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Everything posted by svidangel

  1. Hmm, failed at title. Anyway, just made another 0% (listed in red) shot from across half the map. I notice that other times if I should have no chance it simply doesn't list a percentage, and in those cases I miss wildly. Red 0% seems damn likely
  2. Another chinook exit, this time I can get out but as you can see the path isn't probably intended to work. Note that I CAN exit out the back normally as well. And I can also walk my troops straight out the front of the chinook, passing through the cockpit.
  3. I just made 2 shots in a row with a shotgun at "0%" listed hit chance next to the aiming icon over the alien. I'm not sure if this aiming percentage means what I think it means, but 0% seems pretty severe to make twice in a row. And yes I'm having fun now that I have a system for uploading images... Image shows right after the second shot hit, and I put the path to the alien for the best guess at distance.
  4. My hunter has been unable to exit the back of the chinook on EVERY middle east map, the exit always in the south east direction as shown. [16.5]
  5. On the upside, farm roads show up for me now! On the downside whatever selection method is being used for the tiles next to the intersections isn't working so well. Not sure if it's worth fixing at this point but... first try at uploading an image GO. Oh good, that worked
  6. Hmm, and it looks like as of 16.5 the Esc key still isn't exiting the combat options menu. At least not for me
  7. Actually, on this topic, burst fire is VERY strange looking. Having one part of a burst fire go straight at and kill the target, while another goes off at a 45 degree angle is... not only unrealistic but I'm pretty sure nothing like that happened in the original xcom. Anyway, I definitely agree that the wide angle missed look ridiculous and are in no way credible (even revolutionary war antiques would have trouble making those angles), but as to whether there is a reasonably simple solution while not near guaranteeing certain hits... not so sure.
  8. Ah, browsing through and found this. Was thinking about it from a different perspective. Night missions don't seem to have the same feel as they did in the original, and I think it has to do with the visual range vs lighting range. Possibly because the sight range is so short (shorter I think than in the original?) night missions don't really feel "worse" or "scarey" like they used to. I tried using flares once at night and... they didn't really do anything since I could see about as far as I could throw the flare, and if I threw the flare any farther... the flare was blacked out by the fog of war leading to some weird lighting on the tiles.
  9. Yes, I've noticed this as well. Haven't seen aliens change type but in 16.5 I've seen ... ah, caeseans? that look and die like xcom troops. It was kind of odd.
  10. No, it asks you where the game is when you run it. Though you've probably noticed that now And yes, if you try to run the patcher again it will tell you it has already been patched.
  11. I just wanted to approve of the post title.
  12. Fairly often I use the "tail until over land" option before shooting down craft. Seeing as they usualling do a 180 to shoot back, I was wondering about the possibility for a shore map. I know not all shores are beaches, and at 2300km/hr you would get pretty far from the beach fairly quickly (despite turning back around)... but I think it might be a nice touch for a variant map that includes a mix of a water tile, desert tiles, and some farmland. I'm not sure how difficult this would be, technically... but given how often I'm shooting them down right at the edge of the water it might be a nice way to expand the variety of maps without too much of a new tile set.
  13. Just want to add a +1 for the idea of destructable corpses/equipment in exchange for ah, bigger booms. This might also make it easier to plow through small UFOs later on when you don't feel the need to min-max your profits, or want to risk veteran soldiers breaching something when you are rolling in the dough. I'd also be fine with the highest tier weapons (plasma again I guess?) having a chance to destroy... more than other tiers. If you choose not to use it, better chance at cash for min-maxing. By the time you have it though, you probably don't NEED the cash and might want to simply "killemall" as fast as possible. Plus (and I haven't gotten very far) I definitely think higher tiers should have a greater chance for a stray shot to destroy an alien power core/nav computer.
  14. Yeah, even so the later combat didn't seem all that bad. The extra HP on the sectoids etc right at the start, the extra panic level the world starts with, and the lowered HP of the starting rookies are mostly what I noticed. Just made the rush to full satellite coverage more painful.
  15. Impossible was harder to get things going in the first months. After about month 3 it wasn't too different from any other difficulty level. The change in hitpoints is negligible once you have the full squad and the best gear, and in the Temple ships some of the enemies don't even have the impossible level HP.
  16. Well, there was the possibility of using other options in the meta game... like sacrificing South America HARD in the first month because you knew you could build two satellites to cover it by the end of the month. And then use the bonus to get free interrogation 50% off research bonuses from everything you captured/capture in the next month. But other than that... pretty much yeah. How much can you afford to not spend on satellites? Impossible was "entertaining" as a technical challenge. But not really entertaining.
  17. Not sure if it helps, but the crashes seem to happen on the same turn unless I manage to blitz and wipe the aliens out. I can spread out for two turns and maybe see an alien, CTD at the end of turn two. Or I load the autosave and just leave everyone inside the chinook. Same result, CTD end of turn two. If I can manage to kill the aliens before the end of the turn it crashes, I seem to get by.
  18. The workaround might have been flawed! The soldiers never arrived, and when I tried to transfer soldiers to the base (unfortunately saved the game while they were in transit) the game now crashes shortly after their arrival almost no matter what I did. The only way I could manage to continue the game was to immediately send the troops back to my first base. Very strange.
  19. And throwing out another idea, I'd love it if the popup for the new alien craft being detected were... somewhere other than the center of the screen. It may just be that I shouldn't have picked my base in Northern Africa, but 90% of the time I have to drag it around to see where the UFOs actually spawn. Maybe something like a highlight around the edges of the screen, and then the popup window along the bottom, the center of where the Radar Ranges checkbox is.
  20. Yep, totally agree, and I'll add that where the shots seem to suddenly "drop" and hit the ground seems a bit off as well...
  21. Clicking escape to exit the selection of troops when you are selecting your hired troops also seems to cause CTD.
  22. I found a workaround for this of sorts, not sure if it helps. No amount of reloading or exiting the game fixed the problem. However I found that I could start a new game, which allowed me to purchase soldiers. Then I could load my other saved game from within that game and once again be able to hire soldiers.
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