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Found 7 results

  1. There is a Xenonauts article on the most important (or at least most addictive) website on the internet: tvtropes.org. It can be seen right here. Having said that, this article is still rather modest in size right now, despite the efforts of some editors (like yours truly). There are also very little links to this article from other TV Tropes articles, especially actual trope pages. Therefore, I would like to encourage everyone to put some effort into expanding the Xenonauts entry. The reason isn't just to have fun doing so, although reading and editing TV Tropes is immensely enjoyable to many people. The actual purpose is to simply create more buzz for the game, as TV Tropes seems to have a high traffic of mass culture consumers in general, and therefore would be a great way to further promote the game. I myself have gotten into various products, like games or movies, through TV Tropes, and I'm fairly sure it works for others as well. While I will continue working on the entry, help is greatly appreciated. Or just come and read the thing, it'd be nice too.
  2. Hey guys, I just wanted to tell you that I think that what you're doing with Xenonauts is a true revision of the original X-COM and that I was so impressed with it that I just had to make a thread about it in a computer enthusiasts forum that I reg. for the last 4 years (www.iopanel.net/forum). I'm just having so much fun with the Alpha that I just had to have others hear of this especially since a lot of my forum's regs are PC gaming old timers like me that wasted their younger years on X-COM:UFO defense. I can't wait for the next build and for the game to go live already!
  3. Hi all. I'm just here to express my appreciation for the fact that Goldhawk Interactive is not showing too much of things like alien monsters or monster tactics in their advertisement for the game, something Fireaxis have already done in their campaign for their XCOM game. That fact alone decided it for me when I thought about what game I would choose! Regards, Erik.
  4. Hi Chris, since you are based in london, would you consider doing a short interview with The Metro's Game Central (I'm sure you know who they are, but for those that don't. GC used to be Digitiser, a Teletext service on channel 4 with a country-wide following). I've let them know how you and the team are getting on with Xenonauts and they are very interested (probably because they are around the same age/love the original). It would be good publicity for the game, now that it's nearly ready.
  5. Hi, just went through my first run of V 9.2 and absolutely loved it. Still a bit buggy, of course, but the gameplay was great and the look of the game was just right. I just came from the Bear's Pit Forum and having noticed a thread about the Firaxis version of XCOM I advertised your game and website. For anybody that doesn't know the Bear's Pit is the big gathering of Jagged Alliance 2 fanatics that created the wonderful 1.13 mod that has kept that game going for 13 years. They are quite a large community and have recently been VERY disappointed by Bitcomposer's remake of their game. Many are XCOM fans and are looking for a turn based game with fog of war and no gimmicks, just solid gameplay. I thought Xenonauts fit the bill. Anyway, maybe you guys could drop a line in there and do some selling of your own. It couldn't hurt because I think there are a lot of potential customers who are aching for a great new turn based game.
  6. Hello all, This is a follow in from this thread: http://www.goldhawkinteractive.com/forums/showthread.php?37-Submit-mascot-representative-for-marketing-purposes/page5 Basically looking to see if anyone can come up with some nice, period specific, posters or art that might help tell the story of an impending alien invasion. See the original thread for some ideas! Happy posting!
  7. I was thinking that Xenonauts could really use a cool or lovable character to represent the game in marketing and general internet love-spreading. Right now the game doesn't have much attitude, and it will be perceived as sterile and generic -- I love what I have seen so far, but that's just how strangers will perceive it. The X-COM units and aliens were iconic, even if they were kind of goofy, and this gave it a certain "flavor". I think the community could submit drawings to use for marketing, such as you'd see on the "Box Art" for a traditional game. My own idea is to use one of the "talking heads" that are apparently going to be implemented into the base management UI. These characters need to be interesting and appealing, they can't afford to be seen as lifeless or dull. Basically what this means is that their face needs to speak volumes about who they are, how they think, and how they carry themselves in the face of alien crisis. I'll submit a drawing or two if the idea is approved, or wait and see what kind of thoughts the team has on it.
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