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  1. This mod looks real promising. Good job, man.
  2. OMG THE FEMALES NOW HAVE BOOBS? THIS CANNOT BE!!!!!!!!! Seriously... People these days are getting offended over nothing. Calling a mod shameless when they're the ones clicking the link to come in.
  3. How about Michael Bay Weaponry? What about Total Annihilation?
  4. Wow, this looks like a great mod. (Especially since you added in a G11, which is my favourite prototype gun.) I'll definitely be using this in my future playthroughs. Gotta have to play the vanilla style Xenonauts game first to properly appreciate the mod after I add it in.
  5. Seconding this! It's an apostasy that the game doesn't have 1. I'm standing by the words "There is no kill like OVERKILL."
  6. Hi to everyone here. Backed the game in KS. But didn't played the game once (though I did install it) before release due to WORK (evil work i tell ya). So after getting kicked outta my job finally found the time to play it. Having a hell of a time playing it too. PS. Anyone knows if there's a way to make my squad of soldiers face 2 different directions during deployment from Shrike?
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