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Everything posted by Ryodan

  1. I've tried looking in the xenopedia (there's no info there for base facilities, I also noticed today its missing a home page kind of odd it opens up completely blank) so how exactly does radar work? seems everything I can find is outdated at this point in old threads. 1 Is there still a short and a long range detection chance? I do not see 2 circles as I have seen mentioned in older threads. 2 If I build a second radar will I get more range or just a better detection chance? 3 i've seen videos on youtube where radar range is wider than mine currently is, if not by additional radars how/when is this accomplished? 4 is there ane value to placing your bases to where radar slightly overlaps, or is gaps in coverage not a terrible thing so long as they are not too big? example below.
  2. I do that a lot, open door with a guy from the side fire away with a front line of kneeled shields and a back line of shotguns. close door and end turn. I've found the aliens tend to walk up to the door and end their turn to get shotgunned in the face when I open the door on the second turn. very kind of them. I think the tactic is lame and I wish it didn't work but I can't resist using it since it does work well and I feel its less of an exploit than lobbing grenades through ufo roofs like they are not there. one of these days aliens will learn to use grenades and my 5 or 6 man door opening team is going to get blown to smithereens.
  3. funding related to cold war blocs is an excellent idea. Even though the situation is not good for humanity at the start of the game, politics would not be set aside. Of course for that to happen the geoscape would need to be broken down into actual countries and not just regions, I don't understand why that wasn't done in the first place.
  4. were supposed to be black ops, kind of a low key thing. avoid the spot light and all. And in order for local politicians to continue to do what they do best (take credit for other peoples achievements) no one can know about Xenonauts. That is after all part of the explanation for the airstrike option added in v20. Local forces pay Xenonauts for the right to the crash site and take credit for downing an alien craft. as far as propaganda I could go for missions to arrest alien sympathizers (usually politicians, celebrities, or high ranking military) those could be a lot of fun. lots of ideas for how propaganda could fit into the game without an actual propaganda game mechanic.
  5. Best money spent I've on a game in years. Most AAA titles come riddled with bugs that usually don't get fixed (I'm looking at you Empire Total war!), or need one or more expansions just to feel like a complete game (Civ V). I really appreciate a developer who takes the time to make a finished product full of features and get things right vs one who tries to wow me with pretty graphics and take as much of my money thought DLC as they can.
  6. two things being discussed here now. First the reaction fire. I totally agree, I remember practically jumping out of my seat in the OG when the aliens would reaction fire. It would startle you, in this game not so much. I added a lot to the tension and the feeling of being scared with each step your high ranking troops took. Secondly the edges of the FOW. Both suggestions are very good, the smoothed out one looks amazing and would help immersion by making it less obvious were in a 2d grid environment. However if easier simply adding a 1 tile additional grayed out vision would accomplish a lot towards that.
  7. I just found this mod post today and absolutely love it. Now I'm left to wonder which one you've chosen to go with? Also the artwork is amazing, it really fits with the existing art in the game.
  8. I've constantly been wishing I could tap in to the global radar network or just build small radars instead of full bases just to expand coverage (you know to cover those out of the way places like Iceland).
  9. I'm still trying to figure out why there are even 7 or 8 aliens in a light scout, there's only 2 pieces of equipment in those ships. and no seats. But if those have that many aliens so we can have plenty to shoot at then I don't see why the bigger ones can't have more. I'd like to see the noncoms left in the ships do something though, more aliens standing around doing nothing isn't that great. Always bugged me they just stand inside patiently waiting my troops arrival so we can open the door and shotgun them in the face. Maybe have them start destroying the ufo components or something if you take too long arriving. Now we have an excuse to get there faster and kill them all asap.
  10. The VIP missions from the firaxis xcom were good if you could look past aliens magically dropping from the sky (but thats a whole other discussion ). I thought they added a needed twist to missions. More mission types or secondary objectives are a great thing to keep game play from feeling so repetitive. I especially liked the random secondary objective idea so you don't even know what your in for until you arrive, and its secondary objective so if you don't get it it's not a big deal. Currently I don't enjoy terror missions at all but I've read that is going to be addressed so if they are balanced the objectives could keep them interesting.
  11. Like the game, I love the game. thank you for responding. I'm sure #4 will get modded in at some point if you don't get to it. Also thought of a few more this week. I noticed one thing that really annoys me. all the alien ships show up in waves, which is fine. but i have to center at 5 sec for each one until they all spawn and that I can then plan my interceptions. Problem is I have is to remember which number ufo is what type. I usually have to re-check them all to see which ones are small, medium, or escorted. Could we get different icons for each type? small, medium (i'm assuming there's a large later) and maybe a 2 smaller triangles on the sides to show escorts? If not its still great fun. Also on the screen where you arrange the individual soldiers on your drop ship, would be nice if they soldiers showed their "role" on their icons so you could just move them around by role quickly. I like to place my shield guys by the side doors to scout the sides and line up snipers at the front gate to take pot shots at anything in the landing zone. As it is right now I don't even bother arranging them because as soon as I do a mission and a soldier is hurt, the new ones come in and its all different. too much work to arrange them pre-flight with as many missions as I do, I don't make use of the air strike option if I don't have too. both of these are more things that annoy me as I play. Not anything big just minor annoyances that to me would improve the game play experience.
  12. I've been doing the staggered missile tactic, works great. fighters I tend to lead away with whichever craft they are chasing then use the other one to drop them with my cannon only, saves the missiles in case I find another mission for the interceptors before they get back to base. Only takes 30 cannon rounds for one fighter to go down. Just got home, time to try out the foxtrots again.
  13. just when I thought I was done laughing at such an awesome name+avatar on a forum you guys just went and made me start all over.
  14. Looking forward to getting to them this time. Will build 2 foxtrot sad soon as I get home so I can try them out paired up. Thanks.
  15. Maybe I'll try the to trots together. So far I've never taken more than one to a fight. This newest play through I'm really focusing on my air power as I quickly fell behind last time. I'm on the 3rd month and have 3 bases with a total of 9? Condors Are corsairs much better than condors?
  16. yeah the torpedos do have a lot more range but if they arnt enough to kill the target your too close to turn around without being shot down it seems. think i'll try them again after i get 4 condors at both my bases.
  17. Ok so they were nerfed down to 2 torpedos. How many condors should I have per base and how many foxtrots? Currently I've felt even when sending 2 condors with a foxtrot that I wished I had sent 3 condors. I admit I'm still learning the air combat but I've yet to be happy I had a foxtrot in a fight. Do the 2 avalanche torpedoes do mor damage than 2 sidewinders and a full cannon do?
  18. I know i have got to be missing something here, but it seems to me that condors are far better than foxtrots especially when were talking 1v1 air fights. So far I have been unsuccessful in effectively using the foxtrot. i've seen a number of youtube videos where the foxtrot has 4 missile points yet mine only have 2? i have been playing on the latest steam stable version, 19. however i just switched to the experimental build and have not built another foxtrot yet, dont want to waste the money. any advise?
  19. I've only been playing for 4 days now, a full 4 days I've played all day each day. However I have been watching xenonauts for a long time and was a huge fan of the '94 xcom, not so much a fan of the new one. Heres a few items I feel would improve gameplay. 1. Increase the range that I can see the terrain. I understand from a gameplay point that I can only see so far to keep it challenging and terrifying but I think from a game play point of view the ability to see only the terrain for an additional distance would be very good. There are a number of situations where combat in the game feels like this: I'm behind a rock/anything, I can see out in the distance a rock/anything. I'm being fired upon from the total blackness past that. I charge to the rock in the distance and now I can see... look a barn. why couldn't I see that there was a barn across the field before i started crossing? I'm not suggesting uncover the whole map but add in an addition sight radius that stays in the grayed out state, fogged over essentially so that it only shows the terrain. I think around 10 tiles of fogged view being seen would be good enough to be able to say were taking fire I think it came from the house or in that alley, instead of always saying I'm being shot at from out there in the unknown blackness. Additionally when you land you should have terrain awareness of the immediate surroundings in all 4 directions of the drop ship. after all it has windows. In fact the drop ship should serve as a unit for vision. it has pilots in it right? i know they are not graphically represented but someone had to fly it there and should have seen if there is an alien standing 3 tiles in front of the windshield when they landed, It irks me when i find them there, just annoys the heck out of me that the guy flying didn't bother to tell me hey theres a baddie right in front of us, keep that in mind when you step out the side door. 2. side arm equipment slot. or make pistols 2x4 and vertical for belt placement(yes im picky) have you ever worn a pistol on your belt? In my regular clothes I can pack a pistol and 2 mags concealed. yet thats all my soldiers can fit on their belt in combat gear. I don't equip my troops with pistols because theres no need for a sidearm unless they carry a shield or a rocket launcher at this point. now you might think this is just pointless to worry about but if we had a side arm equipment slot we could make the game more interesting with my next suggestion. 3. weapon malfunctions Add in a small chance for a weapon to malfunction when fired then slightly increase this chance with each shot fired through the weapon on a given mission. soldiers carrying assault rifles, or shotguns (or the equivalent higher tiered weapons) can automatically transition to a sidearm when the weapon malfunctions. (explanation is those weapons are typically used in a sling so the soldier simply drops it and it hangs in front of them while they draw the side arm) then they can clear the jam when they feel its acceptable to spend the tu's to do so. Soldiers carrying machine guns, rocket launchers, or precision rifles on the other hand would still work the same way having to unequip the weapon and pull a side arm manually. Ideally this would require the addition of a lot of artwork (8 images per soldier, per slung weapon, per side arm) a lot of that is just cut out x weapon and replace with y weapon and theres the new image though. Realistically it could work without any additional art as like a weapon swap mechanic when the main weapon jams you equip the sidearm automatically (only for assault rifles and shotguns) Consider it this way, the most memorable thing about a game like this is the fact it keeps us sitting at the edge of our computer chairs nervously wondering whats going to happen next. This is why we play, this is what brings us back again and again. Take that and add to it, a new terror, a new chance for a dramatic comeback or defeat. 4. more crops we don't eat cabbage as much as we did back in '94, its no longer the base of the food pyramid. Seriously though I never understood why the '94 game had cabbage everywhere, corn fields are far more terrifying. I really think #1 would be a great addition, and I imagine a simple one when compared to #s 2 and 3. the next 2 would go hand in hand with each other and I feel greatly add to the suspense and replayability of the game. And lastly #4 is just me being sick of looking at cabbage fields, had enough of that in the '90s. Thank you guys for making a great game, I've been looking forward, for a long time now, for a new version of xcom. One that kept the spirit of the original and the suspense I still remember from it alive.
  20. I have been waiting until now to play xenonauts but have been watching it for over a year now. Having spent almost all day each day for the last 4 days playing I can agree with a number of points on this list. This would be a nice addition to the artwork that is the landing helicopter. just add in 2 pilots in the seats and PLEASE make them able to see things in front or next to the front of the helicopter for us. I would absolutely love a mini map. even a very simple one no thanks, i don't want to micromanage a production division of xenonauts to fund the project. i agree i feel grenades should be able to be thrown farther with greatly reduced accuracy. maybe even add in a soldier stat for grenade accuracy? in RL i am a very good shot with a gun but a terrible shot with a ball they are not one and the same. upping the range to that of the flares while reducing accuracy the farther out would be nice. yes please, one of the only things i liked about the new xcom was that i color coded my team for my ease of identifying them similar to what you see on us aircraft carriers. each role had its own color to id it. i used blue for supportive troops and black for up close and personal assault troops you dont like it when they stand between all your guns and an alien only to die to reaction fire from all the left over tus you have since you chose not to shoot past an idiot civilian the previous turn? I have to agree with you a way to tell a npc that they should go behind you and see them listen would be nice. or just make it to where the ai makes them run from aliens and understand that being behind your troops is the safer location I understand the argument that stepping out shooting and stepping back is the same thing... but its not. if i shoot from around a corner i only expose half to 3/4 my body depending on which side i have to lean(im no good shooting lefty) and if i were to throw a grenade around a corner or into a room (think flashbang when breaching a ufo) I would only bother exposing my arm, toss it around safely then enter. I would settle on the grenade toss around corners added and the ability to strafe so my man with a shield can strafe out from behind a wall not step out exposing his side then get shot. no thanks, too much risk of bad relations with funding nations from left over land mines blowing up school children I would love to be able to cross over the poles somehow seeing as a 3d globe is out of the question in a 2d game. maybe a small ribbon of upside down map could be added to top and bottom of the 2d map to display where you would fly to on the other side if you cut over the op or bottom and just add in a set fuel cost to do so? probobly would prove to complex for it to be a fun addition to the game though I would love to see things like this added in. as much as I love the idea from a realistic perspective, it would not be practical from a design perspective. It would entail too much additional artwork and balancing. damn shame the m203 grenade launcher isnt on the assault rifles but it would be terrible to balance. This would save me a lot of work. currently i bring extra equipment on my backline troops and drop it on the floor in the drop ship on turn 1 incase i need it, i dont usually use rockets but a rocket launcher and a few rockets always end up in my drop ship on the floor incase i want to change one guys role mid fight.maybe add a simple weapon rack to the front section of the drop ship, that you can place a limited number of items in, a few spare weapons, ammo and grenades this is explained as a limitation of needing the increased range of the drop ship in the game. Its part of what makes the game challenging. as much as i could see myself enjoying developing my troops (i enjoyed that part of the new xcom), especially if I were fine tuning them to be specialized in a role such as a sniper, with the larger number of troops this game has compared to the new xcom game it would prove to be far too much micro management. I agree, terror maps should have a lot of dead bodies laying around at the start, some civilians some local troops or cops. maybe a wrecked tank, police car, fire truck, ambulance or downed local helicopter once in a while in the tile sets. and the occasional already dead alien, seriously local forces had to kill something before they were almost completely wiped out right?sorry if my post was terribly long I just felt it made more sense to respond to each idea on its own.
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