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Everything posted by Moonfire

  1. Workaround: 1. Destroy at least one of the UFOs 2. Retreat 3. Return to finish the job. 4. ???? 5. Profit 6. Rinse 7. Repeat (Steps after 3 are optional)
  2. I seem to recall Chris explaining in another post that this is a placeholder while the new models are being painted
  3. Moonfire


    zzz1010, on page 8 of this thread you posted some very helpful graphics regarding mapping orientation and tile numbering. I think these would be an invaluable reference resource in the wiki sections regarding Mapping and the Level Editor.
  4. This is great, but unfortunately it appears that most or all of zzz1010's downloads are no longer available. Please do keep this up to date as it greatly simplifies the process of finding and adding maps and mods.
  5. I was actually expecting exactly that to happen and I wasn't sure afterwards when it didn't if I was relieved or disappointed
  6. I've had a sniper shoot his buddy in the space next to him when he was clearly out of LOS from the alien I was aiming for a whopping 10 spaces away. I can't count the number of times a grenadier has thrown a frag at his buddy a few spaces in front of him when the alien I'm trying to hit is 2x or more further away. And yes, they do tend to rack up ridiculous numbers of kills. My usual loadout for a team of 12 consists of 2 snipers, 2 grenadier/medics (takes quite a while for them to get the strength to use the Jackal armor and the full compliment of nades and gear), and 8 assault troops. The usual arrangement is one cluster in the front with a sniper front center, grenadier/medic behind, and 4 assault filling the sides, then an identical group in the far back which makes use of the side doors.
  7. I've noticed that some statistics are given in imperial measures and others in metric. It would really help to have them all be the same system. My preference would be metric.
  8. I also encountered this bug in a terror mission and also have a saved game with it. I noticed the soldier isn't able to see anything, but is able to use equipped items. I was, however, able to free him by throwing a grenade and blowing up the wall (which incidentally should actually be a door) in front of him, though he took a fair amount of damage for this. Edit: I was also able to free him without injury by shooting through the wall with his firearm.
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