensive and time consuming in X-Com and I suspect it is going to be even more expensive in Xenonauts given the deadliness of the aliens. Rather than having armor be destroyed when your soldier is heavily wounded or dead, would it be possible to have the Xenonaut drop a 'Damaged Armor' item that could be repaired for a discounted price at base? This would make armor feel just as costly as weapons do in the game since they persist rather than more expensive because they feel like a couple use item.
  13. I think it would be a great addition to the game to see more control over our soldier's appearance. One of the things that I loved about X-Com: Enemy Unknown was the ability to actually create a character and being able to control how they looked. Also, the ability to give them armor colors or something along those lines would add a huge amount of immersion and personality to the soldiers. In all of the X-Com games and some of the UFO series games, I had a very deep connection to my characters because I had the ability to look and feel like my friends or other iconic people to me. I feel that it adds a certain level of caring to your soldiers. Especially playing on Ironman Mode and knowing that if my Sgt. Lazzell gets capped by an alien, it'll be the last I see of him D: I would very much enjoy the ability to change my soldiers hair/color/armor color/ect therefore giving them more life and personality. Oh, and adding the ability to give our soldiers armor/weapons camo would be AWESOME. I mean, BEYOND AWESOME. My second suggestion is weapon customization. You guys will read this and think I am pulling this straight from Call of Duty, but I am not. I would like the ability add weapon attachments and the likes. Something even as simple as a scope, therefore giving an accuracy boost to the weapon. Or even a bayonet to go along with the melee attacks. Anything along those lines. I feel like it would give a tactical/immersion bonus to be able to actually have to think about your soldier's equipment. But, overall, very great game so far.
  14. Can't seem to get Mrs. Got-Herself-Shot-and-has-to-recuperate-for-20-days out of that precious WOLF BATTLE ARMOR. Right now she gets miraculously cured once the next mission starts but when that's fixed she'll be lying in bed hogging a vital military asset Not to mention peeing into a bottle while wrapped in some pounds of alien alloy seems unnecessarily uncomfortable The Armor is displayed in the BASE PERSONNEL TAB. Just add a combobox there .. or remove the armor just like the rest of the gear once the soldier gets removed from active duty.
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