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Everything posted by Guyver

  1. how you deal with 1 corvette and 2 fighter escorts? i can deal a corvette with zomgwtfit avalanche missiles from 3 mig32, but then the fighters will kill my helpless migs with their aliens missiles! tactic retreat and a second squad of f17 to pursue the fighters? also, it's normal that ONLY scout ufo leave a crash zone? i'm sure to bringing it down, even with cannons, to not completely destroy the corvette/fighter ufo.
  2. also recharging your missile launcher or equipping a grenade... very frustrating while you cant save on ground missions.
  3. but its nonsense... some people can update it and some not? why some geographical server got something that one doesn't have?
  4. Guyver

    XCOM Delayed

    because the higher-ups are dumbass not knowing the gamers desires; the developer just follow their directives and names. i'm still waiting X-Com: Genesis.
  5. it's the best idea i ever heard about the equip system! instead of saving that profile for that soldier, you save a specific-labeled profile for a quick switch! ahhh... too much nights at changing equipments in base defense missions, on apocalypse, when the corporations turns over you... that would come handy!
  6. thanks, now it works! tested the alpha and it was really fun and "x-com" like, can't wait to try the v.8!
  7. aww... my badge isn't active.. maybe it's because i've registered after the payment?
  8. amazing! i was watching the game for almost an year, and look where you are now... just preordered the premium edition.
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