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Found 9 results

  1. Victory condition state "Kill all aliens or secure and hold UFO for 5 rounds." Apparently, clearing the UFO + its surrounding + having soldiers inside doesn't work so, is this feature implemented and if so, what is considered "secured"?
  2. If the aliens capture the control room in a Xenonauts base the base is considered destroyed. I think turnabout is fair play here and, more importantly, alien base missions are very time consuming to play specially the large base missions. I think holding the alien control room for five turns (the same as capturing the bridge on a alien ship) should end ground combat for bases with a complete "win". By the time you've taken the command room you've probably killed well over half the aliens in the base anyway. Hunting every single one down is tedious and should be avoidable. With my proposal there will be three possible victory paths in a base mission. 1. Kill/stun every alien. 2. Destroy the reactors. 3. Capture and hold the control room for five turns. I estimate this could reduce the "real" time needed to take out an alien base by 1/3 to 1/2. Thanks for your consideration.
  3. Little help please: I've captured the command center in a large enemy base. The leader is stunned (like I want.) Now, how do I get the ground combat to end? I've never taken a base before and still had aliens alive in other parts of the base (yes, I hear a few still running about in other parts of the base.) Do I need to destroy the globe in the command room? Destroy everything in the command room? Kill everyone in the base? I know I can go after the reactors too. Anyway, my main thing is that I don't want lose my captive.
  4. Terror missions as they are flavored now don't really make sense. There are two absurd possibilities One, the local military can't be bothered to send some of their own tanks and helicopters to deal with 15 attacking aliens, and send only 2-3 wimps with ARs. Two, the terror mission consists of much more than just 15 aliens, and we are only seeing a small part of the map. If that is the case, 8 Xenonauts isn't going to make any difference anyway. Nations also, counterproductively, nuke their own cities. This doesn't prevent loss of life, and doesn't make sense. Suggested change: The Xenonaut's objective in a terror mission is a targeted strike against the enemy commander(s). Once the commander is killed, the rest of the aliens in the city become passive and easy for local forces to mop up. Xenonaut failure to kill the enemy commander means that the aliens are able to overwhelm local forces and raze the city.
  5. 2nd time this happens and I'm only at the 2nd month of the game, explored every single tile in a desert map, not even a big one, had pretty much the entire map visible at once and there's no last alien to be found anywhere, nothing like this happened in the stable version, think both times it happened vs a light scout.
  6. Hi, First time posting so her it goes....Really love the game so far only downloaded it 2 days ago.....incidentally had down loaded x-com 2 terror from the deep (was feeling nostalgic) before it and found it impossible to play....so I came across your game on steam Just a thought and sorry if someone else has already suggested it With the x-com the only win scenario was going mars and fighting their home base..... I do watch a lot of scifi and few senarios always pop up. 1. another win scenario perhaps an alien in house rebellion? find some captured aliens on a space ship allows recruitment to the squad of a few non humans but in the long run have a few missions to help aid them perhaps with an alternate ending. 2. Shadow council - most scifi series have a alternate undercover organisation generally doing things to hinder and ninja a lot stolen alien tech for their own rewards. Perhaps they could be separate squad that you encounter on a missions that hinder you like throwing flash bangs but will engage the aliens over you? perhaps discovered a dead squad inside a spaceship? or capture some of their members with stun grenades and opens up dialogue boxes? 3. selling a lot of tech on the market will lead to countries getting solely behind you and if enough countries get behind you then an alternate ending maybe like most conflicts/wars conflicts that low tech guerrilla tactics can make the cost of taking/staying of the greater force to costly and then back out (im by no means political so no trolling please) Just suggestions and I do have more but don't want an exhaustive wall of text and I enjoy the game as it is. Thanks
  7. I have tried to beat a mission by hold the spaceship for 5 turns but it doesn't seem to work. I was wondering am I doing it wrong, is it a bug or is it just not in the game yet. How I'm doing it is I just stand in the spaceship and wait for 5 turns, but it doesn't work!
  8. Well, Xenopedia says that aliens have thousands of ships in their fleet, right? So let's say some really patient player decides to keep playing instead of completing final mission to destroy mothership or whatever, at some point his ufo count will go to thousands right? Well, yeah, I'm suggesting that there should be easter egg that comes if you shoot down all ufos of alien fleet Alternatively, if war again aliens takes years(or you are just really efficient), aliens decide to retreat. That or they decide "Screw it" and blow up earth with alien version of nukes. Of course, to not make game time based, maybe limit should be something like ten years before getting alternate game over, I think it should be easter egg or something and not something you need to worry about.(Or maybe alternate game over years should be 2012 or 2013 if Xenonauts isn't released this year Alternatively, if player keeps destroying lots of UFO, just have there be even involving aliens getting reinforcements. Again, just to explain why they still have UFO. Of course, I doubt anyone plays long enough to destroy that many ufo, but I'd think it be nice easter egg.
  9. This question probably has been answered many times but I can't seem to find it using the search function of the website. How do I capture a alien ship?
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