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Everything posted by Msvknight

  1. <p><p>Welcome to the forums!</p></p>

  2. take a guess what mine is...................................................
  4. if so can you tell me if I do sign up for it.............. . how much download it uses . and what do they send to your email address? cause I don't want no spam
  5. maybe we'll meet on the line of battle soon Commissar
  6. my best tank is a Lee..................................................
  7. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my god, oh my god,
  8. they could be automated so you don't control them but there scattered around the base. they would be like a machine gun so they would not be very accurate
  9. But guys, was it one of the most controversial games made?
  10. Sir! Were going to be crushed! Wait, what are you doing ARE YOU RESEARCHING DEATH BEFORE DISHONOUR NO! don't you press that butto....OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH GOD!!!! YOU PRESSED IT
  11. I've decided to play Dawn of war Dark crusade again I'm fighting with the First Kronos Imperial Guard Regiment Our commissars are ready to scare the others into a fighting state But we failed to kill our cat enemys [look at picture]
  12. when I say ones like Rome or medieval, I mean the first for Rome because of the dodgy Ai but both for shogun and medieval
  13. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  14. which was is the best?? Sorry its in the wrong thread
  15. Oh god.................... I've started something haven't I.
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